«chapter 23»

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Chapter 23

I had been out of the hospital for a time now, and I've been doing perfectly one except for the headaches. I've been sent home from school with a couple of those these past few weeks.

Liam and I have been great, too. He said that he was sorry for whatever he had done, and he was hoping we could spend more time together and hopefully become great friends.

Louis and Harry on the other hand, I'm not completely sure. One day they seem head over heels for one another, the next they won't even look into each other's eyes. It's quite confusing. I wish they would get their shit together, honestly.

Liam was supposed to meet me in the park today, which is where I'm sitting now. We had our own little special bench in a secluded part of the park, where Liam couldn't be seen. Of course, the bench wasn't really ours, but few people came to this area and even fewer came to this bench, so we put a claim on it as ours.

Liam is running late, which I find odd. Liam is never late, or if he is, he has an excellent reason. It was always that he was helping out with the lads, trying to make sure they all stayed in place, or he was helping out with Louis' Harry problems. I had to help with Harry's Louis problems often too, so I knew they could be a bit rough. But Liam never texted me saying he might be a bit late, so I was getting a bit worried.
It was getting dark outside. Liam always insisted we meet later in the evening, making sure that the paps couldn't recognize him or us. We had decided to meet up around 7 today. I looked at my watch, indicating that if was almost ten pm. Liam was never this late.

I picked up the small picnic dinner that I had packed for the both of us and started heading back to Harry's flat, praying that Harry would have had a good day and would welcome me with open arms.

I was shaking from the bit of cold once I was on his street. I had another massive headache, and all I really wanted to do was pass out. But I was almost to his flat, so there was really no stopping now. My head was almost swimming.

I knocked on his door quietly, praying he would hear it from wherever he was. Any loud noise caused me to flinch and clench onto the basket a bit tighter.

"Come on, Niall," I whispered to myself, gathering the strength to knock louder, only wincing at the noise. It must have looked strange, an eighteen year old boy flinching as he knocks on a door.

"H-Harry?" I called, praying he could hear me. "Harry, o-open the d-door." I have no idea where the stuttering came from. I could only hope it was the temperature outside causing it.
I heard a loud laugh, causing me to flinch again. The door swung open to reveal a drunk looking Harry. "Aye, Lou! Niall's come to join the party, and it looks like he brought food!" Before I could reply, I swayed forward and passed out before Harry could catch me.


I didn't wake up comfortably. Not comfortably at all. At first, I was stunned by the sudden light on my face, making me squint. So I sat up quickly, reaching to see if I could turn the light off. That's when I banged by head into the curly haired boy I call Harry.

"Dammit, Haz," I grumble, still trying to turn off the light. "Turn off the light!" Harry ran over to the switch and dimmed the lights, making me sigh with relief. "Now, why did I wake up with a light shinning in my face?" Harry smiled sheepishly.

"Do you remember anything?" He asks. I roll my eyes.

"If you're asking if I remember how I got here and why I'm here, then yes, I remember!" I should probably tone my voice down before my head starts pounding again.

"Would you mind filling me in then? I'm a bit confused." He gave me another sheepish look.

"You know how I was supposed to hang out with Liam earlier?" Harry nodded. "He was late. In fact, I left after two hours of sitting on that park bench alone. I had brought a picnic that we could share, but he ever showed. So I decided to come here and share my food with you.

"I had a bit of a headache then, so I guess that's why I fainted. I'm fine now though," I tried to sound convincing.
Harry nodded thoughtfully. "I wonder why he didn't show up."

"I do too. He's never late, and if he is, he isn't two hours late," I grumbled. "Can I sleep here tonight, Haz? And if I can't, will you drive me home? I don't feel like walking."

"You can stay here tonight, Nialler. Wanna stay in the guest room or mine?"

"I'll just stay in the guest room." I told him.

"Night, Ni." Harry told me, heading down the hall to his own room. I walked into the guest room and laid down, not even bothering to strip down to my boxers.

I just laid on the top of the covers and tried to dim the headache that was buzzing in my mind.


So if I had to name this chapter, it would probably be called headaches.
Anyway, how ya doin? Everyone okay? No one sick? I hope not.

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