«chapter 6»

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Chapter 6

Zayn was the first to step out of the van once we reached the venue, making the crowd go crazy. Then Louis, and the crowd steadily got louder. I stepped out last, and there seemed to only be a slight difference in the screams.

Preston stepped in front of us and began to guide us through the crowd. A few girls began pulling at my clothes and I flashed them a smile, hoping they would let go. Louis and Zayn were a bit farther into the crowd than I was, but they were not getting pulled on as much as me. My gaze stuck on Louis, who had stopped moving and fixed his gaze in a certain direction.

I fixed my eyes where he was staring and was shocked to see two boys. Neither of them made a move to push through the crowd, through they certainly could make it through with no problem. One of them sat on the other's shoulders, and they stared directly at Louis and I.

A shorter lad sat on a taller one's shoulders. My gaze fluttered over the taller and settled on the blond lad. His hair looked dyed; you could see his brunette roots. I could see the boy's eyes sparkle as he watched me, even from ten metres away. The blonde one leaned down and whispered something to the boy whose shoulder's he was sitting on. This lad had curly hair as was noticeably taller than the blonde. His green eyes sparkled just as the blonde one's did.

My arm was pulled at as I snapped out of my daze. "Look, I know they're pretty, but we need to get inside," Louis mumbled in my ear, his gaze still fixed on the brunette.

"What are you planning?" I mumble back, stumbling through the crowd with him once again.

"We get Preston to find them in the crowd and bring the both of them backstage. I know you had your sights set on the blonde," The screams died down and Louis lifted his voice as we made our way inside of the venue.

"But what about Danielle?" I ask quietly.

"No one has to know," A sly smile made its way across Louis face, and I could almost feel it mirror its way onto mine.

"Alright, let's get them back here."

Louis and I took Preston and made him follow us back out into the crowd. "Um, lads? What are we doing?" He questioned us, but Louis waved him off.

"Don't question the queen," I snickered. Louis back-handed me.

"Shut it, peasant. Now, where were they again?" Louis and I searched through the crowd, looking for the blonde and brunette-haired boys in vain. They had disappeared.

"Lou, they aren't here. We might as well stop looking." I told the Doncaster native.

"But he had curly hair!" Louis whined. "And they looked like nice lads..."

"I'm still confused as to why I'm here?" Preston said uncertainly.

I sighed and turned to him. "Louis and I saw two lads, who we would both like to talk to, but it seems as if they have disappeared from the crowd," Louis jumped up to see if he could get a glimpse of the lads who weren't there.

"Louis, Liam, let's go back inside. The boys probably aren't still here," Preston grabbed both of our arms and started pulling the both of us back into the venue.

"I just wanted to get to know them better," Louis whimpered from beside me.

"I know, Lou. I did too," We both sighed and let Preston drag us back inside.


I probably just made Liam look like a cheater. But I swear, I'll explain why he said that later.

As of 6/6/13



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