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"You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without an attorney present, you will still have the right to stop answering at any time until you talk to an attorney. Knowing and understanding your rights as I have explained them to you, are you willing to answer my questions without an attorney present?" The officer muttered into Jack's ear. His face was drained.

Pale as I could say, he was scared.

I rushed myself to his side as tears ran down my face.

"Jack, Jack I'm sorry." I said to him clinging onto his torso.

"Ma'am please let go of him." An officer behind me grabbed my arms separating me from Jacks torso.

"Jen-." He yelled as they rushed him out of his room. 

"Jennifer I'm sorry." He yelled as he was shoved down the stairs.

Johnson watched in disbelief and so did I. I ran after him, sprinting down the stairs may I add.

My heart pounded, I was ready to explode any second.

I ran outside, the moonshine hitting a glow on Jacks features as I hurried to his side as he ducked his head into the back of the police car.

I placed my hand on the window and felt my stomach flip. Tears strolled down his face as I dropped to my knees.

As dramatic as it sounds.

I put him in that position.

Officers conversed around me as I felt arms wrap around my shoulders.

"Its okay, Jennifer its okay." Dylan whispered into my ear cooing me as I cried into his chest.

Emily was talking to Detective Parrish as Johnson cried furiously on the porch.

I did this.

I caused this.

Its my fault.

I felt myself stand up into Dylans chest as his arms gripped around my shoulders as I cried into his chest.

"This is my fault." I choked out.

"No Jennifer it's not. Jack got caught up with something dangerous, it's his fault." He cooed into my ear.
I shook my head as I wiped my tears with the palms of my hands, trying to get myself together. I walked over to Johnson.

"I'm sorry." I muttered as I couldn't look into his face.

"Don't be. It's not your fault. Jack was messed up for a long time. You will get through this." He sniffled.

"What about Natalia, and Madison?" I asked.

"They arrested them to, they also cuffed some other guys that helped that night. Everyone responsible is in questioning now. It'll be okay. Jack will get through this." He assured me and gave me a tight hug before walking back into his house.

"Come on, let's get you home." Emily rested her arm around my shoulder leading me to her car. I stayed quiet leaving me with my thoughts. As much as I didn't want to believe it, it was my fault. I watched as the police lights diminished further away from me as I sat silently in the back seat as Emily drove her car and Dylan in the passengers seat.
"Can we go to the police station please." I muttered. Emily looked at me through the mirror of the car and nodded.

"Your mother is there." Emily said.

I didn't answer.

What more could I say?

I basically already ruined Jacks life, there was no more damage to be done at this point.

I sighed resting my head against the window as we swerved into the police stations parking lot. Dylan came to my side and opened my door. Walking into the cold building I walked up to the blonde desk lady.
"I'm here to see Jack Gilinsky." I said.
"He's in questioning, you may wait." She responded without looking away from her computer.

In another room I could see Natalia and Madison sitting on a bench with their wrists cuffed as they glared at me. The other guys who were also in the video sat across from them, one of them looking very frightened and another smirking at me.
The front door burst open and my mother ran to my side.
"Hey, are you okay?" She asked pressing a kiss to my temple as I nodded. I held her hand as she sat next to me.

"This isn't your fault. Everything's going to be okay. Who would've thought, this all happened so fast." She sniffled and I nodded.

I didn't want to speak. I didn't know what to say. Everyone in the room was solemnly here for me. For my well being and I was the only one here for Jack including Johnson.

"Jennifer Castellanos." An officer appeared from the door on the right as I stood up walking towards him.

"Follow me." I nodded at his gesture and followed him into a room where I saw Detective Parrish and Jack sitting at a table in the middle.
The guard escorted Jack out of the room as he bent over to kiss my temple a tear ran down my cheek.

"They all confessed. Jennifer, Jack will go to jail. Your court date is on March 31. A month from now." I tried to keep the ball in my throat down as I heard his words.

"On the court date we have enough evidence to prove Jack guilty, he'll spend time in jail. A couple years, or as much as the judge calls for." Detective Parrish said.

"Throughout this time I have to be checking up on you and informing you on everything, call me Aaron. My name is Aaron Parrish." I cocked my head up at him as I recognized his name.

He was the guy Jack used to catfish me.

He was the detective on the scene when Jason was hit.

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