«chapter 18»

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Chapter 18

I started worrying after the second day. Harry and Niall were still ignoring Louis and me, and we still had no idea what we had done wrong. Was it our personalities in general? Or had we done something wrong?

"Stop worrying, Li," Zayn nudged me. The three of us were having a movie day, and I guess he had just caught me zoned out during Toy Story 2. "Why're you so glum anyway?"

"Harry and Niall," I sighed, rubbing my head. "They're ignoring us."

"Do you know why?" Zayn asked.

"No!" I sighed again. "That's the worst part."

"Look, Li," Zayn laid a hand on my shoulder. "Maybe they just need sometime?"

"Don't worry, Liam," Louis said from across the room. "I'm sure they just misplaced their phones or something. They're find. Now, let's continue the movie."


Harry and I had a nice lunch, talking and laughing to get our mind off of things. "So you want me to take you home?" He asked after I had paid the bill.

"Yeah, I think it's about time I get out of your hair and get ready to go back to school," I hated of thinking what may lay ahead of me the following day.

"Oh, yeah," Harry said glumly. "Tomorrow's Monday," He looked at his feet and sighed.

"What's the matter, Haz?" I asked the boy.

"I just hate seeing you get beat up and know that there is no way I could stop it," he sighed again.

"You know what? One day, Haz. One day soon, we'll be free of all of it. Free of the judgement. No one will judge us for every single thing we do, and that day will be a good day."

"Yeah, your right, Ni. It'll be a good day," Harry nodded as I climbed out of his car. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

"You too, Haz," I muttered as he drove away. I ran to the door of the house, flinging it open and running to my room. I grabbed my guitar and ran back outside. The street corner would be a nice place.

For the rest of the day, I sat, playing any song that came to find. I earned a goods bit of money that sat at the bottom of my guitar case. I would count it when I got home.

A pound of thunder struck me out of my thoughts. I was still a block away from Paul's house, and running with a guitar case is not easy. I struggled, falling down and scrapping my hands and knees a few times, but I eventually made it back before the ran started pouring. It looked almost as if a waterfall was running over the town. A huge one at that.

"Niall, you ok?" Paul said, waking into the loft. "I heard you huffing."

"Yeah, I'm fine, Paul. I was just playing on a street corner to make some money and it started thundering before I made it home. I had to run quite a bit though," I said, trying to catch my breath.

"I'm glad your ok, then," Paul placed a large hand on my shoulder. "Go put your case down then come to the dining room, alright? Dinner's ready."

Paul and I ate in silence. Of course, he would try to ask me questions like, "Are you alright?" And, "Is there anyone special in your life?" I nearly choked when he asked me that.

"N-no!" I stuttered. Why had he asked that?

"Just asking..." Paul smirked at me. We finished our food in silence.

"Well," I pushed my chair away from the table, "thanks for the amazing meal, Paul."

"No reason to thank me, Niall. I'm happy I finally got you out of that house. Wanna watch the telly with me?"

"Nah, I think I'll turn in early," I told him, heading off to my bedroom.

I wasn't able to sleep. It was around six when I went back to my bedroom. It was ten when I looked back at my clock. I'm not sure why, but I think it might have had something to do with Liam.

Oh, Liam. I've always had a bit of a crush on him. But meeting him in person made it all worse. He is such a genuine person, it makes my heart ache. To think that he is with Danielle makes my heart ache. But I know better than to step between that relationship. If that isn't love, then what is?

I finally fell asleep. But not thinking of Liam. Thinking of all the shit I would have to face when morning came.


Well, I tried to give you a good ending. So, Niall's school day?

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