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~ Jacks POV

To Jennifer -
Hey baby girl ;)
- From Jack

I tapped my fingers on the counter top and waited for her response.

She's mad at me.

Because I can't video chat her, I love her a lot.

And I can't let her know who I really am because, I'm Jack Gilinsky.

Half a billion fans and one of them could be her.

I grabbed the milk from the fridge and poured some into my cereal bowl.

My phone flashed and I grabbed it to see it was a text from Jennifer.

To Jack -
What :(
- From Jennifer

To Jennifer -
Baby, please don't be upset with me.
- From Jack

"Jack, we're in the studio today." Johnson said as he grabbed my bowl of cereal and started eating it.

"I know, and stop, get your own shit." I rolled my eyes and read her text.

I never thought about coming to the conclusion of what she said. I never thought I'd have to do it.

"Don't be a dick just because you're having issues with your girl." Johnson said filling up his own bowl of cereal.

I ignored him and scanned the text over probably like 60 times before I could really take in what she had said.

To Jack -
I'm dissapointed. We've been doing this for more than three years. Its time for us to see each other. We can't keep going like this. Jack, if this is all were ever going to be then were over. Because I just want you. I want all of you and if you can't see that then we're done. I love you Jack, but we need to see each other so that I can know my relationship is real and that you're not some 63 year old hidden behind a phone screen.
- From Jennifer

I didn't reply I knew if I replied that I'd have to let her go or make a date and place to see her and I can't do both of those things.

I slid the phone to Johnson with a picture of Jennifer on it. He wasn't paying attention so I spoke up.

"Look man, she's so beautiful. I wish she knew who I really was and what I look like." I said to Johnson as I held up a picture of her from my phone.

"Why don't you tell her?" He asked studying her facial features.

"W-What if she's a fangirl?" I managed to stutter through.

"Take the chances." He shrugged his shoulders and returned my phone.

I knew I couldn't take the chance.

I would ruin her.

To Jennifer -
Jennifer, the first time I saw you in my related box on Instagram I knew you were beautiful. Even though you were dating Jay at the time I still 'slid' into your dms. I've never loved another girl who wasn't my mom as much as I love you. When Jay was cheating on you and you broke up with him when you were hurting I was there. It was a pleasure to love you Jennifer. But we can't do this anymore. I can't hold you back from being happy. I'm sorry, but we have to break up then because I don't want to hurt you. I love you so much Jennifer and I never wanted to hurt you. I wanted to love you, find someone else who could love you as much as I do and he'll be there for you in person like I wasn't. I'm sorry. But we can't be together anymore. <3
- From Jack

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