Chapter 18

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I just liked the picture but didn't really care for the words in the picture because they have nothing to do with the chapter so keep reading Bruh

Andy locks our bedroom door and I grab a pair of pj shorts and a shirt. I walk into the bathroom, shut the door, set my clothes on the counter, and turn on the shower. Yes, I did remember undergarments luckily! I ditch my swimsuit and hop into the shower washing my hair. I hear a knock on the door.
"Can I use the bathroom?" Andy asked. I chuckled and answered yes. He came in and did his business. He left back into the room. I finish my shower and put my clothes on. I walk out of the bathroom and Andy goes in. I hear the shower come on and I'm guessing he's in the shower now.

I lay down on the bed and think about what happened with Carter. Why would he do that? I mean, he's a good person and all but he just has some issues with staying away from me. I still like him but when I heard about Sandra I was so sad. I have Andy now, I shouldn't be thinking of Carter with his soft, warm lips. O god, I'm turning mushy!! Nooooo!!!!

Andy comes out of the bathroom with just boxers and lays down next to me. He spoons me, me being the smaller spoon, and we go to bed.


I think Andy has morning wood. Does every guy wake up with morning wood? Jeez, boys you need to calm yourselves. I felt a little sore from last night but I'll be fine, it's not too bad.

I decide to be rude and I turn around to face Andy, I flick his wood and he groans.
"Why did you do that?" He grumbled.
"Because I woke up with it touching me." He smirked and I got up after he let me go. I walk over to the door and turn back to Andy.
"By the time I get back that better be gone." I said and walked out of the room. I walked upstairs and grabbed a bottle of water. I opened it and drank some. I went back downstairs to find Andy jacking off. Whatever, I did say to get rid of it.


We had done pretty much nothing today. The boys tossed a football around while the girls sat on chairs that were on the porch. We talked the day away. We made sure for everyone to get a few extra hours of sleep when they finished playing so we could stay up later without being tired.

We had found and empty place that was basically a dirt floor with trees around. No grass. We had these weird smoke sticks. They gave off colored smoke if you lit them. It was sunset and was the perfect time to do it. Gail sat down because her feet hurt from walking. The rest of us swirled the smoke sticks around and it was pretty amazing.

"I wonder what should happen if we lit it from the wrong side." Cole asked Josh. He shrugged and they proceeded to light it on the wrong side. The smoke stick exploded into red smoke and got everywhere. Everyone was crying in laughter when the smoke cleared. Josh and Cole had red powder on them. Luckily you could just dust it off.


We had decided to light a bonfire at midnight. We had a huge bonfire going and the couples were around the fire. We had brought tents, blankets, and pillows so we could spend the night outside. It was really peaceful.

Soon 3am came and we took out the fire. Everyone got into their tents and just hung out. There was a lot of giggling coming from Josh and Gail's tent. Me and Andy laughed at it and went back to silent. From Ashley and Cole's tent we could hear them making out.
"Get some Cole!!" Andy yelled.
"Not cool dude!" I could hear Josh yell with laughter.
"Cmon guys!" Cole yelled in annoyance. We heard them stop making out me some whispers. More giggles were at Josh and Gail's. Our tent was quiet, I don't know why. It was a comfortable silence luckily.

I was laying my head on his bare chest dragging my nails softly across his stomach. He swatted my hand every time I got to close to his happy trail. I was just doing it to annoy him and it was quite funny.
"Will you stop?" He whispered. As my answer I dragged my nails towards his happy trail again and he swatted me away again.

"If you don't stop I'll make you." He growled with a smirk. I chuckled to myself and did it again. He didn't stop me but he did push my hand lower onto him.

I jerked him off that night. I actually took control of something! He had moaned in my ear a lot. He accidentally moaned my name really loudly and the rest of them laughed.

"Goodnight Andy." I said.
"Goodnight babe." He said back and we went to sleep.


I decided I was going to be a bitch this morning to Andy. I woke him up by grinding on him and giving him a boner. He whined when I he realized I planned it. I gave his neck a very noticeable hickey as well. He was gonna get me back later probably but whatever. I shrugged it off and packed our things. Everyone was just waking up to because the sun was so bright. 

We followed the trail back to Ashley's uncles house after everyone got their things cleaned up. When we got back I made pancakes and bacon for everyone. After the breakfast everyone took a shower. Andy had surprised me when I was taking my shower. He came and took a shower with me then teased me a lot but he just made himself turned on too. So we had shower sex then we actually got clean and dressed.

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