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March 19, 2016 10 PM

I stepped around the corner to 2635 and found myself cold and alone in a dark alley. I shoved my hands in my sweater pockets and leaned against the brick walls as the wind blew my hair back. A couple feet away I noticed a black figure coming my way.

I gripped onto the metal tube in my hand and was ready to pepper spray the shit out of whoever it was.

The figure stood in front of me and I whipped out my hand holding it in front of me. The figure threw his hands up in surrender.

"Aye, chill. Its me Aaron." I settled and put my arm down.

"I'm sorry for making you leave. I want to tell you why I came here." He stuttered taking of his hood.

"Go on." I said.

"When I was four, my dad left me on the side of a road in Nebraska. I got put into adoption or whatever three months later. But when I was 18 and free I wanted to find my birth father. He told me when he had me I was given custody to him because my mother was an alcoholic. She mentally unstable. He took me in, until I was four. He left me on the side of the road the night killed a lady for her money when he was drunk. He got arrested. I found out that my birth mother was still alive and healthy. She had twins. A boy and a girl." My eyebrows furrowed as to why he stopped.

"I found out my birth name was Jason Castellanos. That could've been me. I could've had his life! I tracked down the kids and found what they looked like and they lived in San Fransisco, California." My heart dropped at how much of a coincidence this was.

"One day I was on the job and I saw Jason. I was angry. I was so so angry that I was neglected by my mother and abandoned and this kid came and took that from me!" He yelled and kicked a nearby trash can.

"God damn it that could've been me!" He paced back and forth.

"And so I met who he worked for, the red gang? I forgot. But they told me about their plan to kill him. And I told them I'd make it look like an accident to the police if I got assigned that case. And I did." A ball formed in my throat as my chest sunk in.

"Jennifer, I came to San Fransisco after that because I wanted to see what my life could've been like. Growing up I was shit to everybody. My life was taken from me. I'm sorry." He came closer to me as I looked away. Tears streamed down my face as my knees became weak.

"Why? How could you do that?" I sniffled and glared at him.

"You piece of shit! Answer me!" I yelled at him as he took a few steps back.

"That's all I had to say." He muttered and started to walk away.
Farther down his image got smaller until he was no longer seen.
I dropped to my knees against the brick wall and let myself break.

Jason never did anything to deserve what he got. He was my brother. Not a monster. He was the sweetest guy on earth. I shook my head and got up from the cold ground shaking as I took each step back to my house.

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