«chapter 30»

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Chapter 30

I walked home after that. I know, I should have stayed with Harry to insure my own safety, but as much as I love Louis and Harry, their cuteness makes me sick.

The air was quiet, and it was starting to scare me. "Hello?" I called out weakly. I thought I had heard footsteps.

"Niall," I heard a familiar voice call from behind me. But it wasn't the good kind of familiar. I knew that voice, because it was always spitting insults at me. Sean.

I broke out into a run, forcing my legs to spread out as far as possible as I ran, in hopes that I would make it away before Sean caught up.

"Stop," I had was placed on my shoulder, and I almost fell forward in terror, but Sean caught me. It was strange. "I don't like the fact that you run from me," He said tiredly, trying to catch his breath.

"I-I-I'm sorry," I stuttered out, trying to stop shaking. I knew he hated it when I shook.

"You've got no reason to be sorry, Niall." I froze in shock of him saying my real name. "I took what you said to heart today. I've really got no reason to hate you."

"T-then why do you hate me?" I asked nervously. I was still afraid he would hit me.

"You've got the one thing I don't. Self pride. I'm sorry for all those times I hurt you, Niall. I know sorry what cut it, and I know you won't want to be my friend or anything, but could you at least consider it?" Sean looked down and fiddled with his thumbs.

"I forgive you," I said quietly.


"Really," I said confidently. I needed to begin to get over my past, and what better way to start than forgiving my bully?

"Oh thank you, Niall!" He exclaimed pulling me into a hug. I almost stiffened, but forced myself to relax.

"Now if you don't mind, I need to get back. I was hanging out with Isabelle, but I saw you and needed to come apologise." A faint blush tinted his cheeks and he smiled shyly as he spoke of Isabelle.

"Go on, lover boy," I told Sean, pushing him back in the direction of Isabelle. "I'll see you in school."

"Bye, Niall!" He called back behind his shoulder.

Now that everyone else's love life is fixed, what about mine?


I had only been laying on my bed for an hour or two (or possibly four) when my phone rang. It was Harry, demanding I come over to his flat because he had something to tell me. I complied and hung up, pulling on a tshirt and getting ready to go back into the weather. I reached Harry's a short time later.

"Hey, Haz! What did you need to tell me? I need to get home, Paul will be there soon," I searched the flat, saving the kitchen for last. I'm not sure why I did, because I knew that is where he would most likely be.

"So, you asked what I needed to tell you," Harry said in a serious tone. Harry is rarely serious.

"Yes?" I asked, hoping he would get on with it.

"Louis asked me out!" He squealed excitedly. And that is when we both transformed into teenage girls. We squealed and jumped and squealed some more.

"I'm glad, Haz," I said after we had both calmed down. I was standing in the doorway, ready to leave again.

"I'm happy, Ni. I like him a lot."

"Don't let him push you around, Haz. That's all I can say." I have him a quick peck on the cheek and turned my back to the curly haired boy, walking back into the cold weather.


Omg that was so crappy I'm SORRY. but I started writing my Niam twilight today and my head hurts because I've been reading and typing and changing and I haven't gotten very much done. Oh whale.





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