Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)

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When I woke up I felt hands around my waist. It was also really early in the morning. It should be about 1:00 am. I was about to elbow the idiot who thought sleeping with me was a good idea. And I had an idea of who it could be. Hidan.

But I tried to move my arm up but it was also being held.

"Mmmm.....don't hurt me please....." said a voice I didn't suspect. It was Kakuzu. He sounded like he was half asleep. I hadn't opened my eyes yet so I didn't see who it was. When I did I saw Hidan outside the sort of tent we made, sleeping on a tree.

(The tent wasn't really a tent. It was a tarpaulin tied up to the trees near by so it made a cover with a back side so no one could see them from that direction. It wasn't really safe, but Kakuzu and Hidan did it all the time. So it was a tarpaulin that was tied up so it had a roof and the rest hung down on all sides except one).

It looked like Hidan was guarding us and he had fallen asleep a little while ago. I would get up but Kakuzu isn't going to let go of me anytime soon. But I tried anyways.

"No....not yet...." he tried to say. "We're still on a mission, Kakuzu. We need to hurry and pack up. Please let..."

(He didn't listen. Instead he snuggled his head into Sakura's neck. His lips were touching her neck. He kissed her a few times but then stopped because he fell asleep again. She ever-so-wanted to get up but, again, he wouldn't let go. She was stuck until he woke up. Ain't Sakura got time for that! Her friends knew where she was and she wanted to leave before they come back, if they did. She knew what would work.

(She turned her body around to face towards Kakuzu. She put her face into his and kissed him. That made him wake up halfway. He was half asleep still. She kept on kissing him until he woke up so he could kiss her back. Soon enough he was wide awake. He kept on kissing her but asked her something inbetween).

"Why are you trying to leave at this time in the morning?" he asked. "I can't say all of it.....but I think some people...that are know......where we are.......And I don't want......them to catch us," I replied.

(It was hard for her to talk because he wouldn't stop kissing her. She now thought that it was a bad idea to do that to wake him up. But he didn't stop. He didn't use tongue yet but he was kissing her pretty fast. She felt a little numb though. He put one of his hands through her hair but it still touched her cheek and the other was on her waist.

(He was about to make out with her but she stopped him and he opened his eyes. She looked him in the eyes and said...) ..."Please. We need to leave now."

(They didn't notice but Hidan had woken up when she turned to face him. He's a light sleeper so he woke up to the sound and it sounded like she was struggling. But when he looked over she was kissing him. He said 'fuck. This is bad. We need to leave. I'll pack up for them,' to himself. So when they stopped and looked up, the bags were packed except for the tarpaulin and the blankets and pillows they were sleeping with. They clearly didn't give a fuck. They knew he was a light sleeper and so they thought he woke up at some point in time. When they got up he started to pack up the other three stuff).

Our mission was in the Sound Village. I couldn't beat the shit out of Sasuke yet, sadly.

(The three of them hadn't realized that they were being watched by Orochimaru. And Kabuto. Me: 'whenever I hear his name I immediately think of the pokemon Kabutops. And then I think of a combination of Kabuto and Kabutops. That would be an awesome fan art picture. Someone make that.' Kabuto: 'you fucking bitch.' Me: 'I hate you too. Because you're fucking killing everyone in the current Naruto Shippuden. Fuck you. Fuck your family. Go to fucking hell.'

(Anyways in this story none if that shit happened yet. Sasuke is still with Orochimaru. And Naruto is still off training. So anyways, Hidan, Kakuzu, and Sakura had no idea they were being watched. Which was bad. And what made it worse was that when Sasuke came in he immediately recognized Sakura, even in the Akatsuki cloak. Which Orochimaru had no idea who she was. And Kabuto didn't remember her because he thought she was useless but if the Akatsuki wanted to recruit her, she is most definitely not a useless bitch. Like most people say. Anyways when Sasuke noticed her he said she looked different and more beautiful than ever. When he looked at her, he looked sadly at her. Like he was sad that he left her. And Sasuke was not doing well with his training with Rochy here. Orochimaru: 'you call me that again and I'll put a curse mark on you.' Me: 'I can easily destroy you in this story. So don't fuck with me.'

(Anyways his poor job at training, it was because he was missing something. Me: 'missing meaning like he longed to have something.' And Orochimaru immediately knew what it was. It was Sakura. So he decide to capture her. And he made Sasuke do it. Which Sasuke was happy about it. So Sasuke got ready to go out and capture Sakura.

(Meanwhile Hidan, Kakuzu, and Sakura were fighting some of the bandits that they were after. But the main guy they were after had fled the battle. And before Sasuke left he noted that. And then he was off. He was halfway between Orochimaru's hideout and Sakura, when he met up with the guy they were after. Sasuke happily killed the man for Sakura and her pals. Me: 'oh god that one show. Rock Lee and Pals. Oh god why. I mean it's adorable as hell but the show itself....oh god why....'

(When the three finally caught up, they saw the man, bloody murdered, lying on the ground. Sakura could tell what attack was used. 'It can't be. No. Not now,' she thought to herself. Hidan and Kakuzu could tell someone was there. Then looked at Sakura, whose face was shadowy. Like she was pissed off and sad and remembering something at the same time. They immediately knew who it was.

(Hidan got his Jutsu ready, looking like a badass Grim Reaper. And Kakuzu got out his five heart, again, looking like a badass. But before they knew it, Sakura got in front of them. They were confused. But then realized what was happening. They stopped both their Jutsu'sThen knowing this is her battle not theirs. But before any of the three realized it, Sakura was stolen in an instant. And she was being carried by a boy who looked like a more human version of Kisame. Otherwise known as, Suigetsu Hōzuki. Which she knew from researching with Tsunade. He carried her off so far that the other two wouldn't be able to catch them. He stopped to see that the bitch, also known as Karin, and Jūgo was there. Me: 'before you guys say anything I already tied up Karin and Duct taped her mouth totally shut. She would've been complaining all this chapter if I hadn't done that.').

"OH FUCK NO! GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME MORE HUMAN KISAME!! I'LL FUCKING TEAR YOU TO PEICES!!" I yelled. "Eehhhh? What the fuck did you just call me, bitch?!?! UGH! WHAT THE FUCK DOES HE LIKE IN THIS BITCH?!?!" Suigetsu said to Jūgo.

"She's kinda cute. Did you see her face at all???" Jūgo said. "ERRR I'LL PUT A FUCKING DENT IN YOUR HEAD IF YOU SAY THAT AGAIN, FATASS!!" I said.

"You can call me that all you want. I know I'm big. I don't give a fuck," Jūgo replied. "Hmm oh no I didn't take a look at her," Suigetsu said while putting her down. "Heyyyy. She's fucking sexy," Suigetsu said.

(Sakura thought that this wold be her chance to run but when she ran off she bumped into someone she hated dreadfully. Sasuke).

"Well well well. It's been a while Sakura-Chan. But I think you're going the wrong way," Sasuke smirked. He then lifted her on his shoulder and went and told Team Taka to meet back at the hideout.

(When Sasuke got to the hideout, he put her down in his bedroom).

"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU BAST--" (but she was interrupted by Sasuke making out with her. Me: 'no. I am not making a SasuSaku thing. I fucking hate that pairing. Sasuke doesn't deserve Sakura. She also doesn't deserve him. So instead...').

I then proceed to punch him in the gut hard enough to make him fly back to the wall, also coughing out blood. "What the fuck was that for?!?!" he said, "I was fucking helping you get away from the Akatsuki!!! They must've stolen you and brainwashed you!! I was trying to get your memory back!!"


"I didn' just couldn't.....tell you" he tried to say. Oh that's it! It's on now, bitch!!


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