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March 19, 2016

My days have gone by faster, everyday I miss Jack more. The feeling of it being my fault is still there.

I put him behind bars. And thanks to me he's rotting in a cold cell wearing a scrappy orange jumpsuit.
I sat on my bed crying for the millionth time this past month.

I don't know what I'm going to do, I can't do this on my own. The judge will already have way more than enough evidence to keep Jack in jail for another few years which breaks my heart. I can't take help from Dylan or Emily as they're both moving to Hollywood in a couple of weeks because Dylan got a part in an MTV TV show.

He's gonna play a wolves sidekick in a show called Teen Wolf. I was ecstatic for him, he's wanted this big break for so long ever since we were kids. Emily got a job to work with Tyra Banks as a makeup artist for a new clothing line.

And I'm still here.

Stuck in this city.


My mom is in New Jersey, giving speeches, and unfortunately I'm still here.


With a baby who's father won't be there for its first years, hell a baby who's father who doesn't even know he or she even exists!

I wonder how he's gonna react, if he's gonna want to put effort or if he's gonna break up with me.

Fuck, I wonder if he even loves me anymore after what I did to him. I buried my face into my knees and cried until there were no tears to spill out.

I rolled over to my bed side table and received a text from an unknown number.

'You want to talk? Come to Saint Blvd 2365 at 10 PM. Come alone.' - 2731738989

I furrowed my eyebrows at who it could've been. As I typed in a response of 'who are you' my phone began to shut down and restart.

I tossed it back onto my bed and looked at the time. It was 2 PM, I got up from my bed and walked to my closet and slipped on ripped jeans a hoodie and my white converse. Grabbing my phone I walled out of the house and into my car.

Today was the day that I would find out the gender of my baby. Sweat trickled down the cracks of my hands as I gripped the steering wheel. Emily would meet me at the appointment for support.


"Its cold." I muttered as the doctor rubbed the stick over my barely shown stomach. I felt Emily's fingers squeeze my hand as the doctor looked into the screen.

"I-is that the heart?" A beating sound came from the machine as I felt my stomach flutter as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Oh my god! Jennifer!" She smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek as well.

"Your baby is healthy. Everything looks good. Now would you like to know the gender, or?" He asked staring at me as I nodded furiously at him.

"Okay so, Jennifer, Emily, you two will be receiving a girl in 6 months. Congratulations!" He grinned at us both as we bursted into tears and laughter.

"She's my best friend, we're not together." Emily laughed.

"Oh, my apologies." He smiled and walked out of the room.

"Its a girl! Jennifer I'm so happy for you!" She squealed as she jumped around.

"Thank you! What's her name gonna be?" I questioned.

"You remember when we were in second grade, Ms.West made us write a list of our goals in the future and you wrote you wanted to have a baby girl named Isabella?" I nodded at the memory of that day.

"Isabella Gilinsky Castellanos" I smiled as I held my stomach.

"I hope Jack likes it." I sighed as Emily rubbed my hand.

A few minutes later we made several calls to reveal the gender of the baby. Words couldn't describe how happy I was in that moment.

If only Jack was here.

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