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Which is why his body was hit by a truck that night across the street from those woods. They drugged him so that he'd wander and then get ran over for running in the streets late at night. Everything came together. I dialed Jay's number and called him.

"Hey, I found out what happened." I said into the phone.

"What happened?" Jay asked.

"Well, for starters Jack didn't want to be a part of it, he was threatened to do it. He was in a gang. And Jason was used as connections because he was a part of SF18 in California. He stole money from the Tigros and they wanted to cut him up but they wanted to make it easier for him so they drugged him so that he'd wander around and get into an accident." I spoke into the phone.

"I'm sorry Jennifer." He said.

"Its fine. I just wanted to bring justice to him and this is what I have as evidence. Thank you for helping me." I spoke.

"No problem, so what are you going to do?" He asked.

"I can't tell him yet. I want to turn the video in though. As much as it'll hurt to see Jack go through whatever he will, he killed my brother. And never told me. I'm going to forgive him about the whole Natalia's bra thing. And get more information. It'll probably take me a couple months to even set a trial date but its worth it. I need everybody responsible for his death behind bars. Whatever it takes." I said.

"Alright so how are you gonna get his laptop back?" He said.

"Tomorrow when I get up I'll go over to his house and sneak it back into it'll be easy they're always gone on Sunday mornings." I said.

"I have to go, I hope everything goes well. Bye Jennifer." He said.

I hung up and threw the phone on my bed. I went through more of Jacks pictures and found many nudes. I also found the pictures he sent me of himself. The guy that he showed me he was. The guy came up as Aaron. I looked into his pictures and went back the folder of December 12, 2012.

There were pictures of the accident in there to. A red car had smashed into Jason. The driver looked like a young teen as he spoke to the police. There was a detective on the scene as well. I zoomed into his face because he looked young. He looked like Aaron. The detective was Aaron.

Coincidence, or?

Whatever it's most likely a coincidence.

I slept on the thought that I finally knew who killed my brother.


The next morning I had Jack's laptop and was climbing through his window because his back door was locked. Nobody was here.

I set his laptop back onto his nightstand where I found hut couldn't stop myself from searching more. I went into the closet. It was the same as I left it yesterday. I sighed as I walked out of his room, down the hall, to the right, and into Natalia's room.

Her room was locked for whatever reason everybody else's was unlocked. I shrugged my shoulders and went back to Jack's room to get out the window.

I walked back into my car and drove to Emily's house.

Her car was in the driveway as I drove up.

I looked into the flower pot and pulled out the spare key unlocking the door. I walked up to her room as her house was empty.

Opening her door she was still sleeping in bed. I jumped onto the other side and startled her.

"What the hell Jennifer!" She yelled as her eyes widened.

"Hey Emily, I need you to come down to the police station with me." She gave me a confused look as I tugged her arm.

"Okay wait for me to get ready." I nodded and laid on her bed. I was exhausted by all this sloothing.

I waited for what seemed like hours for her to get out the bathroom wearing sweats and a hoodie.

We walked downstairs into my car and drove out her driveway.

"Where even is the police station?" She asked.

"I know where it is." I said.

"Why do we need to go?" She asked.
I sighed as I explained everything to her.

"Damn, I'm sorry." She sighed apologetically.

"Its fine. I just want justice for my brother. That's all I need from this." She nodded as we pulled up to the police station.

As we walked through the door I help onto the flash drive that I transferred the video to. I walked up to the desk secretary.

"Hello, what can I help you with?" She asked.

"I have some information on a murder that happened in Omaha, Nebraska." I said as Emily squeezed my hand.

The blonde desk lady nodded and picked up her phone dialing in a number.

"Hello, Detective Parrish, I have a young lady here telling me she has information on a murder in Omaha, Nebraska." She spoke into the phone.

"Yes sir." She nodded to a guard.

"Follow me." The guard said. I looked back at Emily, she looked like she was shitting her pants right now as she squeezed my hand harder. The big built guard led us to an office with 'Detective Parrish' printed on the glass door. The guard held the door open for us as we walked in and he closed the door to leave. I dropped the flash drive onto the table.

"My name is Jennifer Castellani's, this is Emily Corderros, she came her for support. Uh- my brother Jason Castellanos was ran over on December 12 of 2012 in Omaha, Nebraska." I spoke to the Detective that looked very familiar.

"Okay, is Ms.Corderros aware of the situation?" He asked.

"Yes, I am." She said.

"Okay so what is this?" He asked holding up the flash drive.

"I got the laptop from a guy I know and I found that video. Its evidence. I was catfished by the guy and his friends hinted to me that he might've had something to do with my brothers death so I took Hus computer and a guy I knew hacked into it to receive the deleted files. I put the computer back. But I had to download the file as evidence." He nodded and started to watch the video.

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