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~ Jennifers POV

To Jack-
Haha shutup you loser.
- From Jennifer

To Jennifer -
Call me daddy ;)
- From Jack

To Jack -
Yeah sure, daddy, I gtg. My mom just got back from work.
- From Jennifer

To Jennifer -
Fine but text me later, I'll miss you ;) <3333
- From Jack

To Jack -
Let's Skype later, please!
- From Jennifer

To Jennifer -
I can't :/ my phone doesn't have a camera.
- From Jack

To Jack -
Whatever, bye ://
- From Jennifer

I locked my phone and shoved it into my back pocket and walked downstairs to the kitchen.

Jack doesn't want to Skype because his phone doesn't have a camera?


Then how does he take his pictures?
How does he manage to have an Instagram account?

Honestly, I'm tired of all the lies, I need a break.

I shoved a piece of chicken into my mouth as my mom talked about work.

She's a surgeon at San Diego Hospital. As she spoke to me about a sick patient, I zoned out.

I started talking to Jack three years ago, in 2012, when he requested me on Instagram.

He 'slid' into my dms and I thought he was attractive. But now he can't even call me or try to video chat.

Some days I feel like I can go without him, but I can't.

He got me through when my twin brother, Jason, died.

He helped me cope when I didn't have anybody.

My mom was too busy organizing his funeral to even care about my feelings.

Jack has been there for me ever since.

"So, who's Jack?" My mom interrupted my thoughts.

I gave her a cheeky smile.
"This guy who lives in Omaha, Nebraska."

"How do you know him?" She asked.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance because I have explained this to her multiple times.

I rejected my response and got up to wash my plate.

"Again, how do you know him?" She sat in her chair and tapped the table with her pointer finger clearing her throat.

See, she does this when she's 'angry'.

"Shutup Mom." I continued to walk upstairs.

"He's no good for you Jennifer. He's a liar! I promise you." She yelled.

"It's not my fault your marriage didn't work out."

She continued to yell at me from the bottom of the stairs. I shook my head in disapproval.

He's not lying.

I can trust him.

He's real.


The next morning I slid into white ripped jeans and a camo green t shirt. I grabbed my white vans and ran downstairs into my car.

The drive was short to Emily's house as G Eazy softly played in the background. I drove into her drive way and stepped out of the car.

I rang the doorbell and waited a few seconds.

"The door's open!" Someone yelled from inside.

"EMILY." I yelled into my best friends empty house.

"Jennnnnnifeeeeeeeer." She yelled as she ran down the stairs in all black.

"Hey bitch." I embraced her in a tight hug because I haven't seen my best friend in the last 24 hours.

"Is Dylan here?" I asked.

"He's always here." She said as she walked into the kitchen to get a bag of chips. I walked upstairs to Emily's room and found Dylan laying in bed shirtless.

"Umm, where's your shirt." I laughed at his weak excuse of a six pack.

"Sorry." He put on his shirt and got up to give me a hug.

"So, are you and Emily, uh like, a thing now or do you just lay shirtless in her bed now?" He cocked his head up and turned red.

"We, uh. Were not official but yesterday I came over for Netflix and we didn't really watch anything." He stuttered through his sentence but I knew what he meant.

Emily and Dylan have been my best friends since the second grade when they decided to share their crayons with me because I had broken mine the day before.

Emily and Dylan have always had something, they just never became official because of their friendship.

If they asked me, I'd say they'd make total adorable babies together, too bad they use condoms.

"So how's Jack?" Emily asked as she walked back into the room eating chips.

"He's Jack. We just argue more often than usual. Mostly because he can't Skype because his phone doesn't have a camera? I don't know."

Dylan and Emily exchanged a glance and looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You my friend are being catfished." Emily said laughing into my soul.

"He says he can't video chat? But he takes pictures and manages an Instagram account? He's probably telling the truth which is a pretty much negative percent or he's hiding his real 63 year old self behind a cellphone screen being a perv. You choose." Dylan shrugged as he dug his hand into the bag of chips.

"Guys. He's not. He can't. I trust him okay, I- I just know okay." I shook my head.

I knew there was a possibility he can't be real.

But I can't say that.

I can't let myself think that.

"Then find him. Find him and bring him here." Dylan said.

"Deal. Because when I bring him back, it'll be the guy in the pictures. I promise." I wasn't so sure about that myself.

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