Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)

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*so these next few chapters are going to be the flashbacks of when Sakura, who is 5 years old in these chapters, was getting bullied from when kids were pouring food and drinks on her. This also shows how Sakura actually knew him and became friends with Itachi but had a Jutsu put on her to forget it all.*

(Sakura: 'NO I DIDN'T!!' Itachi: 'yes you did. Now please stop yelling. You've been yelling for hours. It's getting annoying.' Sasuke: 'that's why I left her. But now I feel bad for that....' Me: 'where the fuck did you come from?! Oh wait you're in this chapter.' Sasuke: 'yes I am. I'm sorry Sakura. D_: I didn't mean to hurt you!' Sakura: 'go to hell bitch. You left me for that snake ass and red head bitch.' Itachi: 'you left Sakura because she was annoying. I'LL KICK YO ASS, BITCH!' Me: 'ladies ladies lets not fight right now. I have a story to write.' Itachi & Sasuke: 'we are not ladies!' Me: 'whatever you say Sas-GAY!' Sasuke: 'D_: those were by total accident and you know it!' Me: 'BACK TO THE CHAPTERS WHICH HASN'T EVEN STARTED YET!!!')




Wow what a beautiful day. I should dress up real nice today. Maybe Sasuke will notice me today.

(Sakura picked out a green dress and brown boots. The dress was long sleeved and had slits on the sleeves. It went down to her knees. Her boots went half-way up her thighs. They were clip-ons. She grabbed her red bag and went downstairs to eat breakfast. After breakfast she headed for the school. It wasn't long until Sas-GAY got to the school. Sasuke: 'Stop it! It's not funny anymore!!' Me: 'yes it is. And it always will be.' Anyways Sasuke's brother had walked him to school though. Itachi: 'I'm such a great big brother.' Me: 'yes. Yes you are. Please stop interrupting me.'

(Itachi had brought him to school but, immediately, Sasuke was surrounded by girls. Itachi sighed one of those 'oh brother' sighs. Itachi: 'I see what you did there.' Me: 'ya it was so punny.' Sasuke: 'STOP HER BEFORE SHE CAN NEVER RETURN!' Me: 'I'm stopping! Jeez. I'm getting so sidetracked. Sorry. Anyways.'

(Sakura was slow at getting to Sasuke though. She was trampled over by the tons of fan girls. She was laying on the ground. When she sat up she was surrounded by her bullies).

"Hey girls. Look what we've got here. Sakura got trampled over. Again. HA. You'll never get Sasuke's attention. EVER! You're so ugly and stupid!"

I looked down at myself. They're right. I am ug- "Excuse me but this girl has done nothing wrong to you. Tell me, why are you hurting her feelings?" Sasuke's brother said. Sasuke was always walked to school with his big brother.

"What's it t' ya!" she said. "Well I'm Sasuke's big brother and lets just say if you listen to me and answer my questions I might, MIGHT, talk to Sasuke about you. So, again, tell me why you're bullying this girl."

(The bullies was shock to hear this and they told him. When they finished he began to speak).

"Well if that's the reason then I'm sorry to say but I will never mention you in any conversation I have with my little brother. You are all mean and cruel to this girl for no good reason. Now leave her alone or I'll tell your parents what you're doing to her."

(They all were scared of that threat and left. Itachi knelt down to help Sakura up). "Are you alright?" he said. "I'm good. Thank you, though," I replied. "Anything for a girl as pretty as you," he said smiling. At that, I blushed. "My name's Uchiha Itachi. What's yours?" "H-Haruno Sakura," I stuttered. "Hmm Haruno Sakura. Blooming of the Cherry Blossoms. With this beautiful pink hair, it suits you perfectly."

(While he was with Sakura, Sasuke saw the whole thing. He got a little jealous. Sasuke tried to get through the crowd of fan girls to get to his big brother and Sakura, but couldn't because there were too many. He needed help).

"Big brother! Big brother! Help me!! I can't get out!" Sasuke yelled to Itachi. "Hn. Oh boy. I gotta go help my little brother out. I be right back," and at that he left to help Sasuke out of the crowd of girls. He and Sasuke were talking and Sasuke pointed at me. What could they be talking about?

(Oh I don't know. Itachi was just explaining to Sasuke how he and Sakura should be friends. Not that important, really. Itachi was holding Sasuke by his armpits. When Sasuke said he'd like to meet Sakura, Itachi put Sasuke's body on his shoulder. But Sasuke's head was faced behind Itachi and his stomach was faced towards Itachi's shoulder Sakura laughed at that. Itachi came back with Sasuke on his shoulder).

"Sakura, I think you already know who he is, but this is Sasuke, my little brother. Sasuke say hello to Sakura."

(Sasuke got his head up enough to look at her). "Hello," he waved at me, "My big brother likes you even though he only knows your name. He says we should be friends. Is that alright?"

I was blushing so hard. I couldn't say a word. I just nodded. He was talking to me. Of all people, me.

"Okay cool. So we're friends now. Big brother, can you put me down now? Your shoulder is hurting my stomach," Sasuke said.

"Sorry little brother. I don't want to to get swarmed by girls and then I'd have to get you out, again. So your staying," Itachi replied. "But I want to properly meet Sakura. I can't even look down to her without my back and neck hurting badly."

I walked to Itachi's backside to let Sasuke see me. "H-hello," I put my hand out, "m-my name's S-Sakura." I was stuttering too much. Oh god. "Oh hello," he reached down to put his hand into mine and shook it, "you may already know my name, but it's Sasuke." And he smiled at me.

He's smiling at me!!! At me!!! Oh my god!! "Hey if we're going to be friends, you cannot go fan girl on me. Got it," and I nodded to his comment.

Sasuke said to Itachi, "Big brother. No matter what, girls always surround me. It's never going to cha-"

"Yes I know Sasuke I just don't want Sakura-Chan here to get trampled over again," he interrupted.

Soon enough the bell rang for school to start. Itachi ended up carrying Sasuke to his seat. I followed behind him. When the teacher came in he immediately noticed Itachi and said, "Itachi! What are you doing here! Didn't you pass the exams! Or are you back for more."

"No no. This is my little brother. And I wanted to make sure he got here safely, away from those fan girls. But Sakura-Chan here is fine. She's a good girl. But she's not in this class, right?"

The teacher nodded. "Okay I'll walk her to her class. C'mon Sakura-Chan, lets get you to class." And we left waving goodbye to Sasuke for now. I told Itachi what room number my class was and he walked me to class. I was holding onto his leg because so many girls were giving me the death glare. I was scared what they'd do to me if I let go.

But before we knew it the bell rang for class to start. I was going to be late. I didn't want to let go of him though.

(He knew why she was clenching onto his leg and he knew she didn't want to be too late. He decided to pick her up, bridal style, and ran to her class. They got there in no time at all. But everyone was staring at Itachi who was still holding Sakura).

"Why are you holding Miss. Haruno?" my teacher asked.

"I was walking her to class but the second bell rang and I didn't want her to be too late for class so I carried her to class. And to add on to that every girl we passed by was giving her the death glare so I knew she didn't want to be alone."

"Oh okay well then why don't you put young Sakura down and let her go to her seat. You look like you've already passed school so why are you here? Are you friends with Sakura?"

"Uh well we just became friends this morning but I'm here for my little brother. I walked him to school and I had to get him to class safely. He's always surrounded by girls. Ugh."

"Oh you must be Uchiha Itachi. Sasuke's brother. The other teachers tell me about you and these girls tell me about Sasuke all the time."

Itachi must've forgotten he's still holding me because when I tugged on his shirt to let me down he had a 'I'm sorry I forgot' look on his face. He put me down. "Thank you for helping me this morning," I said as I bowed to him.

When I tilted my head up to see him he was waving his hands back and forth, blushing. He said, "n-no need to bow, Sakura-Chan. I was just helping out someone who needed it. I'll see ya later," and he left.

I then stood up and ran up to my seat to start class.




Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)Where stories live. Discover now