Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)

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**note this is a flashback of New Years. No it's not a late story. I meant this to be a flashback sort of story. Like the one with Itachi and Sakura's childhood. Please do not say it's a late piece of work**


New Years and Christmas was pretty awesome with the gang. But I was a bit upset that everyone wanted to be Konans' New Years kiss and none wanted t be mine. Except a few who didn't want a New Years kiss.

She stopped all of them by saying she's not the only girl there. But I was sitting in my old room listening to what happened because I got really upset. And she had noticed me leaving all upset and alone.

They tried looking for me. But I made sure they wouldn't hear me or see me. But it was Itachi that found me. He was one of the few that didn't want a kiss. (He didn't let anyone know he found her. He yelled to them that she wasn't in there. Which is a lie. She was lying on her bed with her head in her chest. He went in and closed the door silently so no one knew. He stood next to her bed).

"What's wrong?" he asked. "Go away," I reply. "No. Not without you."

"I'm not going. But you are. Please leave me alone. I left to be alone," I said. "We don't want that though. Why would you want to be alone on New Years, anyways? Please come with me." "No. No one cared until Konan said something. That clearly means no one wants me around. Not today that is....."

"That's not true. I got worried as well. But I let you leave because I didn't want to bother you. I didn't want to hurt you more....I'm not good with girls.....people say it's because I'm an Uchiha......."

I look at him with a 'what the fuck are you talking about' face. "Uchiha's are like the most popular people to girls. Girls love Uchiha's if you haven't noticed with your little brother," I say. "That's my little brother. He doesn't know about the Uchiha ways like I do....."

"Please will you just come out. I don't think you should be in here. It's too quiet and lonely. Please," he says. "No. I'm not leaving," I reply. (He then sits next to her on the bed).

"I'm worried about you. It hurts me when I see you like this. I just want to make you feel better," he puts his forehead on my head that's in my knees, "When we first saw each other at the shop, I looked into your eyes. I saw pain and loneliness. And I still see it. I want to get rid of that."

(Sakura starts to cry while he said all of this. Especially when he talked about what he say in her eyes. She remembers when she was about to meet her friends and they talked about her badly. They called her useless and they said she depended on everyone too much. She remembered the pain she has had trying to let her home go. But worst of all, she remembered the pain she had when she was younger when Sasuke left. She hates him now but she still gets hurt when someone says his name. It's also hard for her to talk about him.

(Sakura then gets out of her knees and grabs Itachi. Her tears fell fast. He was, at first, surprised by this but then held onto her after a few seconds. She cries into his chest heavily. No matter what she did, she couldn't stop the tears. He started to rub her back and hold on tight to her).

"I-I'm so-o sor-ry! *hiccup* I-I j-*hiccup*-just mi-miss my ho-ome s-o mu-*hiccup*-uch!! I-I can't *hiccup* for-get the *hiccup* the pa-ain!!" I try to say. "I know. I'm sorry. Just let it all out. I'll be here for you," he says. I know of his past. Why is he not saying something about me complaining. He should be saying something.

"I know *hiccup* you-'ve be-en through *hiccup* through wor-se! I. I should-shouldn't be *hiccup* cry-ying. I. *hiccup* I a-am su-ch a cry-crybaby!!" I say. (Itachi starts to lower his head in sadness, where his eyes are shadowed over).

Oh crap! I shouldn't have said that! I shouldn't have said that at all!!

"No. You're alright. Yes I may have been through worse, but I did it for my brother. I protected him from dying. And I still love him. No matter how much he hates me, I will always love him. But you may not. He's put you through a lot of pain. And he might not deserve the love I want to give him. But he definitely does not deserve you. You didn't deserve the pain he gave you either. People go through pain, Sakura. Some people can look like they can cope with it. But truthfully they will always be hurt. And they will need to get that pain out somehow. Crying is one of those ways. I may look like I don't care about it, but, truthfully, I do care about it. I cry about it a lot, even now. So don't worry about me. Please. I just want to see you happy. I want to see your beautiful smile more. Please, be happy."

(Sakura tightens her grip. She feels like a jerk for saying what she did. But she knows what he says is true. But she still regrets saying that. Reminding him of his past and all. And yet he smiled in the end. Which is odd to her. Usually people would still be upset and wouldn't keep a smile. But he did).

"I-I'm sorry. I. I d-didn't *hiccup* mean t-o re-mind yo-ou...." I say. "Hn. Like I said, don't worry about me. I'm fine. I've had years to be able to handle talking about it. Please. Just, don't worry," he says.

"I'm s-sorry. I-I am *hiccup* am o-on m-my PMS...." I try to say. He chuckles. "It's fine. Girls do that a lot. And I've been with Konan for years. So I get it."

(Sakura stops crying in time for New Years. But she didn't want to leave. She didn't want to see anyone else. She's still holding onto him though).

"I still don't want to go," I say. "Why not?" he asks. "I don't want to see anyone else. I don't want to go out there."

"But the guys want to see you. They're worried too, you know." I reply, "only because Konan told them about me. But you noticed me leaving, right?" He nods. "Please. Don't make me go out there. But you can stay with me if you want, Itachi-Kun," I say.

(He starts to blush at her calling him "-Kun"). "O-okay. I-I'll stay. But you have to promise to come out with me after midnight," he says. (Sakura points out her pinky. He loops his pinky around hers). "I promise," I say.

(Midnight was in 30 seconds, soon enough. When the two heard them counting down, they whispered the countdown with them. Once it hit midnight, the two looked at each other and then kissed. It was a beautiful kiss, especially for them. They didn't want to stop. They both felt pain that New Years. And they made it better with the kiss. The pain all disappeared while they kissed. They wished they could stay like this forever.

(The kiss got stronger and stronger. Soon enough, Sakura would be on on top of him laying down on the bed. They didn't even stop after their lips got numb. But Sakura got tired easily. She had been heavily crying for a long time. You would expect her to get tired fast. He knew that would come and accepted it. But even when she fell asleep, he didn't leave her. He didn't want to hurt her. He didn't want her to go through anymore pain.

(Soon enough the guys started to yell about Itachi being gone, along with Sakura being gone too. They hadn't realized it at all until Sasori said something about it. Then they all freaked out. Not Konan, Pein, and Nagato. Apparently, Nagato got Konans' kiss too. But anyways the three settled them down by giving them all booze. Which was going to be a bad idea in the morning.

(Anyways, no one found the two of them. They stayed together in the empty room. But it wasn't empty at the same time. It was filled with love. After Sakura and Itachi stopped kissing, somehow, Itachi couldn't stop crying. But the tears were not of sadness. It was of happiness. And Sakura could tell. She saw his tears right before she fell asleep. 'Thank you' he whispered as he holds onto her tighter).


Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)Where stories live. Discover now