Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)

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Oh it's on now bitch!!


(Sakura was right about to punch him hard enough to break every rib bone in his rib cage. But instead of him getting punched, which would be the best but I need this to be like this, someone stopped her beforehand. It was Kabuto. But he had stopped her fist instead. But his hand broke doing so. And he would be extremely pissed if he wasn't a medic ninja. But since he is he healed his hand in no time at all. But you may think she could be beating the shit out of Sasuke right now but she was being held back by Jūgo. But just barely. Once he healed himself, Kabuto tried to talk to Sakura calmly. But instead Sakura kicked him in the gut. Me: 'I would say in his dick but I'm not that cruel.'

(So when that happened he was on the ground groaning in pain. Orochimaru happened to come in at that time and didn't like how he was getting beat up and he couldn't handle it. But he did like Sakura's strength. Because it was exactly the same as Tsunades'. Which means Sakura was trained by her for not only strength but also medical needs. Which he needed the most. But Jūgo wouldn't hold any longer and if she hated everyone now it wouldn't work out.

(He let her go for the time being. But soon enough he would try to get ahold of her again. So Sakura ran away but had no clue how she got there because she was facing backwards the whole time. So she didn't know how to get back. But she had an idea. She learned how to communicate with people through the ground, sort of like Avatar: The Last Airbender, but instead, if you're looking for someone and you know their chakra pulse you signal them immediately and talk through your minds or whatever. Like wifi. But this only went to the edge of whatever Village you're in.

(She tried to look for Hidan or Kakuzu but they seemed to have already gone back home. She searched for anyone else in the Akatsuki and instead found Tobi. She could now talk to him. When she did he was freaking out because they were informed that she went missing and they went looking for her. When she finally got the message out, she told him that she would make a bonfire.

(They ended up going the opposite direction of her. And her bonfire went out after waiting for them for so long. She thought she should just find her way back home. Or at least find a town where they had a map of the Village).


UGH!! SERIOUSLY GUYS!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY CAN'T FIND A FUCKING BONFIRE!!! GOD DAMN IT!! Ugh whatever...I'll just find a town or something.

(Sakura did infant find a town. But she had no idea that her friend was there too. What makes that worse is that it happened to be Kakashi. And he was looking for her because they found out about her first Akatsuki mission. And he was the only one who would be best at finding her. But she found him before he found her).

"Shit. Why is he here?! And of all people, why him?!?! Oh god damn it!!!" I said to myself. "I'll just use my Transformation Jutsu!"


Now I look so weird! Ugh but it'll have to do. Brown hair and blue eyes do NOT suit me! But I do like the dress it gave me! It's black and pink!


(Kakashi found her chakra pulse with his Sharingun and could smell her scent. He sent out Pakkun too. Pakkun found her in no time at all. He was hidden as a regular dog. But he wasn't sure about it since she looked different. Brown hair, blue eyes, and a pink and black dress with high heels. So not like her. But it was the same exact scent. He went back to Kakashi and he told Kakashi about her looking different. So Kakashi did a Transformation Jutsu too. He made himself look like he had no scar and Sharigun eye. He still had white hair though. But it had no gel in it. His eyes were green but it was a dark forest sort of green. His Sharingun still worked though. Since it was out and all. He put away his headband into his pouch beforehand. And he was wearing a Leaf Village tourists outfit. He put a leash on Pakkun to make him look like a pet. He fit right in. Soon enough he found her. And she had no idea it was him. But she looked so different that it looked like the look was the real deal. And she saw him and fell for his look as well).

"Aww!! Is this your dog?!?! HE'S SO CUTE!!! Can I pet him?!?! And what's his name?!" she asked. Hmm seems like she bought it. Good.

"Ya sure! You can pet him. His name's Senshi," I reply. "AWW SENSHI IS SUCH A CUTE NAME FOR HIM!!" she replied. My god she sounds so much like a girly girl. Which is not Sakura at all. But then again she could be acting this all out. "My name is Tenshi by the way. What's yours?" I say.

"Huh? Oh my name's Hiwamari! Nice to meet you Tenshi!" She stood up to put her hand out. I shook it. She's not faking this a......wait that necklace....I've seen it before......I....gave that to Sakura-Chan. And it looks exactly like the one I gave has to be her.....I know it's her.....but I don't want to just steal her. That wouldn't work at all. What should I do?? I should become friendly with her first.

"Hey would you like to hang out with me today? How about we go get some lunch together. I'm here all alone except for Senshi here so it'd be great if I could get some company. How 'bout it?" I ask. "Hmm oh that's be fun! I'd love to! I'm starving anyways...."

Okay good. Maybe if we talk a little bit I can get an idea of what I could do.

(Soon enough they go get lunch together and has a great-load-of-fun conversation. But it ends and they are silent. Until that is, Hiwamari [Sakura] breaks the ice).

"Hey can you help me with something Tenshi? I need help getting back to my village but I have no idea where this town is in the Village. Could you help me get directions? I need to get home soon," she asks.

Perfect!! This will work perfectly!! Bu then again it would be odd if I walked her to her destination. So maybe I could ask to come along. Ahh yes! But I can't just ask out of the blues. I'll make her feel guilty! That's it!!

"Hmm oh leaving already. I could give you directions but I'd love it if you could stay a bit longer. But if you have to leave you can....I mean I don't know where I'd go because I've been everywhere else alone.....'*SIGH*'," I say so sadly it sounds real.

"Huh oh I'm so about you come with me for a little until we get to the Village I'm headed to gates. Is that alright? I don't want you to be lonely or anything...." she says guiltily. Yes!! It's working!!

"Huh?? Really?? I could come with you?! That'd be so awesome!! This will be great!!" I say joyfully.

(Soon enough they head off to Tenshi's [Kakashi's] room he's staying at in the village so he could pack up. Sakura wasn't carrying anything, for Hidan and Kakuzu carried everything for her, no matter how much she begged for her to carry something for them. Once done, they left to go to the Rain Village [where the Akatsuki hide-out is]. They were half way to the village when it started to pour rain outside. Luckily there was a small abandoned cottage near by. They headed straight for it and went inside. They decided to wait the rain out in the cottage but they both knew it was going to take more than one night for it to go by. It was monsoon season where they were. So Tenshi [Kakashi] unpacked and right before they fell asleep, he got out a blanket and a portable mattress. He had only packed one for himself).

"Here you can have it. I'll sleep on the ground. It's fine," I said. "No please! It's yours anyways! You can have it!" She begged. Oh please don't tell me it's going to be this way.

"No. You're a lady and you need your rest. Please. I don't want to use it if it's the only one and you're here. You're a very beautiful lady who needs her rest. Please. Have it," I begged. She immediately looked guilty but she got under the covers. But she didn't lay on the whole thing. She left a lot of space open.

"If we're just going to fight about who gets it, how about we share it! It's better than fighting over who gets it. So c'mer!" She said so while patting on the open space. I was probably flushed red. I could feel heat radiating of my face. I looked over at Pakkun and he winked day me. Sometimes I really hate that dog, you know. But I turned back to her and got into bed with her.

(When he got into the bed and put the blanket over top of them, Hiwamari [Sakura] used his chest as a pillow).

Oh gawd! Why?! I'm probably as red as a perfectly ripe red apple!! UGH!! This is so embarrassing......why is it that I fell in love with her when she was younger....(this story collides with the KakaSaku story I made. You'll have to read it. But I'm not finished with that one either...=.=........)

....but especially why did she join the Akatsuki....she said she didn't love Sasuke....but he was an asshole to her before and when she begged him to stay....but then again she lied to him about saying she loved him......or....did she??? no.....maybe....I hope not......UGH self-confusion!!!


Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)Where stories live. Discover now