«chapter 15»

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Chapter 15

An hour and a half later, Niall did force me to call and invite Louis over. He said that he wanted to get to know "The Real Louis Tomlinson" as well as I do.

"Hey, Harry!" Louis pulled me into a hug as soon as he stepped in the door. I could feel Niall's eyes on my back. He was probably smirking. "Niall," Louis waved to him as he pulled back.

"Hello, Louis," I don't know if Louis could hear it, but there seemed to be trouble in his tone. "Harry, why don't you go make some tea? Louis and I need to talk," Niall came over and took Louis from me, then pushed me into the direction of the kitchen. "Shoo."

•Louis• (you might get POV whiplash, oops)

"What did you want to talk about?" I ask suspiciously, following Niall into the sitting area.

"Look, Louis, I don't want to scare you. That's really not my intention, so I'm sorry if I do. But you aren't going to play with Harry's feelings, are you?" Niall looked incredibly stressed, almost as if he believed I would.

"Never," I answered honestly. "I'm really beginning to like Harry. I don't think I could ever play with his feelings intentionally."

"Good," Niall sighed. "What are you going to do with him? Like, your intentions."

"Be nice. Buy him gifts. Spoil him," I grinned. "I wouldn't ever force him to do anything. Like I said, I really like him, Niall." The look on Niall's face was majorly relieved, but his eyes still seemed stressed.

"Thank you, Lou. Just watch out for him, ok? Harry's really sensitive." Just as Niall spoke those words, Harry walked back into the room with a tray of tea, milk, and sugar.

"Did I miss anything?"

•Harry• (:D)

I could hear the two speaking lowly in the living room, and I ached to know what they were talking about. Finally, I heard the kettle screech.

Once I had the tea cups, sugar, and milk, I was able to rejoin Louis and Niall. By the look on Niall's face, he seemed to be both relieved and stressed. I would have to ask him about that later. "Did I miss anything?" I asked.

"Nah, mate," Niall answered. "Like I said, I just wanted to talk to Louis."

I raised an eyebrow at Louis. "Please don't tell me he scared you." I didn't want Niall to run him off.

"He didn't," Louis promised me. "Just a nice chat." After about half an hour of chatting, Louis told me he was hungry. I went off to the kitchen to find him something to eat.

•Louis• (omg)

"What about you, mate?" I asked Niall. "Do you have your eye on someone?" Niall sighed again. How old could he be? Eighteen, nineteen? All the stressed he seemed to be under made him look so much older.

"I did," Niall answers honestly. "But it doesn't look like they like me back."

"Who was it?" I ask curiously.

"Promise you won't tell?" He almost begs. I nod. "It was Liam. But by the way things look, he doesn't want to see me again," I opened my mouth to say something, to reassure Niall that Liam did want to see him again, but Harry's reentering the room cut me off.

"Enjoying Niall's company more than mine, aye, Louis?" Harry looks offended as he walked into the room.

"Never, Hazza," I promised.

I stayed at Harry's flat almost all day, and I was itching to stay longer. But I needed to get back to Liam, to tell him what I discovered about Niall. But I still didn't know, why was Niall so distant? And why does he need to be constantly looked after? I would have loved to ask it to his face, but I figured that might be a little rude.

"LiLi, guess what!" I screeched, running into the flat.

"Kitchen, Lou!" He called back. I sprinted into the kitchen and found him stirring a pot of what looked to be soup. "What'd you want, Louis?" Liam asked.

"I found out something today," Liam turned and raised an eyebrow at me. "Niall likes you. But you're giving him whiplash. You need to ask him out of something!" I push. "He's getting tired of waiting!"

"He told you all of this?" Liam questions, turning back to the stove.

"He told me that he likes you, but he thinks that you'll never call."

"I just... I just don't know what to do, Lou. Everything with you and Harry is coming so natural, but I just want to be out in the open. I want everything with Niall and me to be open. But Danielle, once again, is getting in the way," Liam turns the stove off and runs a hand over his face. "You can be open with your relationships, but I can't. You know what management has said! One gay is enough!" He shook his head. "I just don't understand."

"It'll all turn out fine, Li. Everything will be fine" I rubbed his back soothingly.

Won't it?


Dani's a beard, Louis' gay, I almost gave you POV whiplash, and I wrote this is under an hour :O

I actually was going to put Harry's POV in again, then change back to Louis', but I decided you had had enough (:




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