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"You're pregnant." Emily choked out in a laugh. A smile stretched from ear to ear on both of our faces.

"I'm pregnant!" I cheered.

For some unknown reason I was happy about it. Sure I was 18, living stabily with my mother with my baby daddy in jail.

"Oh god, Jack." I muttered breathlessly.  Our faces fell.

"You can only tell him on March 31. You can't see him before that." Emily said. I nodded in reasurrance as I stared at the sticks.

"Hey, its oka-." I interrupted Emily by hanging the sticks over my head and shouting,

"I'm pregnant!" Loud enough to wake up my mother.

"Shh, shh, your mom will wake up." Emily laughed uncontrollably as she tried to get me to quiet down.

A few silent seconds later footsteps could be heard from upstairs.

"What's going on? Jennifer?" My mother yelled from upstairs.

"Mom!" I yelled.

"Mom come here, I'm pregnant." I cheered into her arms at 5:30 AM.

Her face was left emotionless as Emily left to go into the kitchen to make breakfast.

"Y- you're pregnant." She stared at my stomach blankly.

"Yeah. Mom. Its Jack's." I said to her.

"Oh- Honey. I don't know what to say. Congratulations!" She yelled. She faked the smile that crept on her face in the mere seconds that she swung her arms around to hug me. I sighed into her shoulder.

"I'll be back." I said as I walked up to my room to grab my phone off of my night stand.

I scrolled through my texts with Jack and couldn't help but shed a tear. I looked down at my stomach.

"Hey, this is probably pointless, but whoever you will be come. I'll always be by your side." I held my hand over my stomach and sighed as I stood up. 


March 6, 2016

"Jen, hurry up." Emily yelled at me from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back.

Today I was going to the fair with Emily and Dylan. I hadn't been out in public since the incident and I was glad I was finally getting myself together. I slipped on my jean jacket and ran downstairs.

"Bye Mom!" I yelled as I closed the door behind me getting into the passenger seat of Emily's car.

"Wow, how nice of you to sit in the back Dylan." He laughed at me.

"Hey shouldn't you be in the back? You're carrying two. By the way, congratulations!" I hugged him awkwardly from the front seat.

"Thank you, I just don't know how I'm going to tell Jack when I see him." I sighed.

"Aren't you like three months pregnant? You have no bump." Emily said.

"Yeah the day it happened was like in December so, when I see him it would be four months." I said.

"I can't wait for me and Emily to have children." Dylan leaned in to grip Emily thigh.

"Yeah, haha." Emily rolled her eyes playfully at him.

They had gotten even more serious over the past months and Dylan had talked to me about proposing to her which to me sounded ridiculous, they were only 18. I supported him regardless as he sent me pictures of which ring to get.

But it was obvious they loved each other so he chose to propose today.

"I missed this." I sighed in relief as a smile crept onto my face.

"Yeah me to. I'm glad you're getting better." Emily said.

"Stop being so nice and turn that shit up." Dylan said towards the car speakers.

And so I did. I turned the music up as Exchange by Bryson Tiller blasted through the speakers.


"Hey baby, let's go to this one. I want a unicorn." Emily shouted tugging on Dylan's sleeve as she pulled him over to a game stand.

"Alright princess, anything for you." He responded. I felt my heart tear as that was what Jack used to call me.

I hope he was alright.

I followed them towards the stand, third wheeling as always.

"2 dollars per player, 5 balls, get it one into the gold bottle and you'll win this fella right here." The tall blonde teen pointed towards a big fluffy unicorn.

"You're on." Emily said to Dylan.

The tall blonde handed five balls to Dylan and five to Emily. I watched as they tossed balls around helplessly. Losing all five they tried again.

And after every failing try Dylan would pay again is hopes of getting Emily the pink unicorn.

The last red ball bounced around clinking onto the edges of the bottles, and finally landing into the middle gold tinted bottle.

"Yay!" Emily screeched as a smile spread across her face as the tall blonde handed the unicorn to Dylan.

Emily extended her arms out for the unicorn and instead saw him get down on his knee. My heart skipped a few beats as I saw Emily tear up.

"Bab- what are you doing?" Emily asked as her cheeks lit up.

The tall blonde handed a microphone to Dylan as he set the unicorn in front of him and lulled out the box.

"Emily, I love you so much. I have spent my whole life loving you ever since the second grade and I hope to love you forever and always. You are my best friend, my soulmate and the most beautiful human being on earth. I want to give you the world and show you everything I can offer to you. I want to make you feel like you're the only girl in the world. You're my favorite, so let me be the happiest man on earth and let me marry you." His face turned red as a crowd formed. Emily was bawling her eyes out happily and so was I.

"Will you marry me, Emily Velasquez?" The question popped and she lit into tears.

"Yes! God yes!" She cheered as he got up to hug her. He swung her around as the crowd began to cheer.

They exchanged a few kisses as strangers congratulated them the crowd slowly diminished.

"Congrats!" I yelled hugging her tightly.

"You knew didn't you?" She asked. As I nodded eagerly.

"Well I'm gonna call myself a taxi, you guys have your fun." I hugged them goodbye and walked out of the park.

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