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"Jennifer, please don't tell me you still love Jack." She gripped onto the steering wheel furiously.

I didn't answer. If I told her the truth she'd be even more angry. Ofcourse I still loved him. Jack cared for me as much as I cared for him.

Isn't it crazy?

He helped arrange a plot to kill my brother and I still loved him regardless.

I shook my head in disapproval in myself for still having these feelings that I did.

"Well?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders as she pulled into the driveway. Stepping out of her car I unlocked mine.

"Where do you think you're going?" She yelled hanging onto her bag as she opened the front door.

"I'm going to see Jack." I yelled back at her.

"Ofcourse you are. Get back here this instant! You're not going to see him. He killed your brother." At this point she had my wrist in her hand tugging me towards the front door.

"Mom let me go!" I furiously tried to get out of her hold as she let go I jumped into my car and closed the door.

Speeding out the driveway her image started to fade. And slowly but surely I could see myself calming down. I gripped the steering wheel and turned right onto Jacks street. Stepping on the gas I felt myself let go.

I definitely was angry at Jack for making me fall in love with him after what he did. But I still loved him for an unknown reason I couldn't explain myself for the reason being that I was pulling into his driveway. Stepping out of my car I closed the car door behind me and walked up to his front door ringing the doorbell. I stepped back for a few seconds to see Jack open the door.

"H- Hey." He stuttered. I smiled at him and stepped inside sitting on his couch.

"You know after what you did I don't know why I'm here. I shouldn't be here. Jack I turned you in. Any day now the police will come here and take you in for questioning. I shouldn't be here but I can't stop myself from loving you." He sat next to me and I stared into his big chocolate brown eyes. "God I love you. I don't know why I'm still here. You killed the biggest part of my life. And for some reason I keep coming back to you." He cupped my face as tears ran down both of our faces.

"I figured you would've turned me in. I'm not mad. I know what I did. I can't blame you for it. That was your brother and I can't take it back as much as I wish I could. I love you Jennifer." He smashed his lips into mine startling me as we fell back into his couch.

My stomach turned bringing back the feeling I had with him the night I saw him. He hovered over me as my hands trailed down his shoulders hovering over the edge of his shirt. He disconnected our lips taking off his shirt. As I smiled at his toned muscular body he connected our lips again. I could feel his hand trail down to the bottom of my shirt as I tugged it off throwing it over the table leaving me in my bra. His big cold hands guided themselves to my bra strap and unclipped it causing the straps to fall off my shoulders, I could feel my face get hot as he stared at me I crossed my arms over my bare chest.
"Don't hide, you're beautiful Jennifer." He chuckled letting my arms fall down to my sides.
My stomach turned once more as I felt an unexpected heat in between my thighs. He stood up unexpectedly.
"Jump." He said breathlessly.
I wrapped my legs around his waist as he picked me up. I laughed into his chest.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"I'll take you there princess." His voice groggy as he whispered into my ear. He climbed up the stairs carrying me around his waist.
He let me go on his bed as he chuckled. He connected our lips once more and slowly departed from them leading to my jawline.
"Mhm, Jack." I winced as he explored parts of my body leaving soft kisses as he went along. He stopped at the button of my jeans as I let him slide them off my legs leaving me in my underwear. He quickly took off his sweats leaving him in his boxers as I held myself from staring at his bulge. In the seconds that it took him to take mine and his underwear off I swear I could stay in forever. His eyes concentrated on mine as he slipped inside of me, filling me with his love.
A few groans escaped our lips as he started to get breathless and so did I. Our bodies mixed as a vibe of something new I had never felt before. We stared into each others eyes as he connected our lips once again as we winced in pleasure. Before I knew it we came undone on his bed as the connection was gone but replaced by his strong muscular arms being wrapped around me.
"I love you princess." He kissed my temple as we panted, I kissed his chest and felt myself dose off.
"Jennifer, Jennifer wake up." I squinted my eyes startled at the sight of the police in front of me.
I held the sheets tightly to my body as Jack had his sweats on standing up.
"No. No what are you doing?" I yelled standing up as a strong built police man cuffed Jack. My heart pounded at how stupid I was.

I put him in this situation.

I told the police.

Detective Parrish stood outside of the door talking to Johnson. I stood up at this point as I rushed to get my pants back on throwing on Jacks shirt.

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