Chapter 13

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This bitch Tasha ^^^ lol.  
Song- Cardiac Arrest by Bad Suns

She greeted him with blowing a kiss and scowling at me.
He stopped just out of earshot of her and looked at me quickly saying,
"That's my ex, don't be jealous and ignore her, she's probably just going to try and hurt you ok. Just get in the car and I will too."

I ran to the passenger side and got in as he ran to the drivers side running past her. He put the key in and locked the doors.
"Well that went way better then expected." He chuckled.
"Ya it did. What's her issue?" I ask hoping it wasn't a big deal with her. I really hate ex drama. Or girlfriend dram, just drama in general. I mean, that wasn't a good run in with Sandra in the lunchroom.

"Well she cheated on me and begged me to take her back and I thought she stopped. I think I was wrong." He looked down at the pedals and I grabbed his hand planting a kiss on it trying to cheer him up. Gladly it worked and he bit his lip. Boy was that sexy!

"Ok so the plan is when she gets off my damn car we'll leave." He bit his lip again. I'm guessing he does that when he's thinking.
"Wait I have a better idea. Don't worry." He smiled at me and buckled his seat belt as did I.

He opened his window and stuck his head out.
"Come here Tasha." O god she sounds like a bitch already. I had a really bad run ins with Tasha's before and they were horrible.
She smirked and walked over. He quickly backed up away from her while the tires screeched and flipped her off. I bursted out laughing as I watched her stamp her foot on the ground like a 5 year old. No offense Chad.

Andy grabbed my hand as he drove to The Johnson's house. I feel uncomfortable calling it my house. He planted as kiss on my hand, another, and a few more. I blushed a deep red and he chuckled with a smirk.

"It's fun to make you blush you know?" He stole a quick glance at me then turned back to the road. I blushed even harder making him chuckle with a smirk.
"You're so rude." I giggle. Ugh I giggled, I use to hate giggling but I can't help it around Andy. He just, ughhhhhhh!!!

"Do you mind if I take a quick run to the store before I drop you off?" He glanced at me again then brushed his fringe out of his eyes a bit.
"O sure." He took a few more left and right turns and we arrived at Target. O yay, target! •_•

He parked the car and opened my door without getting out.
"Excuse my reach." He winked and I blushed a bit more. ;3
We got out and head into the store with and arm over my shoulder and and arm around his waist. I grab a cart and he points out where to go. He got a few boxes of cereal, 2 jugs of milk, bread, ham, cheese, mayo, and some mustard. He also put a carton of eggs in the cart and some butter.

"That's all I need in the house so let's check out." He said smiling at me and we go to the checkout stands. We put everything on the belt and it gets scanned. The checkout lady looked super young, like a 19 year old girl, maybe younger. She gave Andy a flirty smile and winked. He had a look of pure disgust and I laughed way harder then I should have. She looked at me and sneered then back at him and winked again with a smirk. Why does he have to be so hot that apparently every girl wants him! It's really annoying.

She scanned the last item and placed it in a bag and Andy set it in the cart.
"That will be $36.89." She had the highest voice I've ever heard. Like holy shit, calm you're vocal cords bitch. Damn...

He gave her a $50 bill and she gave him back the change with a piece of paper.
Andy handed me the paper and I laughed so hard. All it said was Sarah-1288374285
I ripped it in half and Andy made sure she was looking then put his hand behind my neck and kissed me passionately in front of her and slipped a little tongue in. I could her her scoff and she probably rolled her eyes.

We laughed and headed to his car. We put it in his trunk then he put the cart in one of the parking lot racks. (Do any of you know what they're called?) I got in the passenger side and he got into the drivers side and pulled out onto the road.

He grabbed my hand while driving and planted a soft kiss on it. He held my hand for the rest of the ride to The Johnson's house. He pulled through the front gates and into the drive way.
"I'll see you at school tomorrow." I said as I was about to get out of the car. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back into the seat.
"You forgot something." He smirked holding up my bag. I giggled and grabbed it then kissed him. He kissed back and that lasted about a minute then I got out and shut the door. I was at the door and he was still there. He waved and pulled out as I walked in.

"CARLY!!!" I could hear Chad running from upstairs. I chuckled at him and he stopped in front of me giving me a weird look.
"That's a boy shirt." He said pointing at my shirt. Well it's Andy's but whatever.
"Yes it is but that's our little secret ok?" I said picking him up and putting him on my hip. He smiled and nodded. Such a cute kid. He hugged me and then I set him down.
"I'm gonna take a shower and I'll see you later bud." I poked his nose and went upstairs into my room throwing my stuff on my bed and going directly into my bathroom making sure to lock the door.

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