Amethyst (2)~The boat girl

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~I love this picture of Amethyst and Pearl,~(~^-^)~


I wake up and stretch.

"That was a good sleep, huh ~YN~?"

I ask the air. I look all around me. "~YN~??" I get up, shaking. "where did you go!?"

I get up. "Oh crud, I killed her already!"

I then realized I haven't told the others. After I found her, I couldn't bring myself to poof and bubble her, so I let her sleep here.

And now she's dead probably.

Because of me.


I quickly shape-shift into a wolf. I jump up to Steven's room.

I shape-shift back into myself and look everywheres.

Suddenly, Pearl comes into the room. "Hey," i quickly say, lying down next to Steven.

Pearl gives me a weird look as she holds her laundry-basket onto one of her hips, but she shakes it off.

"What are you doing?"

I shrug. "Just wanted to wake Steven up."

Pearl sets the basket down.

"Listen, I'm really sorry about yesterday. I should have known that your intentions were good, and I'm really sorry."

I wince suddenly.


Before I had gone looking for abandoned gems, Pearl had gotten into a fight with me. Something stupid again. I just left.

I don't want Pearl to cry about it, and I do forgive her, appreciating the apology, but my thoughts are all about finding ~YN~.

But, I do say, "Thanks, I appreciate it."

I quickly chuckle to cover myself. Pearl gives me another look, then smiles at me.

"Great, mission later?" She asks. I nod.

"sounds good." I click my tongue and wink at her.

She rolls her eyes, smiles, and walks into the other room.

I sigh and flop onto Steven's bed. I hear a mumbled, oof!

I look at the blanket. ~YN~ is there, laying on the bed, rubbing her head.



I wince.


She sits up.

"I was scared that, you know, that you got eaten by, like, Lion, or something," I say, laughs in between.

Lion looks up at me. "No offense," I mumble. He falls back asleep.

"Are you ok?"

She nods.

Then her expression turns sad.

"I just...I miss my dad, you know? We were lost in a boat for got capsized...I got poofed..and now..." She looks down.

", be right back."

I run over towards the warp-pad, and I bang my fists on the gem room doors. I shout Garnet's name repeatedly.

Finally, she opens her door.

"What?" She asks.

I point to the smaller girl sitting on Steven's bed.

"She needs to find her dad."

Garnet stares up at the girl, then at me.

"How old are you?"


"Come on then."


The three of us look all around at the debris of the boat by the shore where I found her gem. Some of the pieces slosh against the shoreline.

Garnet bends down to inspect the inside of the boat. Nothing but dripping inside and tattered scarred edges.

She sighs and stands up.

"Where do you think your dad'll be?" Garnet asks ~YN~. She shrugs. I look around at my reflection, making a weird face.

"Amethyst..." Garnet warns.

"Sorry," i mumble, rolling my eyes.

Then, without warning, ~YN~ jumps into the water. We see her swimming at the murky bottom of the sea.

It's pretty shallow, so she moves her arms swiftly before she finally gets out into the open water. We see her feet finally disappear.

We wait for a while.

I sit by the shore picking at the pebbles and sea-foam lapping at my feet and ankles, and Garnet continues to inspect the boat.

Finally, she resurfaces, taking in a giant breath, before shaking her head and laughing. She then holds up an arm that is not her own.

"I found him!" She splashes around in the waves, then diving back underneath. She resurfaces near the shallower end.

She turns around and pulls a body towards the sand. She strains and pulls desperately on the arm. Garnet helps.

Finally., the entire body surfaces, so suddenly that it knocks ~YN~ and Garnet backwards. " this your dad?" I ask.

~YN~ gasps, breathes for a moment, then nods.

Garnet decides that we can bring him to the hospital, and ~YN~ can stay with us for a while.

"Ok cool, that means she can go on missions and stuff."

Garnet turns around.

"Amethyst, you can take care of her."

"WHAT!?" I shout. "Why me!?"

Garnet shrug.

"You found her."

~YN~ looks up at me and just smiles.

I then see a look of calm in her eyes, not the nervous whimpering eyes that she had earlier.

I notice then as she walks away...

...oh duh...of course...that's because her dad's ok, that I'll be looking after her, that she at least has someone.

I inhale, whimper slightly, and follow her back to the warp-pad.

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