Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)

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*hey this one is gonna be a short chapter cause my brains creativity is all like, "lol nope. I'm gonna fucking leave for vacation while you stay at home while fucking writing." And so I am not that creative today. My mind is dying of creativity. I was also awake until midnight where I live. So I'm tired too. So this one is a short chapter. Sorry.*


It was only me and Zetsu awake at 4:30 in the morning. We were sitting on the couch sipping on our coffees. We were watching TV. It was a drama but it was really bad. I mean some parts made me breathe some air out like I was laughing but barely. It was a marathon of this show.

"This show is bad. I mean it's boring. I don't like it. But there's nothing else I really want to watch," I said.

"Do you want to turn it off?" Zetsu asked. I shrugged like I didn't care what he did. He turned it off. We laid back on the couch. What to do.

(Zetsu and Sakura were drinking their coffee and waiting out the morning silently. Then Zetsu put his head on her shoulder. But she didn't care. She was looking at something in the opposite direction. She then got startled when he started to brush his hand through her hair and he kissed her on the cheek.

(She turned her head and his face was touching hers. His forehead was leaning on hers. He kissed her on the lips a little bit. Soon he was making out with her. He started to lean in on her until he was laying on top of her. When he started to slow down he bit on her lip a little. But he didn't hurt her with his sharp teeth. But before he could go any further with this love he sat up.

(Then Sakura heard a door creaking open slowly and she knew that's why he sat up. So she did the same. It was Nagato).

"Oh hey you two are awake already. Okay cool. I'm not the only one awake," he said.

"I've been up since 4:30. And Zetsu didn't get any sleep. But I made some coffee and there's still some left over. But it has almond flavoring in it. You can have some if you want," I replied.

"Oh sure."

(Nagato went out to the kitchen and got some coffee. When he came back, he leaned against the wall and looked at them in a weird way).

" two been busy this morning?" Nagato said in a 'if you know what I mean' way with a raised eyebrow. "Go to hell," I replied as I got up.

After that, one by one, everyone got up.

"IS SAKU-CHAN ALRIGHT?!?! TOBI WORRIED!" Tobi asked squeezing me to death.

"Yes...I'm. Fine. Tobi. Please....let..go..of. Me," I replied. He let go of me. Deidara then hit Tobi across the head saying, "if you're so worried then you shouldn't squeeze her to death, un. You could have made her loose her breathe, un."

"Tobi sorry, Saku-Chan!"

"It's okay. You didn't have to hit him Deidei!" I said. "Da fuck did you just call me?!"

"Oops. Didn't mean to call you that. Just a nickname I call you secretly. Sorry," I said.

"Eh. Doesn't matter. Call me whatever you want," he replied as he walked away.

"Umm......I'm.....I don't know how to reply to this.....I thought he would be pissed at me calling him that secretly......but uhhh.......never mind...." I said confused.

We all ate breakfast and was called to an official Akatsuki meeting. My first one too. We were all getting assigned our missions.


Pein went and told Zetsu, Tobi, Deidei, Sasori, Itachi, and Kisame their missions. Shit. That leaves....

"Sakura, you'll be assigned your first mission with Kakuzu and-" I interrupted, "the douche."

Everyone got a kick out of that. Except Hidan. He was pissed.

"Why do I havta be with this bitch?! Why us?! I don't want to put up with it!"

"Eheh. Excuse me. But did you...just call 'it'?" I said eternally pissed.

"Ya I di-" he was about to say until he turned to see how pissed I was at him right then and he was scared to death, "eheh. Was I about to say yes. I meant no I didn't sweetheart. Please don't kill me!" He was shivering of being so scared.

"Ya. Yo better be scared, douche," I replied.


Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)Where stories live. Discover now