Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)

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*now we're back to the original story (Hidan: 'finally bitch!' Me: 'you call me that one more time and I'll kill you and make sure you can't come back!!' Hidan: 'EEP!! S-Sorry!!' Me: 'thank you')*




"Whoa whoa whoa. Hold da fuck up! That was you!" I said to Itachi. "Well yes it was. I secretly helped you other times too but you wouldn't even know about it. So lets just leave it at that one time."

"Wait you two knew each other???" Konan asked.

(Me: 'well yes Konan, did you not see the flashback?' Konan: 'yes I saw the flashback but if it were reality I wouldn't be able to.' Me: 'touché.')

"Ya well I didn't know it was him because I forgot.....but now I remember....and he saved my ass a few times as a kid......and I had a semi-crush on him..........." I said awkwardly.

"Miss. Haruno. You never told me you had a crush on me," Itachi said raising one eyebrow. "Semi-crush. I liked Sasuke more......back then that is. I hate his ass now."

"So are you saying you like me more now???" he asked. "I never said such a thing," I replied. "You never said you didn't either," Sasori said. "I'm still pissed at you. Go any further and I'll be hanging your head on my wall," I said to Sasori. He shut up after that.

I was the one who ended up cleaning the dishes after breakfast. Because the guys were fighting with each other that they themselves didn't have to do it, or it was another persons turn. Itachi and Konan, nice as they are, helped me though.

I told Konan and Itachi that I could finish the rest on my own, so they left. When I was done I turned around to see Nagato behind me. "Oh hi Nagato. Sorry about that scare back there. Heheh long story short, I was bullied in the past......sorry" I said.

"Oh no no. It's fine. I just wanted to ask if you could do something for me. But I need you to come with me. If that's okay," he said. "No no it's fine. I just finished anyways."

I followed him to his room, since I demolished the conference rooms wall. "So what is it you wanted?" I asked.

"I wanted to it possible to make me younger with your healing powers.......Since my powers drains my age I feel like that could be it?"

Truthfully, I had no fucking idea....I don't think it is.....but since it's because of his powers.....maybe.....

"Maybe.....I don't actually know.....I could try to create a Jutsu to help you but that'd take a while. Is that okay?" I wasn't really sure. But he nodded and I was able to leave.

I walked out to go to my room but I was pulled into another and straight to the middle of the room. It was pitch black and I couldn't see a thing. Whose room was this? I memorized where each persons room was but I didn't see where it was exactly.

"Okay who the hell are you? If you don't show yourself I will break every bone in your body!!!" I then felt a cold hand go down my back lightly and slowly. I tried to grab a hold of whoever it was but they were too fast.

"Who the hell are you?!?" I yelled. I thought I should just try to get to the door. I walked around to find a wall. Instead I felt, what felt like a body at first but I realized what it was and whose room I was in.

"SASORI!! DO YOU WANT TO BE KILLED!!!! CAUSE I WILL KILL YOU!!!" I yelled. He didn't answer. I just moved on to the wall behind the puppet.

I was almost to the door when Sasori grabbed a hold of me and forced me onto his bed. Or I think it was his bed......

He leaned in onto me. Truthfully I was trapped where I was. He had pinned me down. He had his hands on my wrists and his legs were on my legs so I couldn't move them. I wanted to kill him so badly now. I felt his face getting closer and closer into mine until our lips were touching.

"I'm going to kill you for this, you know," I whispered. "I know. But before you do...." He then kissed me. He did so for a while. Then he stopped. There was a pause from the kissing.

After the pause he opened my mouth with his and proceeded to make out with me. Like I said, I couldn't move. His mouth clashing with mine. Our tongues were waging war on each other. He started to unzip my shirt, slowly. He started to move his face down to my neck.

He was about to kiss it but was stopped to hear Deidara yelling through the door. "SASORI OPEN UP AND GIVE SAKURA-CHAN BACK, UN!! WE ALL KNOW YOU TOOK HER!!!"

"I guess our time is up. Time for you to go," and he pulled my zipper back up, dragged me to the door, opened it, and pushed me out.

"Hey, you okay Sakura-Chan? Did Sasori hurt you?" Deidara asked. "No, but he did do something terribly wrong. And I'm going to kill him for it."

I started to walk back to my room again. Once in my room, I locked the door behind me so I could get changed. I almost forgot I still had milk on my breasts.

There wasn't much to wear. I didn't want to wear another one of these shirts, so I put on my black dress and fishnet stockings.

(Sakura: 'Hell to the no am I wearing that! Especially in front of the damn Akatsuki!!' Itachi: 'Why not? I bet you'd look stunning in it.' Sakura: 'Okay, you need to stop trying to flirt with me.' Itachi: 'Why? You are a beautiful girl who deserves better than my little brother who broke your heart. I would never do that to you.' Me: 'I'm liking this. Keep it going.' Sakura: 'Well of course you like this. You already made a fan fiction with us two paired up. You even paired me up with my own Sensei!!! And there was only one favorite on that fan fiction meaning no one likes it except for one!' Me: 'Ya I know. And I'm proud of that one favorite! I'm glad I got even one! At least one person liked it! It still counts!').




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