Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)

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Pein decided since I had a rough mission, that we could go on a vacation to a place of my choice.

I thought that would be unfair so I made a few choices for the gang to decide on. There was a Hot Springs resort, the beach, and a city with loads of festivals (the festivals happened almost every week).

I told them the idea and the pros and cons of each one.

Hot Springs Resort: pros: it will let us relax our muscles and calm us down; cons: we might be caught off guard and naked.

Beach: pros: we could play volleyball and have fun on the ocean and relax; cons: again, we could get caught off guard but not naked.

City with festivals: pros: we could hide as a family and blend in and we could have fun and ride some rides and eat yummy food; cons: we could get fat and unhealthy from the food.

Oddly enough we chose the Hot Springs Resort. Even though the cons is the worst. I don't know why they chose that one, truthfully.

When we got there, the owners greet us like we were old friends. Well...not me...I was treated like a newbie. I guess they've come here before.

Konan and I had to share a room. We wanted the guests to come here happy that there's room for them. The guys shared rooms. but the loud and obnoxious ones stayed in one and the polite and gentlemen-like ones stayed in another. I giggle at that.

"what's so funny, girly?" Konan asks with a smile. I reply, "I like how the guys are seperated! It's funny to me!"

She didn't get it at first but then realized and giggled too. "Oh I get it now," she giggled.

Konan wanted to spend the next day with me. She thought it'd be fun to get massages and pedicures and mud bathes together. After that we would go to the hot springs.

since we got there late at night we went straight to sleep.

The next day was already planned by Konan. We first went to the mid bathes. it was so relaxing on my body. I felt all my worries fly away.

Next we got pedicures. We only wanted to get foot massages.

After that we got our massages on our backs. We wanted girls to give them because we didn't want any guys seeing us naked, knowing the Akatsuki guys would use a transformation jutsu. The massages was like heaven.

But we had one last thing to do for that day. We went to the hot springs. The guys were next door. How could we tell? We heard them all fighting.

wait.... oh gawd...what of Zetsu peeks....what if he already did....noooo

But then I realized he would never do such a thing.

I checked just in case. Nope not here at all. Konan got curious to what I was doing. I noticed her confusion. "Zetsu might be peeking," I whispered while getting back into the water.

She nodded in a way saying 'now I get it'. We relaxed in our private hot spring bath. I then noticed some mischievous eyes over our wall and the guys. It was Deidara, Hidan, and Kisame. I clearly got pissed because of this and screamed at the top of my lungs.


"THAT MEANS ME TOO!!" Konan yelled. She noticed as well. They didn't even move. But they did flinch a little. I grabbed my towel which I put behind me and put it high enough so I could stand without them seeing my body. Konan did the same. We were clearly more pissed off than Satan himself.

As we started to walk over to the peeking eyes, Pein yelled at them as though he didn't notice them peeking. They were threatened that they would be banned from the Akatsuki and if they ever saw the Akatsuki again we would kill them on site. They were, of course, scared to death by that. Knowing their own partners and all.

So they stopped peeking but we were still ticked off by them. So once the day was over, Konan and I gave them a good beating.

Since we were staying here for a week, you would think the guys would do this constantly.



"let's hope today the guys don't peek," I say to Konan whose still in bed and still trying to wake up.

"mmm. Just five more minutes Pein...." she says groggily. okay. She should sleep. We don't get much sleep anyways. So she should get some sleep.

"Alright I'll go alone...sleep tight..." I say as I take off my clothes and put on a towel. As I leave the room Pein is outside the door. I had no idea he was and he scared me to death. so I punched him in the face and his head went into the wall.

"OH MY GAWD I'M SO SORRY PEIN!!! YOU SCARED ME TO DEATH!!!" I say as I try pulling him out of the wall.

"I see pretty lady mommy" he says meaning he is in a bad situation. oh gawd he's in really bad shape.

I quickly carry him bridal style to his room door. I knock on the door and see Nagato at the door. He looks down at Pein in my arms. "scared you???" he asks. I nod.

"here I'll put him in the hot springs and he'll be better in no time," he replies as he takes Pein out of my hands.

"Please tell him to come to me when he's better. I want to apologize," I say. He nods in response saying, "will do! now if you'll excuse me I have to get him to the springs."

And he runs off to the private springs for the guys. I was about to walk to the springs for me and Konan, when I was stopped when someone whispered me.

"Sakura-chan..." a familiar voice says. I turn around. It's Zetsu. "come here for a second..." he whispers behind the door.

"what's the matter???" I ask. They say, "no one will come out because we don't have any towels and we don't want to unchanged in front of the other guys because they're you mind getting us towels???"

I nod but before I go they stop me again. "Oh and we won't be able to leave the room or stick our heads out again because the owner--" and the owner interrupts him yelling, "ZETSU GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE DOOR IT'S SCARED OUR COSTUMERS!!!"

"What she said," they say as they stick their head back in the room. I run over to the owner to ask for towels and tell her the reason why he did so at the same time.

"Um. Excuse me?? I'd like to apologize for Zetsu. They stuck their head out to ask for some towels. Could you help me???"

She looks at me puzzled trying to remember me. Like the first time we met. Yesterday. But then she snapped out of it going to get fresh towels. "Arigato!" I say as I leave for the guys' room. I knock on the door. I hear yelling on the other side. "KAKUZU!!! DOOR!!!!" it was Sasori yelling. Kakuzu yelled back, "YOU HAVE TWO LEGS WHY DON'T YOU GET IT?!?!?"


Kakuzu opens the door slightly. "Hello. Pardon our yelling. Do you have towels???" I see that Kakuzu has only his boxers on. He looks down. "Oh um sorry. We had our clothes off, thinking we had more towels. Plus we have another hot springs to separate the loud and obnoxious ones from you guys. We're in the one next to you now. They're in the one on the opposite side of us," he trails off.

"Oh Arigato! It's sweet of you to think of our feelings! Me and Konan, that is...."

He blushes a little. "Anyways....Um thanks for the towels....." He blushes some more. I start to blush seeing his almost naked body. He's really muscular. I then notice that Sasori is making kissy faces at us. I laugh and Kakuzu got confused. He turned around and got pissed off.


Sasori runs away so I couldn't see what happened. Zetsu poked hid head through the wall. "Thank you," he said, "they would thank you as well. We really appreciate i-"

"ZETSU WHAT DID I SAY!!!!" the owner interrupts. "Sorry!!" he said as he quickly goes back in his room.


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