Chapter 1

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So I'm Carly Copper. Ya, sounds weird doesn't it? Anywho, I'm a pretty awesome person. I'm the main character of this story if you didn't know by now.

I have brown hair and blue eyes. My hairs pretty long. My favorite color is orange, like sunset orange. I live in New York City with my parents.

Please do not get me started on my parents. They're horrible people, trust me. Doing drugs, lil bit abusive, and they've never been caught. Want to know why? Because I have no friends to tell and get help with. No one at my school really cares for me. Since no one cares, I'm into a little bit of bad things. I've vandalized the school, broke lights on the school, houses, stores, (ect.) and I actually do a lot of graffiti now that I think of it. I'm not to bad, luckily.
Now time for the story!

I'm sitting in my room with one headphone in because my parents aren't home and I need to know when they are. I hear a knock on the door and I'm curious to who it is. I get off my bed and run down the hall to the apartment door. I pick up a few beer bottles on the way and chuck them in the trash.

I open the door to find a cop?
"Uhh hi?" I said looking at him. His tag says 'Officer Parker'.
"Hello ma'am, are you Carly Copper?" He asked with an almost sad expression on his face.
"Uhh, ya? And you look like you're Officer Parker."
"Yes. I'd like to come in for a moment with my colleague Jimmy, if that's ok with you?"
I stand behind the door a bit,
"Cmon in?" I'm so suspicious.
Did my parents get caught doing drugs finally? Maybe they were at Don's house doing drugs and they all got caught! I sure hope so. They need help.

Don is my parents druggy friend. He sells Coke and meth. He also does them with my parents all the time.

"Well, I'm Jimmy, and I'd like to tell you something you might want to sit down for." He glances at the chair in front of them.
I sit down and look at them both intrigued.
"So what do you want?"
"Well, your parents over dosed on Cocain with a man you might know, his name was Don. They're all dead. I'm sorry miss." Parker said.
"As am I." Jimmy put his head down.
"You know, I'm almost okay with that. But I did love them and they were my parents so I'll be sad of course. See this black eye? It's my dad's. And this split lip is my moms." I look hard at them.
"Well, you're going to be moving to California with your moms childhood friend. It was in the note we found at the scene of their death. They might've over dosed on purpose." Parker glumly said.

My jaw dropped. California?? Wow, across the fucking country.
"We had called her and they bought you a first class ticket for tomorrow, we will escort you to the airport with your most valued belongings then give her the money your parents had for you for your future." Jimmy looked at me with no expression.
"We'll be back tomorrow, goodnight Ms. Copper." He nodded and walked out the door with Parker.



How do you like the story so far?
Was it ok that the story started off as it is? I hope it's ok :)

Ok now imma go write more shit for you people!


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