«chapter 5»

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Chapter 5

When I thought us sitting around eating chocolate like a bunch of girls was enough, Harry decided to whack me upside the head with a pillow.

"Pillow fight!" He screeched, then proceeded to hit me again. I fell back off of the couch and hit the floor with a groan.

"I thought we were already acting like girls?" I whine. "Do we really need a pillow fight to top it off? Can't we just watch The Notebook or something?"

"Hey!" Harry puts a hand to his chest, faking offense. "You know that's one of my favorite movies!"

"Oh shut up, you twat. Just put it in already!"

By the end of the movie, Harry and I were both in tears, and it was almost time for the concert. "Put on your best, Nialler!" Harry reminded me. "We're going to see the best of the best today!" He snatched a pair of skinny jeans out for himself. Normally, I would leave the room and let him have some privacy to change, but watching Harry jump around in vain trying to put the pants on is hysterical.

"Oh shut up, you twat," Harry all but growls at my laughing face. I work to shut up my giggles as he finishes putting his pants on. "Now, what are you wearing?"

"Black skinny jeans, white v-neck. That's right, I'm stealing your style, Styles," I try not to laugh at my own corny joke.

"That was bad," Harry sighs. "I'll be in the bathroom. Try to put your pants on fast. We need to leave soon," with that, Harry leaves the room to allow me to change.

I had my pants on in at least half the time Harry did. And after my hair was fixed up in a simple quiff, we were both ready to leave. "So, how far of a drive is it?" I practically whine. I hate car drives.

He threw a pack of crackers at my face. "Eat the crackers and shut up. Listen to the music. Sing like an angel. Do anything but bug me," Harry said, turning up the radio loud enough to block out any attempts of my conversation.

"Someone's PMSing..." I mumble to myself, nibbling on the crackers. I sang along to some of the songs that were played on the radio, but I mostly stared out the window and finished my crackers.

"We're here!" Harry exclaims after almost a half hour of driving. "Now get out of my car and let's go see if we can see One Direction, shall we?"

Many people were lined up outside of the arena, mostly teenage girls. To any other guy, this may be paradise. I felt quite uncomfortable, and I could tell Harry did too. "I can see the teller!" Harry exclaims. I look up at him and frown.

"I can't see more than the backs of heads," I groan to him.

"Awe, who's the little shorty?" Harry coos. I growl up at him.

"I'm like 5'5," I state.

"Still not as tall as me!" Harry shuffles forward a bit and grins, humming "Kiss You" under his breath. I use his distracted state to my benefit and jump on his back. He lets out a quiet groan at my sudden weight, making me giggle.

"And let me kiss you!" I sing in his ear, finishing the song. "What do you wanna sing now?" I grin.

"Well, I was planning on hearing the professionals sing it, but your forth best, I guess." Harry laughs. "Hmm... Sing Moments!" I take a deep breath and try to calm myself before singing.

"Shut the door

Turn the lights off

I wanna be with you

I wanna feel your love

I wanna lay beside you

I cannot hide this

Even though I try"

As soon as I finish with Liam's solo, the screams get louder. I pull my head of Harry's shoulder as he stands on his tiptoes, both of us searching for what made the crowd scream louder. Ten metres in front of us, was One Direction.


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Friendly reminder that Rock Me is gender neutral ;D #niamalert

As of 3-6-13



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