Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)

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We were now outside. We picked sides. Balloons on each side. We were ready to fight. But I forgot to say something.

"If any of you sneaky bastards-" *Deidara coughs Hidans name* *Sasori coughs Kisames name*

"What the fuck did you just say, you cocky bastards?!?!" Hidan yelled. "Huh? What? We didn't say anything. There must be a strange cough going around," Sasori said sarcastically.

"Oh ya, bitch!" Kisame said while throwing the first balloon at Sasori. Deidara then threw one at Hidan. "What the fuck was that for, fucker! I didn't do shit to ya!"

"No. Not me. But to Sakura. Yes, un," Deidara said. "Whoa. Hey. I don't want to get included in this, guys. Please don't include me in this."

"I didn't do shit to that bitch," Deidara face palms, "what???" "You're calling her a bitch, dumbass! That's what you're doing wrong!"

"What! Is that it! I call her that because she's my bitch!" Okay that's it.

(The fight keeps going on for a long time and soon Konan, Pein, and Nagato come out in their swimsuits).

"We overheard you guys when we were inside. We were bored as hell," Konan said. "So you just crashed the party? Nice one," Itachi said while walking towards us. Zetsu came over as well. Kakuzu joined the fight and Tobi was hiding in a corner. Typical.

"You know this isn't much of a water balloon fight. It's more of just a fight. We should make them use water balloons instead of cussing each other out," I said.

"Then how about we throw balloons at them to get it started," Nagato mentioned.

"That's a good idea," I reply.

Before we even got to aim at them.....

"You can go fuck Sakura-Chan for all I care!" Deidara yelled at Hidan. Okay. Now I'm pissed.

"God damn it, guys! This is what I was talking about! See I didn't want this to happen. Okay. First, Hidan you can call me 'bitch'. But I ain't yo bitch! Second, I ain't gonna fuck any of you shits...."

".....And third," Zetsu, Pein, Nagato, Konan, Itachi, and I throw balloons at the five of them, "take that bitches!"

We started a water balloon war than a fight. It was chaos.

We stopped after we were all getting numb from the pain of water balloons against our skin. Well all of us except Hidan. He loved it too much. But he did stop when we said we would.

We ended up at the dinner table in our swim suits. Konan and I in our bikinis and the boys in their swim suits.

Right when I was done with the ramen the boys started to take off their shirts. Oh god why.

The boys.

Without shirts.

THE BOYS ARE SHIRTLESS!! got too awkward for me and Konan.

"Hey. um. I'm..gonna in the living room....okay...." I say awkwardly.

"Ya same here...." Konan agrees.

But they ended up coming out right when they got their own food on their plates.

"God damnit," I cursed to myself.

"Hey we're a team. So we gotta eat together if we're gonna be together," Pein said.

Zetsu was on my right, Pein on my left, and Kakuzu on the ground, his back laying on my legs. Awkward enough.

Konan was in one of the retractable chairs. Aways from me.

It got too quiet for me after a while.

"'s life so far?" I ask to break the awkward silence.

"Boring as hell," Hidan says.

"It's nice but not as nice as I wanted it to be," Itachi said.

"It was very sexist until you joined," Konan said. It made me laugh a little.

"Tobi's life was boring until Saku-Chan came along!" Tobi said with excitement.

"D......did one has called me that since I was a friends and family used to always call me that..........." I suddenly started to cry.

"Now look what you did, dipshit! You made her cry!" Deidara cussed out at Tobi.


"I-it's alright. I.....guess I'm just a little homesick," I reply.

"You shouldn't be," Itachi says. Kisame then slapped the back of his head hard enough to make a sound.

"Gee. T-thanks for the cheering up," I try to say to him sarcastically.

"Clearly you don't see what he's trying to say," Kakuzu says.

"He's trying to say you're already home," Zetsu added.

Itachi continued, "we know we're not your birth parents and this isn't your birthplace but we're you family and friends now. When you need cheering up, we'll be there. When you're alone, we'll hang out with you. We'll be there for you, no matter what."

That made me happy inside to hear that. I had never felt this happy. Why?


My friends and family in the past never cared so much about me before. That's why. Reminding myself of that made me cry so hard I was hiccuping.

"Huh? What's the matter now, sweetheart?!" Konan asked worryingly.

"N-no o-ne *hic* has ever *hic* c-cared for me-e so mu-uch be-*hic*-fore," I try to say.

(Pein then wraps his arm around Sakura. She then cling to him. He took a surprise at first but then he relaxed, knowing she was this upset. She cried so hard she passed out. She woke up to Pein carrying her to bed somewhere).

".......Pein-Sama......." I whisper.

He heard me. "Hn. Oh. Hey. Sorry. Did I wake you?"

" just....woke..up...." I whispered still tired.

"oh. okay. good. If I did I would be upset with myself," he whispered.

"Hey.....where are you taking me?"

"I'm taking you to bed. Konan said she didn't want to wake you up with her snoring, but we didn't want you to sleep on the couch," he replied whispering.

"So where am I going to sleep?" I ask quietly.

(He opens a door and she looks around. It's his room. She could tell).

"This is my room," he says.

He tries to put me to bed but I was too comfortable on him. "....don't go.....Please....." I say.


(He starts to blush from embarrassment. She was still holding onto him).

".....please stay........"

"I......I....can't....." he replies.

"Why not? I was comfy laying on your chest and it would help me sleep again. And plus this is your room," I try to convince him.

I scoot over to the other side more and then pat on the bed where he would lay.

(At first he was hesitant at sitting down. But when he looked at her face and her sweet smile he was more relaxed, knowing she really wanted him to stay. But just in case....).

"You sure you want me to stay?" he asked to make sure.

She nodded slowly.

(He laid down next to her. He then put the blankets on them so she wouldn't get cold. She then scooted closer to him and laid her head on his chest. She got comfortable on him. He started to blush even harder. But he wrapped his arms around her tightly but not too tight. He felt so nice with her cuddling with him. He felt a warm feeling inside. She moved her head around his chest until she got to the spot where she could hear his heart beat. It was a little fast but she knew why. And she didn't care.

(Sakura soon fell asleep to the sound of Pein's heart beat. He wanted to leave but not yet. She had to be fully asleep. But he ended up falling asleep with her in his arms and on his chest. He fell asleep not knowing he did, too. But he fell asleep better than he ever did before. It was his first sleep in a long time with a pleasant dream.

They both had the same dream. Actually all the Akatsuki had the same dream. The dreams were mixed together. Their dreams were about Pein and Nagato and Konan as kids, playing together in a park, and no war going on. Then they wandered off and found all the Akatsuki as kids too. When they found each other it was more like a reunion. Soon they all ended up finding Sakura as a kid. She was crying because she was all alone. But then they cheered her up. They held her and told her it was alright and made her happy. They all knew they were all in the same dream. No way they would know what they all looked like as a kid. No way.

(Then, as morning came, each one of them were leaving. But in the dream their parents were calling them to go home. Soon it was just Pein and Sakura. They enjoyed the dream too much to wake up).


"So everyone has woken up, huh," Sakura says.

"Ya I guess. But I don't want to walk up yet. If any of those idiots wake us up, Their gonna-"

Sakura finished for him, "-know what true pain is?"

"H-how did you know what I was going to say?" Pein said blushing.

"Before I joined I did my research. Heehee," she smiled.

"O-oh o-okay...." Pein was getting shy.

"Plus I knew Jiraiya-Sensei. He was a good friend of Tsunade-Sama's. They were teammates. But I think you know that already," she replied.

"You knew Jiraiya-Sensei? And Tsunade-Sensei? How?"

"Tsunade-Sama was my teacher and is the Hokage now. Jiraiya-Sensei is Naruto's teacher. They met a long time ago. We had a few conversations about you and Nagato and Konan. They really liked you guys. They miss you too. Truly," Sakura replies.

"Oh" he said lost in his memories.

(He looked like he was about to cry. Sakura felt bad about reminding him of his past now. She then gave him a little kiss on the cheek).

"Huh? What was that for?" he asked surprised but blushing. "You looked like you were about to cry. I reminded you about your past and I didn't want you to cry like I did last night," she replied.

"I wasn't gonna cry!"

(She kissed him again but this time it was a little longer. Then her mother had come up).

"Hey Saku-Chan. Who's your new boyfriend, sweetheart?" her mother asked. "MOOOOOOOOOM!! HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!!! And his name is Pein....or..Yahiko......" Sakura said. "Then why'd you kiss him? Heh sweetheart, I'm sorry but it's time to go now. Say good-bye to your little friend here and lets go home. I'll make you your favorite," her mother said.

"Huh. Oh hey is that your mom?" Sakura asks, pointing to a woman coming up to Pein.

(Pein's mother had come up just then).

"Hn. Ya it is. I don't even remember when the last time I saw her was. Hi mommy," he said. "Hi sweetheart. Who's your new friend? She's very pretty."

"Her name is Sakura. And yes she is very pretty," he replied.

(Sakura blushed at that remark. Then their mothers picked up their children. Before they separated they said they'd see each other when they woke up).


Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)Where stories live. Discover now