«chapter 14»

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Chapter 14

Harry and I sat there, crying, for what seemed like forever before he finally asked why I did it. "I don't know," is all I told him. Then he broke down crying again.

"You understand why I don't want you doing this, right?" Harry sniffed. "I-I can just see it... You cutting too deep... I can't loose you, Niall. I can't loose my best friend."

"I'm sorry, Haz," I had finally stopped my tears. "I don't know what came over me. I'll try to stop, seriously," he nodded.

"Let's... Let's get you cleaned up," he muttered, taking my hand and guiding me up to the bathroom. "Sit on the counter and pull your shirt off."

"You trying to come on me, Styles?" I smirked, trying to lighten the mood. Harry chuckled, meaning it worked.

"Don't be cheeky. Off it goes," he said before pulling it off for me. My abdomen was sticky with blood, making Harry choke back another sob. He grabbed a small cloth and began dabbing at the cuts, making me hiss. "I know, it hurts. But this is the only way to keep them from getting infected," Harry sighed.

"I'm sorry, Harry," I whispered again. I could tell he was mad at me for doing this. "I really am."

"You should try venting. I'm always here. Or a therapist," he said quietly, pulling some ointment out of the first aid kit that had seemed to magically appear. I almost groaned as it made contact with my skin. The small sting was almost relieving. Harry placed several large band aids on the cuts, then took me back downstairs.

"You wanna stay here for the night?" Harry whispered.

"Aren't you going to meet with Louis or something?" I asked him. I noticed the faint blush on Harry's cheeks as I mentioned Louis.

"Tomorrow," he answered. "But you can stay the night again. You can borrow my clothes," I yawned softly.

"Yeah, I'll stay."

When I woke again, I was tucked safely away in Harry's arms. We always somehow managed to cuddle to each other in our sleep, even if we slept on different sides of the bed. "Haz," I murmured, pushing him slightly. He groaned and pressed his head farther into my neck. "Harry, love," I whispered again.

He wouldn't get up, so I decided to untangle myself from his arms and head down to make breakfast before he awoke. Harry never did like to be awakened in the mornings. I wonder...

I snuck back upstairs to Harry's room, taking his phone from the nightstand. I stood outside of the room and scrolled through his contacts, looking for a certain 'L'.

"Harry?" The voice answered when I called.

"Hey, Lou. It's Niall. I need a favour," I told him.

"What kind of favour?" I told Louis quickly about my plan, and he agreed. I turned the volume all the way up and pressed it next to Harry's ear, then whispered to Louis to do it.

"HARRY GET YOUR LAZY ARSE UP!" Louis screeched loudly through the phone. I tried not to laugh as I watched Harry jump and roll out of the bed, looking for Louis.

"Louis?" He called out.

"Floor, dimwit," Harry looked around, trying to find the older lad. "In the phone, Haz," Louis sighed, almost as if we could see us.

I left the room to go to the kitchen and leave the lovebirds to their morning chat. I decided on eggs and bacon for Harry and me, and quickly began making it.

Harry stomped into the room. "Why did you feel the need to wake me up? And call Louis?" He asked grumpily.

"I tried waking you myself, so I called Louis. And he agreed. So, what time are you meeting today?" I asked, placing his plate in front of him.

"Soon, I hope," Harry grumbled.

"Did you not ask?"


"Oh, sweet Jesus," I smacked my forehead. "When will you ever learn."


The queen of crappy endings, at your service.




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