Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)

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After the holidays things got back to normal. Well....not exactly....everyone was still making a fuss about where I went and where Itachi went on New Years. But that went by quickly.

But soon enough we got some missions. I got a mission with Itachi and Kisame. Thank god. I didn't want to be with Tobi. It was either Tobi and Zetsu or Itachi and Kisame in the end. Last time I got to know Tobi, he was drunk and he tried to have sex with me......

"So you're with us now, pinky. We're gonna have loads of fun," Kisame says. Oh god why. Then Itachi smacks him upside the head. "Don't scare her. She doesn't like that. I can tell," Itachi says. "OW! YA DIDNT HAVE TO SMACK ME THOUGH!" Kisame yells.

I never really see these two fight. This is an odd experience. But I'm going on a mission with them.

So the mission is going to go by easily. I hope. When I was done packing, we set off to the mission.

"So Pinky. What do you think if the Akatsuki so far," Kisame asks. I answer, "I think I like it. You guys are really nice for a group of S-Rank crimnals. I think I'm going to like being with you guys for now on."

(At that remark, Kisame and Itachi blush. Kisame gives his usual grin and Itachi puts a small smirk on his face. Sakura smiles at them but then she feels a familiar blondes chakra).

"Sakura. Go hide," Itachi says. I hide my chakra and hide up in the trees. "AKATSUKI!!!" the blonde yells running up to them. "NARUTO STOP!!" the Perverted Sage yells at him, "WE CAN'T FIGHT THEM NOW!! NOT TODAY!!"

"BUT-" he gets interrupted, "NARUTO NO!!" "But I could sense her chakra! She's here with them," Naruto says. Itachi interrupts, "if you're trying to take Sakura back, she chose to be with us. She asked us to let her join. We accepted. So if you think you can bring her back, you're wrong."

"STOP LYING!! I'LL BRING HER BACK!! I KNOW IT!! WE'VE ALREADY LOST SASUKE!!! WE WON'T LOOSE ANYONE ELSE!!" he said. When Naruto mentioned Sasuke, Itachi flinched.

"You're not getting her back, punk! She's ours now!" Kisame replied. "Sakura. Come down," Itachi told me. I did so. "Itachi and Kisamewas right. I'm not going back. I chose on my own will to join them. I'm sorry Naruto, but you can't change me. I've chosen who I want to be with," I tell the blonde.

He started to look upset now. "NARUTO!! WE CAN NOT DO ANYTHING RIGHT NOW!! LET'S GO!!" Jiraiya says to Naruto. "I'm telling you right now, Sakura! I will get you back! I will!!" the blonde says as he is dragged away by Jiraiya.

I look down in sadness. Itachi and Kisame then puts their hands on my shoulders. "Don't worry, Pinky. We're here for you. We'll protect you and love you," Kisame smiles.

I smile back at him to reassure him. "Sakura," Itachi says, "Don't worry. We're here for you. Please."

"We should get going. The three of us all want to get this mission done quick," I say as I walk forward. They join with me. We walk all the way to the Suna but we don't go into the Sand Village. We go into a small town on the border of Suna. It's a ghetto sort of village. We're supposed to hunt and kill a gangster leader.

We got him fast but we ended up in the middle of the desert. Close to the Sand Village. So this might be bad. (Sakura started to sense a familiar chakra. But this time it wasn't the blonde. It was a Suna friend. And he was closing in fast).

"We need to leave fast!" I say as I run the opposite direction of the Sand Village. "Why? I'm already exhausted enough," Kisame says. "Well let's just say an old Suna friend with the one tailed beast is coming after us really fast," I say running. "Uh oh. Guess news got out that fast," Kisame says running to my side.

Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)Where stories live. Discover now