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I cleared my thraot as I sat infront of my mother. She read the morning newspaper as I awkwardly ate my pancakes. 

"Mom, I know something about Jason's murder." I finally chokes out. Her head cocked up as she glared at me clearing her throat.

"So, a friend of Jack might've slipped to me that he knew what happened to Jason. It was weird so I hacked his laptop and I found a video of the night Jason died. I talked to a Detective, he asked me to get a video of Jack confessing with his face in it." I couldn't look at her god awful face as tears ran down ehr red puffy cheeks.

I took out my phone ipening the video and sliding it over to her. I got up pushing my chair with the back of my knees to let her watch the video herself. Taking my plate to the sink I heard her start the video. I couldn't bare to see her reaction so I paced myself to my room closing my door behind me.

I grabbed my sketchbook and furriously drew a form of a person. Shading in his eyebrows and his glasses as well. His full soft lips that compared to mine were in the process as I heard loud sobbing from downstairs.

I could feel my face get hot, tears streaming down my face landing on the paper. The thought of someone I thought I loved being responsible for the murder of my family breaks my heart. I wish I was still with Jason. Ever since I was growing up my mother always taught me how to live and cooperate with the stubborn personality of Jason, she just never taught me how to live without him. And three years later I still struggle with it. I missed him so much.
My thoughts were interupted as my mother burst into my room.

"We have to do something." Her face red, puffy, and wet of tears.

"I am, I need to take that video to the Detective and set a court date. Mom all of them are going to jail. We're gonna get justice for Jason. I- I'll make sure of it." I said without looking at her. She tossed my phone onto my bed and left my room without a word. I sighed dropping my pencil and staring at the drawing of Jason.


I stepped into Detective Parrish's office with my mo ther by my side. I sat in his cold black chair infront of his desk as I slid my phone towards him. He rested his elbows on the desk and stared at ny mother holding out his hand for her to shake it, and so she did.

"Hello, Ms.Castellanos, I'm Detective Parrish." She nodded.

After the 8 minute video he paused to look at me.

"Wow. You are eager for Jason's justice huh?" He smirked at me as he plugged my phone into his computer to downloa the file. I said nothing.

"Well good news ladies, we are closer to bringing justice to Jason. We will call in Jack, ask him a few questions about who else was in the video, and we'll take it from there." He said.

"How soon can we put these bastards in jail?" My mother spat as I squeezed her hand under the table.

"Realistically, after taking Jack in for questioning and with this evidence he will be locked up until the court date where the judge will make the decision. This goes for his friends as well. By the look of it Madison and Natalia will be looked into the most as they were the ones who forcefully did what they did to Jason. Jack will most likely get a couple years but not as much because he was threatened, he didn't want to do it, he walked away. He was forced into it. We will find out who the other males were as well." He said.

"Why don't you just put all of those good for nothing adolescents in jail now?" My mother yelled standing up.

"Ms.Castellanos, this isn't a fast easy process. We need to get in contact with lawyers, in contact with Jack, Natalia, Madison, and build it off of what we have." He stayed calm in his seat as I sat there vulnerably.

"My son obviously was murdered, all of them were in on it! So I don't understand why you just can't arrest them now! For god sakes you're really bad at your job. I don't fucking care for how much they had to do with it, they were all in on it!" She yelled slamming the table with her hands. The guard stepped in and grabbed her arms asking her to settle down.

"No, Casper, it's fine. I can handle it. I've done this before." He reassured the guard,who now has a name, that it was okay for him to let her go.

"Ma'am, I will do what I can. What I can do is bring Jack in for questioning and arrest him after by what we have. Your son's justice will be brought, I can assure you that." Her shoulders relaxed and settled. She turned around and walked out of the room.

"Thank you." I quickly said grabbing my phone and running after my angry mother.

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