Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)

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(Sakura woke up first. Pein was still asleep somehow. She knew they were in the same dream. She knew all of the Akatsuki was in the same dream. But anyways she woke up before Pein. Which he was still in bed with her. She thought that he would have left her in bed alone last night but he didn't. She then gave him a kiss on the cheek. Right then he woke up).

"I fell asleep with you didn't I? It's a good thing we told everyone in the dream though. Luckily we all had the same dream, too," he said, " and...did you just kiss me?"

"Yes, I did," I replied, "but I don't want to get up yet. I'm still very tired. You can go though."

"Nah. I'm still tired too. I'll stay. Plus the guys will annoy us with the 'Pein and Sakura sitting in a tree' thing. I don't want to hear that right now. Too tired to get angry."

(They looked at each other and started to giggle).

"Well I'm going to try to go back to sleep if that's okay with you?" I said.

(Pein looked down at her while she dug her head into his chest. He was smiling in a way he hadn't done in years. She then felt him staring at her and looked up at him).

"What? Is something wrong?" I ask.

"Hn. No. Nothing's wrong. Nothing at all," he said.

(She was now curious to what he just said. She got off his chest, onto a pillow to look at him in a way that said, 'what's going on with you'. He knew that's what it meant. So he leaned into her face. He leaned his forehead on hers.

(Then he touched his lips with hers. Softly kissing her lips, slowly. Sakura wrapped her arms around his neck. She pulled her fingers through his soft orange hair. He was holding her, one arm around her waist and the other in her cherry blossom pink hair. Then he opened her lips with his own. His lips were locked into hers. He was slow but gentle. He was very passionate about it too. He started to moan a little. He went to go down to her neck. Kissing her very gently as he went down.

(She started to feel a little numb. She laid back on the bed and he was now on top of her. Kissing her neck. He started to slow down to go back up to her face. He was face to face with her again. He started to talk to her but kissed her too.)

"Sakura-Chan," he whispered. "Mn. Yes?"

"I think I am in love with you."

(He was gently kissing her lips. He stopped after a while. Her face was numb from blushing so hard. He started to cuddle with her. She held him back. She fell asleep a little later though.

(Sakura woke up all alone in Pein's bed. He had left her while she slept).

Was that just part of the dream? Or did that really happen?

(Sakura sat up and stretched in bed. But then she felt the pain of sleeping in her bikini top. Oh god why. It was almost as bad as sleeping with a bra on. But worse. She had to get up and out of this room. But she wanted to take her top off so badly too. She looked down at what she was wearing and saw she was wearing a big t-shirt. 'When did I get that on?' she wondered. But she didn't care. It was big enough so she could happily take her bikini top off and no one would see her nipples. But she didn't want to carry her top out there and the guys would think nasty thoughts. No, that's not happening. So she got out of bed).

What time is it anyways? I checked the clock and it was 3:00 in the afternoon. "Oh shit. It's late," I said to myself.

(She then opened the door slowly to check her surroundings. She was in the opposite hallway then where hers and Konans room was. She had to sneak over there without anyone noticing. But someone was already coming. She quickly closed the door without looking at who it was. It was Pein and he was going to check on her. But he noticed the door shut fast. He went up to his door and knocked softly).

"Hey I know you're awake. I saw you shut the door. You want me to get some clothes for you to change in?" he asked sweetly.

"Hn. Y-ya s-sure. That'd be nice. Thank you," I replied.

(He was about to go get some clothes but Konan yelled at him).

"WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING?!?!" Konan yelled. "I'm getting clothes for Sakura. Why? Is there a problem?"

"YOU ARE NOT GOING IN HER ROOM!" She yelled back. (Konan stomped into her room and got some clothes for Pein to give to Sakura). "Here! Next time ask me to get some clothes for her instead of trying to go straight in our room!"

(Pein got back in a little bit. Sakura overheard the whole thing and laughed at it. She was leaning against the bed board. When he turned the door knob, she immediately stopped laughing. He came in and closed the door behind him).

"Here's some clothes for you. I take it you heard what just happened, huh," he said.

(He walked up to her. He was about to hand her the clothes but he leaned into her and gave her a kiss. Then he gave her her clothes).

"So that wasn't a dream, was it?" I say.

"Heh no. It wasn't. Thought it was, didn't you? You passed out again. Sorry if it was my fault," he replied. "No. It wasn't your fault. I was just really tired."

"I'll leave you alone so you can change," he said. He then left.

(Sakura looked down at the clothes she was given. It wasn't any of the clothes she had brought with her. It must be Konan's. Why did she give Pein her clothing? Doesn't matter. She put in the clothing and it fit perfectly. It must've been Konan's clothes she had when she was Sakura's age. It was a blue baggy shirt and some black jeans.

(When Sakura came out, everyone started to stare at her).


"You look nice," Itachi said. "Nice? She looks damn sexy!" Hidan said.

"You want to get punched in the face?" I replied. He shook his head and walked away.

Today was probably going to be our laziest day. Everyone was laying around doing nothing. We were bored and we didn't know what to do. We didn't want to do another water balloon fight. We laid around for the day.

(Sakura fell asleep yet again at 5:00 and didn't wake until the morning. She fell asleep on the couch. When morning came she woke up in her bed. It was about 4:30 AM. Everyone was asleep. Well she thought. When she was done changing and walked out of her room quietly, she was startled by Zetsu sitting on the couch).

"Morning. YOU SLEPT A LOT YESTERDAY. How was your sleep?" Zetsu asked.

"It was okay, I guess. I wanted to hang out with you guys some more. But I guess it wasn't my day yesterday. What are you doing up so early, anyways?"

"WE DIDNT EVEN GO TO SLEEP. Well we couldn't sleep actually," Zetsu said. "Why not?" I asked. "WE WERE WORRIED ABOUT..........something......"

He looked like he was hiding something. But I won't interfere. "You want some coffee? I'm going to have some and I could get you some," I asked politely.

"Sure. WHY NOT?"

(Sakura went into the kitchen and Zetsu followed. She asked what kind he'd like and and he said surprise me. She made him some coffee with some almond flavoring in it. He got hot coffee, she got iced. She didn't like hot coffee. As she took a sip of hers she looked at Zetsu to see if he liked it. He took a sip and he smiled. Which meant he liked it. She was glad of that. They decide to wait out the morning together until someone else woke up).


Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)Where stories live. Discover now