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I pressed play to continue the video.
'Son chill, this shit is fucked up in general. This is family type shit. We can't do this' Jacks voice was heard.

'Shut the fuck up Jack, you know what you were getting into when you joined. Grow some balls. Stop being a fucking pussy and go with it damn it. Isn't this what you wanted. Jack were 16 for Christ's sake! You wanted gang bangers type shit? You wanted your good boy reputation changed to a bad boy? Well this is what you get. Suck it up. Grow some balls and then complain some.' The blonde boy rolled his eyes.

Jack stood quiet.  The video still rolling as I heard some twigs crack.

'Its done. He's high someone take me home.' Madison came back yo the fire pit and the blonde boy grabbed her arm.

'Bye I'll take her home.' The blonde boy left leaving Jason, Jack, and the curly haired boy in the woods.

Jack sat on the log around the fire.

'I'm sorry dude. I know how you feel.' The brown curly haired boy said while taking in a puff.

'I don't want this anymore. Its been said. But if I want to leave I have to be killed and that can't happen. I don't want to kill him. Can't kill him. But you know if I don't do it Natalia's gonna freak. She's the leader in all this shit. That bitch blows my life.' He sighed as the boy nodded.

'Mmmmm J-Jack' Jason walked over to the fire.

'M-My head hurts.' He held his head and my heart broke. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I kept watching.

'No. Fuck no. Dude I can't do this. No I can't. This shit is too much.' Jack said pacing back and forth around the fire.

'Grow some balls Jack!' The camera was shown onto Natalia who leaned against a tree.

'You know what, get the fuck out of here. You're excused. But say anything. Say any type of shit about this tonight. Your family will be killed. And I'll make you watch.' Natalia threatened Jack as he nodded.

He started to walk away with the camera pointed upside down. Then as the fire looked farther he started running. He ran out of the woods and up the street.

And then the video ended.

I pulled my knees to my face and sobbed. I couldn't stop.

Jack was in a gang.

Jason was in a gang in San Fran but they needed connections.

Jason stole money from the Tigros and the Tigris sent guys to kill him.

Wanting to be nice they wanted to kill him easier.


Make it look like an accident.

Madison made out with Jason.

Passing on some type off drug into his mouth which is why she left.

Jack didn't want to do it.

He didn't.

He was threatened, by Natalia, the leader of the gang to stay quiet.

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