Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)

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*I do not own Naruto. This story takes place after Naruto left but Sakura knew all the medic jutsu's and super strength and stuff. He is still training and Sakura was at the Cherry Blossom Festival. The day was like Valentines day but even better. It was also celebrated on a field of Cherry Blossom trees. The Akatsuki had all gone to the Festival to find new recruits and they were in need of a medic. They hid themselves with a transformation Jutsu that made it so no one could tell who they are. They got to the Leaf Village 3 days before hand. Anyways everyone in the Leaf Village had to entertain the audience in some way. Sakura was going to sing for the festival. No one knew how great of a singer she was. She kept it a secret. Before the Akatsuki came to the festival they planned on "accidentally" knock down a statue which was fake of course. Anyways back to the story. Oh wait I should mention something. When I put up * * that means I'm talking on my own. When I put up ( ) that means I'm describing what is happening in third person. Of course when I put up " " it means someone's talking. When it has nothing to it, it means it's the characters thoughts. When I put up ' ' it is usually someone talking while I'm in third person. When I put [ ] up it means it is a AKA thing. When there is '* *' it means its a, like, sign to say someones laughing or shocked or some shit. Okay now to the story!*


The Cherry Blossom Festival is in a few days. 2 days to be exact. I was going to sing for the Festival. It's a song my mother sang to me when I was lonely as a child. It......was sort of.....a lullaby.....but that doesn't matter. I should get ready for the festival.

(Sakura doesn't usually dress up all girly so she doesn't have much kimonos. Actually she only has one. She wanted to change it up this year, though. She told her parents she was going out shopping for a new kimono and her parents wanted to come. But Sakura didn't want them to because they would embarrass her. She said 'I'll be fine on my own' and left with her money sack. She walked around to find a traditional outfit store and she found one but it was the last building she looked for. She was exhausted from walking so much. When she walked in she found a group of 9 men looking at clothing for the festival. She thought they were very handsome. But what she didn't know was that they were the Akatsuki. In transformation Jutsu, of course. Itachi noticed her and knew her from before. Sakura went and asked if she could be measured and the store keeper, which was an old woman, did so immediately. The old woman wrote something down on a paper and yelled for her grandson who came out running. She told him 'go find this size rack of kimonos for this young lady' while she handed him the paper. He came out pushing two racks of kimonos towards Sakura. She thanked him and the old lady and she looked at the kimonos. Itachi got sidetracked with Sakura. He went up to her).

"Hello. My name is Kasai. What is your name, my princess?" Kasai [Itachi] said. I blushed at what he said. "Oh my name is Haruno, Sakura. Nice to meet you Kasai!" I said. He looked at me with a gentle gaze. "Sakura....what a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl." (He's not really trying to flirt. He's trying to know how strong she had gotten since he knew she was being trained by Tsunade. He's just trying to be her friend to see her true strength......or is he???).

Oh god he's making me blush. I hate blushing. It's not my style. Not since Sasuke left. That bastard. "Can you stop making me blush," I say.

"Oh my apologizes," he said. "Umm hey are you going to the festival? I'm going to sing." He said with a smile, "yes all 9 of us are going actually."

I start look though the chooses for kimonos while talking to Kasai [Itachi] when one of Kasai's [Itachi's] friends shout out at him. "YO KASAI!!! YOU TRYING TO PICK UP A GIRL?!?!" The man [Hidan] said. He had black hair and looked like a real asshole.

"WHAT ARE YOU JEALOUS?!?" I reply to his rudeness before.

I ignored Kasai's [Itachi's] friends. They were snickering at the asshole. Well except for a man with piercing's all along his ears [Pein]. Kasai [Itachi] gave his friends the death glare and they shut up. "I'm terribly sorry about him. He's a real-" "asshole." I interrupted. "Yeah."

I picked out two kimonos. I put on the first kimono which was green that faded into blue. I looked in the mirror. Nope. Definitely not. I took that kimono off and put on the second one. It was white and black. Not this one either. They both looked nice at first. I heard a soft knock on the dressing rooms door. "Here. Try this one." It sounded like the grandson. I grabbed the kimono. It was pink that faded into orange. It had a cherry blossom tree on it. I put the kimono on and I looked in the mirror. Yep this is the one.

I undressed and put on my regular clothes on. I said, "it's perfect. Thank you." I bought the dress and said good bye to Kasai [Itachi]. "I hope I will see you at the festival, Kasai!" I said as I left. He waved good bye.





Well I'm backstage now. And I'm real nervous. I added on to my singing for I was going to also break some furniture while I sang and in the end of the song I'm going to fix everything with medical jutsu. I wanted to show that I don't need protection anymore.

(Sakura had brought the old furniture her parents were going to throw away but Sakura kept them for practice. She was lucky she got time in between acts so she could set up the stage. It was her turn next and she was getting ready to move the furniture. She got help from other villagers. Once the performer got back stage and the curtains were down they all put the furniture in place. She got a headset microphone and she got in place. Once the curtains opened she was a bit frightened to see so many eyes staring at her. She introduced herself and then the background music came on. It was her time to shine. She danced before she started to sing and once she sang everyone was amazed but was wondering 'why that song' and 'what's with the furniture'. They soon found out when the chorus came on. They were shocked yet so amazed at how strong she was and how beautiful her voice was at the same time. And at the end she did her medical Jutsu to fix it like it was brand new. She ended with a bow and looked up. Everyone was silent but she could tell they were amazed. Then she noticed Kasai [Itachi] and his friends were talking about her. When the curtains closed she got help from people to move the furniture again. She got off stage when everyone was done and went straight to Kasai [Itachi] and his friends).

"Hey what's up? Haven't seen ya in two days," I said walking towards Kasai [Itachi]. "Hey could you come with us? We want to ask you a few questions," he said. "Ya sure I have nothing better to do. But I hope it doesn't take too long cause I want to see if some people I know are here," I said. I heard the Akatsuki came 3 days ago so I might search for them. I want to ask them something. But......maybe these guys......there's 9 of them and there's 9 guys in the Akatsuki......are.....they the........


(Sakura followed them into the forest. They went pretty deep into the forest, enough to pass by all the Cherry Blossom Trees and into a regular forest. Sakura was curious why they wanted to go so far into the forest).

Hmm where are they taking me? I should ask....

"Hey, um, guys? Where are you taking me? Why are we going so far into the forest?" I ask. They stop in their tracks. "Did I say something wrong?"

"No we just want this to be a secret that's all. If you don't want to come you can go back...." the man with the totally pierced ears [Pein] said. "No, no, I'm fine. I guess I'm just curious....."

(In reality, she was scared. She thought something bad was going to happen. But she followed the rest of the way. They couldn't hear or see any of the festival where they were at. Sakura was definitely scared. I should explain what the Akatsuki disguised themselves as with the transformation Jutsu. So Tobi had an orange mask on, but it was more of a Shakespearean masquerade mask. He had a black scarf around his neck and a black and orange robe. Zestu had green hair still but instead of a big Vinous Fly Trap around his head, he had a flower in his hair.....which indicates that if the Akatsuki is the most feared of Naruto's enemies, he must be pretty bad.........anyways, Zetsu was white skinned but he had black face paint on his usual black colored side. He was wearing a robe that was dark blue with fireflies on it. Next is Deidara. He had a black robe with designs that looked to be explosions but seemed more like crazy shit. Sasori had a black robe on with no design,

(*pretty lame if you ask me. Sasori: 'I HEARD THAT!! IT'S NOT LAME!!!!' Me: okay okay clam your tits, Sasori. Akatsuki: '*laughing from the thought of Sasori having tits*' Sasori: 'Well at least I have tits unlike you' Me: 'FUCK YOU' Sasori: 'what time and date?' Me: okay okay let's get back to the story. Anyways Hidan wasn't really wearing his robe. He was more of letting everyone see his unwanted chest and let the rope hang loose. Hidan: 'you know you some of me' Me: 'STOP INTERRUPTING ME GUYS!!!' Akatsuki: 'okay' Me: anyways.........Kakuzu had a purple robe with white rims and rope. Kisame had a light blue robe on with gold fish on i- Kisame: FUCK NO! I AIN'T LETTING YOU MAKE ME WEAR THAT SHIT!!' Me: 'IF YOU GUYS DON'T STOP INTERRUPTING ME I SWEAR I'LL RIP ALL OF YOU TO SHREDS IN THE STORY!!!!' Akatsuki: '*gulp*'Me: 'thank you!' Now where was I.......oh right......Pein had a black and red robe on, of course. And last and most certainly not least, because best for last- Itachi: 'damn straight! I'm fucking pretty!' Tobi: 'ITACHI- SAN IS GOING TO KILL ALL AKATSUKI!! WAAAAAAHHHH' Me: 'Itachi's a special occasion. He's damn fucking hot. He's special.' Hidan: 'THAT'S NO FAIR!!!' Kakuzu: 'I agree with Hid-' Me: 'you're special too Kakuzu now please shut. up.' Akatsuki: 'okay we're done....'

(Back to the story.....ugh.....what was I talking about.....oh right.....Itachi wore an Uchiha robe, but no worries, most girls that liked Sasuke did that, along with some guys who respected the Uchiha clan. So it's fine. Anyways back to Sakura, I bet you forgot about her, but no worries, she understands. She was frightened about what was going to happen but, to her surprise, it was just the Akatsuki which she had a big question for them. But she let them speak first).

"Are you scared little girly?" Hidan asked. "Not even in your-- OOOPH" I was interrupted as Tobi glomped me to the ground. "SAKURA-CHAN SO PRETTY!!! SAKURA BEAUTIFUL!!" Tobi said. He's that special kind of stupid, isn't he? I had trouble getting him off of me. He finally let go when Deidara threatened to bomb him with his clay. I sat up straight, I was tired of singing and I wanted to sit.

"So...what did you want to ask? Cause I have a question for you too..." I said to them. But they tried to get me to ask first and I did the same to them. We decided that we'd say it at the same time because fighting to see who asks first is boring. But weird enough we asked pretty much the same thing. "Can I be part of the Akatsuki?" "Would you like to be part of the Akatsuki?"

"......wut?...." we said simultaneously. We had a "wut just happened" expression. We were silent and the rest of the Akatsuki was staring back and forth between us to see who talks first. Pein did. "Uhh yea can be part of the Akatsuki.......why though?" I answered, "Because I fucking can......" I lied. I wanted to hurt Sasuke but i can't figure out where he's hiding and I don't want to wait for Naruto any longer, so I thought joining them would help......

"She's lying. I can tell she just wants to kick my brothers ass," Itachi said. I gave him the death glare but he ignored it. "Oh well okay, doesn't matter which it is, you're in," Pein said. Okay cool. We were about to leave but I looked back at festival and everyone noticed I wanted to go back. But most of them did too. "Oh alright we can stay for a little while longer," Pein-Sama said.

We stayed for a long while though. The Akatsuki used their transformation jutsu and ended up following where I went.

(Sakura played a few games, got some fattening foods in her, and watched the fireworks at the end. They left way before anyone else though. Sakura went back home to gather her things. She brought her kimono she wore that night, because it would've been a waste of an outfit. She also brought her regular clothes, a black dress with fishnet stockings, and a pair of pajamas. She brought her medic set too. Once she was ready, she headed out the door, silently. But she went back inside forgetting something important. It was a necklace Kakashi got for her on her past birthday. The charm was a clay cherry blossom and it had 3 green beads on each side. Before she left again she put it on so she would never forget it again.

(She got out safely and went to the direction to where they were all supposed to meet. She had to go through the Uchiha Clan area. But before she entered the Uchiha area she noticed Itachi went into the clan area. She followed him and she noticed he went to his home. He stopped in his tracks. 'If you're going to follow me, you can at least tell me.' He said out to Sakura. He figured her out. She came out of where she was hiding and went up to him. She grabbed his hand. 'I'm sorry. I know all about it. And I'm sorry for you.' She said. After leaving the clan area she said her last goodbyes and left the village for good. They ended up meeting everyone there. They were back to HQ in no time at all).

"So this is it. It looks like any ordinary house........" But I figured it would since they would need to keep it a secret. Before I entered the house I noticed a note on the door. It said, "Welcome Sakura" and I was creeped out by this.

"Don't worry it's just the other Pein's messing around. They can see anything that my eyes sees. But coming from this handwriting and paper, this was Konan's idea...." He tore the note off and unlocked the door. The place was HUMONGOUS in the inside. I circled around looking at the house and when I got back to reality Konan was standing in front of me with an Akatsuki robe and a small gift on top.

"We made you a welcoming gift! And here's you're robe! It's nice to have another girl around the house THAT WON'T LET AND LECHERS SPY ON ME!!!!" She looked at the only Pein that was a girl. She didn't even listen to us. Konan looked back to me and said, "We're going to have so much fun together! We're going to have girl talks because I was never able to since girl Pein over there doesn't like to be girly....." Well I don't either but it seems she REALLY wants some girl talking. It looks more like she NEEDED it. I'll spend some time with her. She showed me to my room and I was happy about the room I got. It was an end room with a window and it had a beautiful view of the sunset.

"Arigato, Konan," (for those who don't know, Arigato means Thank you in Japanese). "You're welcome! I'll leave you alone so you can get comfortable!" And she left.

I looked at the room and it was very nice for the Akatsuki. I forgot I had gotten a welcoming gift and I unwrapped it. It was the size of a box that would hold a ring, I assumed. And it was. It was my Akatsuki ring already made. It was different from the others rings that I saw though. It was pink in the back ground but it didn't have black writing. It was green. Like my eyes. I figured that's why it was like this. It was late so I wanted to get some sleep. I had already taken my shirt off when Tobi came running in my room, yelling. "SAKURA-CHAN IS AKATSUKI NOW- Sakura-chan why is your shirt off."

(With that said out loud Hidan came running to the door to see. But she threw her shoes as hard as she could at the peeking eyes. They both got knocked out. Itachi went up, looked down at them, and said, 'you so deserved that.' At that Sakura slammed her door shut locking it behind her. She looked at the pajamas at which she packed without even looking at which ones she did pack).

"Shit," I said to myself. I had brought my mothers night gown that I borrowed the night before because I had no clean pajamas. It was was skimpy.........

But I had nothing else to wear. So I put it on. But when I tried to fall asleep the guys were being very obnoxious. I was so annoyed at them but I didn't want them to see me in this. So I peeked my head out my door and asked politely, "would you guys keep it down please." But they didn't hear me. I said it even louder they still didn't hear me. Well Kakuzu, Itachi, and Sasori looked in my direction if that counts. They were playing poker out in the living area. I was so pissed off. I stomped out to the table and once there I hit the table so hard it was in pieces. No way they could fix it on their own.

Tobi screamed, Deidara, Hidan, and Kisame with a 'wtf' facial expression, Zetsu was still looking at his cards, ignoring the punch, and Sasori, Itachi, and Kakuzu with a smirk. "NOW THAT I HAVE GOTTEN YOUR ATTENTION, WOULD YOU ALL SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! I AM TRYING TO SLEEP!!!" And they grew silent until I was interrupted, "DO YOU ALL UNDER-" "what the fuck are you wearing, Sakura-chan?" said Hidan, "damn that looks hot on you. You should wear that more oft-" I interrupted, "you dare touch me or even say anything like that again and you'll end up like the table!" I groaned.

He may be immortal but if he was in the shape that the table was in now there would be no return. So of course he was scared enough to shut his trap. "Now I am trying to sleep so all of you shut the hell up!" And I left with steam practically coming off my head. When I slammed the door shut, I heard whispering, but I couldn't hear them.

This is shit. Right from the start I should've known this would happen.




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