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The next day, I woke up in my bed and sighed as I turned my alarm off. 

I rolled over to check my phone and noticed I had a message from Jack and Jay.

To Jennifer -
Goodmorning baby girl ❤️
- From Jack

'Where are you' - Jay

I responded to them both and locked my phone. I had deep thoughts about everything that has happened and how in the hell Madison knew about everything.

And what Jack knew to.
I grabbed my laptop from my bedside table and went to Google. I typed in 'Jason Castellanos' in the search bar and a whole bunch of articles showed up about December 12, 2012.

Scrolling through them the artciles were titled, 'Gang murders innocent boy in Omaha', 'Omaha boy gets shot by deadly gang', 'Dangerous gang on the lose after a kill', and so on.

Many articles said he was shot, stabbed, ran over, beaten to death, and the most outrageous one yet, raped.

Truly, Jason was drugged and, he was walking in the street and got hit by a car. The day that it happened I was still in California with my mother at home until we got a call the next day to come down to Omaha, Nebraska and identify a body. We took a plane to Omaha, Nebraska and entered the morgue.

I remember the sent of dead bodies and the feeling of heart break as I realized who was laying on the metal table.

My heart sank as a tall pale white man removed the blue sheet covering his face. The man spoke,

"Do you recognize him ma'am?" He got his answer pretty clear as I sobbed into my mothers shoulder. He left the room as I approached Jason's pale, lifeless body.

His face was stitched up, bruised, lifeless. I held his cold hand and sobbed. My mother exited the room to get some air as I sat there sobbing.

"Hey." I choked out.

"Why did you go? Can you tell me what happened?" I asked.

A sense in my wished for him to speak. For him to smile his cheeky smile again. For him to be sarcastic in every answer of his.

"I'm gonna find out who did this. I promise. I love you Jason. So much." I clasped his hand in mine.

I made that promise to him, and 4 years later, here I am.

I scrolled through every link. Every picture. I found nothing. I gave up and put my shoes on to go to Jack's house.

I hopped into my car and hoped that Jack wouldn't be there. I wanted to find something.

Something built inside me.

An urge to find out who the killer of my brother was. If it was Jack. If it wasn't. I needed to know.

I pulled into his drive way and saw no cars. I got out and walked into the backyard.

The back door was open so I entered. Wasting no time I quickly paced myself to Jacks room.

Opening his door. I went to his closet to return the shoes he let me borrow. Looking into his closet I found more size 6 women's shoes.

Digging into the pike of shoes in the corner I saw a strap. A black strap. I pulled on it and recognized the black and white polka dotted bra.

It was Natalia's.

Why was it in his room? Why were all these shoes in his room?

I heard the front door slam and a deep voice yelling my name as I heard footsteps up the stairs.

"Jennifer." It was Jack.

I felt tears run down my face. My heart sank into my stomach as I knew what was happening. Natalia had slept with Jack last night.

He stood in front of me in the closet as I was on the floor I got up. I looked into his drained face.

"You fucked her didn't you." My voice shook as I held up the bra.

"Jen- Jennifer I can explain. I wa-" I cut him off.

"What the hell do you mean you can explain?" I yelled at him.

At this point his cheeks were damp of tears.

"Jennifer it's not what you think! I don't know how that got there I promise." His shaky voice stuttered as he made up an explanation.

"Oh really. Wow. That's the lamest excuse ever Jack! How could you do this? And to believe I trusted you." I shook my head in disbelief.

"And I guess that explains for all these women's shoes right? She left them after every fuck, huh? Well fuck you Jack. I'm not going to be in this with you if you treat me like this. I'm not you're fucking toy." I swung my fist at his eye not really thinking much of the impact.

"Fuck." He grunted as he held his eye. I dropped the bra and shoved past his shoulder.

"Jennifer. Jennfier wait. Please" I kept walking. My heart ached.

"Fuck you Jack." I unlocked my car and closed the door. He followed me outside and I didn't turn around.

I didn't want to.

He's not good for me.

I shook my head and sat in my car, turning on the engine, and speeding out his driveway.


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