Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)

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I woke up and found two arms wrapped around my waist.

Ugh...every time!

I've gotten used to it though....but it's still a bit always I gently pull his arms off of me and replace myself with a pillow. I don't know if he even realizes when I do it.

But I look at the alarm clock and see its about 3:00 AM. Same old same old. Always waking up so damn early. And always falling asleep so damn late! Ugh!

I go out to the living room and I see a knocked out Deidei (Sakura's nickname for Deidara) on the couch. What in the name of hell is he doing out here.

There was a paper on top of him. I was too far away to see what was on it. I walked up and took it off to read it

"To whomever reads this,

DO NOT WAKE ME UP! I woke up in the middle of the fucking night and could not fucking fall asleep in there anymore. So I decided to sleep out here. Please! Lord! Let it be someone with respect who reads this first! I woke up about fucking 10:00 and was in my room trying to sleep again and failed until 12:00. I decided to come out here afterwards. So do not fucking wake me up!

Thank you,

Yours truly"

(Sakura was one of those few respectful people in the Akatsuki. Deidara was sleeping on his stomach but his head was facing away from the couch with one arm underneath the pillow his head was resting on. His hair was down and all over his face. Sakura moved it out of his face so he wouldn't breathe it in and choke on it or something like that. Once she moved it out of his face she gave him a kiss on the forehead. Of course, that woke him up).

"HEY! Who ever just fucking kissed me, it better not be one of you fucking douche bags or especially it better not be fucking Tobi! You better fu-" I interrupted, "don't worry. It's just me! Jesus Christ dude! Why the hell would one of the guys kiss you! Especially Tobi! How the hell would he do that if he never takes of his mother friggin mask!"

(Deidara finally opened his eyes, not very widely, while lifting his head up. He sees that it is, in fact, Sakura that kissed him. No one else was awake. He then put his face into the pillow he was sleeping on. He moans in a way that he means he's thinking he's an idiot. But he was too tired to make a big on so he just grunts.

(Deidara decides to get up and help Sakura with whatever she was trying to do. He did not have any idea what she was doing, really. His hair was all messed up and knotted. Sakura, with her small bit of OCD, did not like it and really wanted to brush it out. He knew that too).

"No. You are NOT going to brush my hair out! Last time a girl did it they decided to put my hair in pigtails without me noticing!" he said.

"Dude. If I wanted to do something with your hair I would ask first! I'm not like that! Just let me brush your hair! It's getting on my nerves!" I say in reply.

(With the fact that he really cares about her makes him feel bad to say no again. He groans in annoyance. She knows that means yes. She goes into the guys bathroom to get Deidara's brush. She finds it instantaneously because it had long blonde hair in it. It was quite full of it actually. She didn't like that so she pulled it all out. She then found his ribbon which he always uses the same one. it looked like it was longer before but it got ripped a lot. She decide to go to hers and Peins bathroom to get a ribbon of hers. It was pink and was a little bigger in width than his. She then went to the kitchen to see Deidara sitting in a chair, ready for her to brush it out. He noticed the pink ribbon in her hands and not his).

"You're ribbon was all ripped up and old so I'm giving you mine! I'm not using your old one! So just get used to it!" I say so I can explain why I had my ribbon in my hand.

"Ugh. Just get it over with already," he says in annoyance.

(After a long hour and a half full of Deidara quietly yelling in pain so no one would wake up, they finally got all the knots out of his hair. Now it was time for the ponytail. He didn't like how she wouldn't use his usual one but he was too tired to give a shit at the moment. She made sure that the ponytail was perfect. And it was. And now she was finally done).

"Alright! I'm done!" I say.

"Ugh! Finally! Why would you make me wear this pink ribbon instead of my red one?" he asked.

I reply, "like I said. It was old and torn up and it's probably not useable anymore. I always see you struggling to put your hair in a ponytail with that ribbon every morning. So you can have mine! And you better use it for now on too!"

(Deidara starts to blush a little. She gave him her ribbon and she wants him to keep it. And she cared for him too. So ya, it made him blush. But he tried to hide it, and failed. He tried hiding it by turning his head all the way to the side.

(When Sakura noticed he was blushing she gave him a little peck on the cheek and started to hug him. She wanted him to be more of a friend to her so she decided to hug him. Now he was burning red. He decided to just go along with the hug but he just put one arm around her. It was a long hug too. After he got used to it he put both arms around her. Giving her a real hug.

(She still didn't let go yet. And neither did he. It was going to get a little awkward if they hugged any longer. But Deidara had other plans.

(He started to nibble on her ear. She got flustered. He moved down to her neck. He was first giving little pecks, then he used tongue. It got serious, bro. She was shaking though because, like I said before, it was her weakness place.

(She was clenching onto his t-shirt, which is what he wore to sleep in. Along with some pajama pants. She did not have her mothers skimpy night gown on. She got a night gown from Konan but it was not skimpy. She did have underwear on underneath too. So don't worry.

(Anyways, he started to go up to her face. Slowly, giving little gentle pecks up the way. Soon enough he was face-to-face with her. His lips were touching hers. He was beginning to make-out with her, but stopped).

"no," he whispered, "not again."

"Huh? What do you mean?" I whisper back.

(They were still face-to-face and lips were touching as they whispered to each other).

"Last time I did this to a's not pleasant...." he replied. "We'll this isn't like last time.....this is have to forget about the past and go onto the future...." I say.

(Deidara was a little shocked at what she had said. But he liked it. It was true and he knew it. He started to put one hand through her hair and put the other around her waist).

"You're a wise person. You know?" he whispers.

(He didn't let her answer. He started to kiss her gently. He wasn't going to fast either. Soon enough he opened her mouth with his tongue. He was gentle. Unlike what Sakura thought he would be. He didn't try to go too far. He wasn't rough. He was actually nice about it. And she didn't realize he had this side of him.

(He was knotting up her hair with his hand but she clearly didn't care at all at the moment. She started to put her hands through his hair but tried especially hard to not knot it up and un-perfect his ponytail. She didn't knot up his hair but she did loosen the ponytail a bit. He wanted to undo his ponytail for this moment, but he knew well that she wouldn't want that.

(Soon enough Sasori comes along and notices them kissing. He didn't give a shit. He continued into the kitchen, poured his coffee into his mugged and watched them while sipping his coffee. They stopped and turned to him).

"Busy this morning huh?" Sasori said with a smirk across his face.

(They both gave him the finger at the same time. Then they got off of each other).

"I wish you could do that with me, Sakura-Chan," Sasori smirks. Oh how much I just want to punch that smirk off his face.

I looked over at the microwaves clock and noticed it was already 6:00 AM. Gawd. Time flies when you're having fun.

Soon enough everyone was getting up.

"Yo blondy! What's with the pink ribbon, gaywad!" Hidan says to Deidara. I punch Hidan in the back of his head really hard and say, "that happens to be MY ribbon, dumbass!"

"You gave him your ribbon?!?!" Hidan asks surprised. "Why are you so friggin surprised!! His ribbon was old, torn up, and ready to go into the trash! This is his new ribbon now!"

(Hidan looks at them confused. It's not normal for someone like Deidara to wear something girly and will keep on wearing it for now on).

"Did. Did I. Like. Miss something this morning?" Hidan asks.

(Behind the blonde [Deidara] and the pink [Sakura] was the red [Sasori] making a kissy face, trying to tell Hidan what happened. He knew what Sasori meant).

"No fucking Jashin! No. fucking. way!!" he said. (Sakura and Deidara turn around to see Sasori still doing that face for a second and then he stops when he noticed them noticing. They immediately get pissed off and they each gave him a punch. Sakura's was worse though).

Soon everyone got settled down and had breakfast.


Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)Where stories live. Discover now