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I squinted my eyes open to the shining sun light beaming through the window. 

I felt the touch of somebody else's skin under my face. I looked up to see a sleeping Jack. I tried to remember what happened last night and no memory came up. Seeing as I didn't drink I was confused.

I was in an all white bedroom and I was laying on a white sheeted bed. I began to uncover myself from the sheets.

I noticed that I was fully clothed, which was a good thing. Jack layed shirtless wearing sweats.

I'm guessing we were at his rented house and as soon as I stood up a big lightning bolt clashed through my skull causing me to groan in pain. I was still hungover from last night. So I layed back down and snuggled close to Jack as I put my head on his chest.

Never in the three years that I talked to him have I thought of him catfishing me and him turning out to be 'Jack Gilinsky'. It hurts to think that he couldn't tell me himself and that he couldn't trust me enough to know who he was.

"Morning baby." He grinned at me as I layed my chin on his chest and looked up at him.

"Hey" I leaned in to kiss his lips and he pulled me onto his lap.

"You hungry?" He asked.

"Starving actually." I said.

He threw me some sweats and a t shirt because I was still in my dress from last night. I asked him to help me take my dress off from the zipper on the back.

His hands hovered over my shoulder blades.

He grabbed the zipper and pulled it down revealing my underwear. The dress slid off my hips and I could feel his eyes on me as I rushed to get the clothes on.

"Stop staring." I laughed.

"You're beautiful Jennifer." I smiled at his response and felt my face get hot.

As I rushed to put the pants on I noticed I didn't have shoes.

"Umm, Jack..." I pointed at my feet and he walked to his closet.

He threw me a size 6 in women's black roshes and I was puzzled.

"How'd you have these?" I asked as I tied the laces.

"They ugh, they were left here by my cousin."

"Why'd you still have them?" I asked.

"Hey, IHOP gets full easily so let's go." I nodded and followed him to his black jeep. He totally shoved my question away for some odd reason.

Why'd he push the idea away?

What was such a big deal about the shoes that he couldn't tell me.

Who's were they?

I pushed the idea to the back of my head as he turned on Angel by The Weeknd.

His angelic voice continued until Jack parked in the parking lot.

"Here." He threw me a hoodie from the back of his seat. I was confused but I put it on as told.

"Cover your face if you want." He stepped out of the car and came to my side.

He grabbed my hand and I followed him with my head down. I understood why he did this.

Paparazzi were following him, obviously he can't be seen with a nobody.

Why feel the need to cover me up?


When we entered multiple girls asked for pictures so I let go of his hand to go get our table.

I walked up to a dark haired pale skinned boy.


I rolled my eyes at his deep smirk. He's my ex, I was with him during the first five months that I was texting Jack. Me and Jack didn't actually start flirting and creating feelings after five months, before that we were just close friends. I broke up with Jay to be with Jack simply because he treated me better and he understood me.

"Wow. Never thought I'd see you here, Jennifer Castellanos." He laughed to himself.

"You look good, did you get a boob job? Cause last time I fucked you, you were a cup B." He laughed at his joke and my face went sour.

"Shut the fuck up and get me my table." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Alright. Alright. Umm, Jennifer for 1? Wow I see it didn't go so well with that Jack of yours huh?" He keeps spitting jokes, I wanted to choke him.

"No actually he's here with me, so Jennifer for two." As if on que, Jack came up behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist.

Jay's facial expression sunk in realization that I had moved on.

Jay cleared his throat and spoke into his microphone.

"Jennifer table for two." He spoke into it.

"Follow me." He rolled his eyes. I laughed at his reaction to seeing Jack.

"Who's that guy?" Jack whispered into my ear. I laughed and we sat down across from each other.

"Before I serve you, know that I'm Jennifer's ex. I'm the 'fuckboy' she dumped for you." Jay said sourly.

"I see why she did." I kicked Jack from under the table and he looked at me with a straight face.

I fake smiled at Jay.

"We'll have two orange juices please." Jay nodded and walked away.

"What the hell was that for!" Jack whisper yelled at me across the table.

"Don't be rude. Okay I hurt him. He has every right to still be upset." I said.

"What so you're saying you still care for him?" Jack started to get upset and so did I.

"No- no I don't. I stopped loving him for you." I flipped through the menu.

"Look me in the eye and say that." Jack clenched his jaw.

"Jack, I don't love him okay? End of conversation." I said into his eyes and his shoulders settled.

Jay walked back to take our orders and no more mention arose, for now.

We ate our meal once it came out and I asked Jay for the check.

"Here, have a good day. It was nice to see you Jennifer." He painfully smiled at me and I opened up the bill.

A green sticky note was attached saying:

'If you ever want to talk, 987-455-2763. :)'

I quickly shoved the sticky note into my back pocket and we paid the bill.

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