Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)

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It was hard to decide. They were all so nice. But I picked one of them. And I was now on their team, in other words, I was part of their partners.

"Hey just so you know we don't go n much missions. If the others are going on a really dangerous mission, you'll go with them to be their medic. But otherwise, you'll be here most of the time," he said.

Yes it was one of the guys I picked. We also had to share the same bed, awkward enough. But it was fine coming from who it was.

"Pein-Sama," I asked, "are you embarrassed that picked you? You've been a little nervous lately."

He doesn't talk much and when I talk to him around the guys he blushes. He gets a little shaky when we sleep too. I feel like I shouldn't have picked him....

(Sakura looks sad because she is thinking those thoughts. And Pein notices. He also knows why she looks sad).

"Huh? No!'s just I've never had a girl as a roommate.....when Konan, Nagato, and I are on missions, usually Konan gets a room right next to Nagato's and mine. We're usually seperated....I'm sorry. I don't mean to make it look like it's a problem...I like it actually...

(Sakura looks up with a happy expression. She's happy to know he's happy about it. They are both in his room. Which his room is on the same side with Konan and Nagato's rooms. They all got their own bathrooms in their rooms, too. It was about 7:30 pm when this was happening. Konan had invited Sakura to have a "sleepover" in her room. So Sakura was getting a change of clothes out so she could change into it in the morning.

(When Sakura knocked on Konan's door it swung open and Konan threw her inside her room. Sakura was wondering what the hell that was all about but then realized Konan was only in this towel robe thing that was small on her. Sakura looked at her like a confused cat. Konan knew why and answered that she only had this for a robe and she got it when she was 16, which was 10 years ago. She also explained why she had it on).

"Okay! That sounds like fun!" I say. I always did Ino's make-up and hair and dressed her up when we did sleepover's as a kid. It's been a while but I think it will be fun. She told me to put o my robe too but with only my underwear on underneath. I was okay with it since we are the only he's in here. What's cool is that her room was the biggest in the hideout. So she had a lot of stuff. Clothes, hair accessories, make-up, all that suck sort. And her bathroom was also the biggest.

(But before they dressed each other up, they gossiped, a lot! Konan talked about her past and the people in her home village, which she did not say what one it was. Sakura did the same. Konan was amazed about Sakura's village and the people there. She said she wished she was born there, too. But Sakura said she didn't like it much. Then they dressed each other up. First they put clothes on each other. Then they did each others hair. Lastly they did the make-up. They also decided they would show the guys their looks afterwards, knowing they'd stay up 'til midnight, like every night.

(Konan was first. Sakura picked out a dress. It was a black, short dress with straps that tied up around the neck. She also picked out some high heels, that weren't too high. Sakura then put her hair down but braided the front hairs on each side and tied it, in the back, together. She put small flowers in the braids. She then did her make-up, which was almost the same as Konan usually did it but Sakura put blush on her as well.

(Next was Sakura. Konan picked out a dress as well. The dress was too short for Sakura's liking. But Konan picked it out so she had to deal with it. It was a strapless dress with an opening where her breasts were that was tied with strings. It's a good thing Konan decided that the opening would show halfway down her breasts, while the other half was tied tight enough it wouldn't show skin. It had ruffles on the top of her dress as well. The dress was black. And she also had a choker necklace on. Konan also decided to give Sakura thigh-high, black, leather boots to wear, along with leggings, that was skin colored. The heels were a bit high but not too high.

(For Sakura's hair, since she grew it out long, Konan put her hair ponytail but a tight one with her bangs down.

(For her make-up, Konan put on blush, of course. And she also put on some grey eyeshadow and some ruby red lipstick. Not too much though.

(Soon enough they were done and ready to show the guys. But Sakura did NOT want to. She thought she looked like a slut! But Konan begged her enough to get her out but she said Konan had to go out first. Which she agreed to).

"Heyyy...Konan, you be looking sex-y!" Hidan said. "Why don't you take a look at Sakura, then!" she replied. Oh hell no! Retreat! Retreat!

(Sakura tried to make a run for it but was caught by Konan. Konan dragged her out to the guys).


But it was too late. All the guys were staring at me! No! I quickly got up to leave but she wouldn't let me! No! Fuck!

"LET ME LEAVE! THEY ALREADY SAW ME! SO WHY CAN'T I LEAVE?!?!" I cried. "What if we don't want you to leave," Kakuzu said. "SHUT YOUR WHORE MOUTH, YOU MONEY PRICK!" I yelled. Everyone in the living room was oohing, except Kakuzu. Which that would be Hidan, Kisame, Deidara, and Sasori. So five guys were in the living room. And it happened to be these perverts.

"I'm just saying you look sexy. Why would you not want to show it off," Kakuzu replied. Seems like he didn't give a shit about what I just said.

"NO! I. WANT. TO. LEAVE!" I yelled. Just then the rest of the gangs doors opened. Pein, Tobi, Zetsu, Nagato, and Itachi. They were wondering what the hullabaloo was about. Then they took a look at me.

And then Itachi, Nagato, and Pein's knocked out from nose bleeds. Oh god why. "THIS IS EXACTLY WHY I SHOULD LEAVE!!!" I said pointing to the knocked out nose-bleeders. Then Tobi grabbed ahold of me with his face in my breasts. God help me!


"HEY DUMBASS GET OFF MY GIRL, UN!!" Deidara said. "YOU'RE GIRL!! I AIN'T NO ONES GIRL HERE!!! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU TRANSGENDER!!" I yell in reply. I think I made him cry.

"TOBI!! PLEASE LET GO OF ME!!" I try to say nicely but fail at it.

"Tobi sorry! Tobi didn't mean to hurt Saku-Chan!" Tobi said sadly.

It's kinda stressful when you're showing of something you don't want to wear in front of the opposite gender! Especially when it shows off too much skin! And you're a female in front of males!

Soon enough I calm down enough so I can heal the knocked-out nosebleeders. I'm going to call them that for now on. Knocked-out nosebleeder numbers 1, 2, and 3! 'Cha!!

I get used to being out here in front of the guys with this outfit on for a while. But it all ended when Hidan brought out his Sake....which I was not too happy about!

All of them started to drink! Even Nagato, Konan, and Pein! Dear god help me!

I ended up going into the kitchen to get my own drink with no alcohol in it. I do not drink, for I am too young for it. Yet all of them are trying to get me to drink. Saying, 'oh but you're an Akatsuki! And the Akatsuki don't follow the rules!' But I still do not want to do that. I want to follow that rule still. It's an exception.

I was alone in my old room, since I know they wouldn't come in here. But someone came in. It was Tobi. Which I'm fine with since he would not hurt me in anyway. So I thought. He came straight over to me. Oh gawd.

"Hey *hic* sa-*hic*-ku-chan! Tobi *hic* wants to talk *hic* with you! *hic*" he tries to say. oh gawd he's so drunk. He's wearing a mask, which he never takes off. He sits down on the bed next to me with a bottle of sake in one hand.

"If you're going to try to make me drink, that's not happening," I say. "Huh? No *hic* no. I wanted to tell you some-*hic*-thing important. I wanted to sa-*hic*-ay that yo-ou remi-ind me of someone I *hic*hic* once *hic* loved. You actually *hic* are a lot be-etter tha-an he-er. I lo-oved he-*hic*-er with m-y li-fe. But *hic*hic* you! I th-*hic*-ink I love you more! Please *hic* let me *hic* make love *hic* to you!" He said.

Did...did in first person??? And his voice is deeper!! WHAAATTT?!?!?!?!?!

"Uh. Um. Tobi. Who is this lover you say I'm better than?" Maybe this will get him to say some details about himself.

"Oh. Her. *hic* Her name is *hic* Rin. We *hic* were on the same *hic* team when we were youn-ger. She was bea-*hic*hic*-utiful. I loved her with my li-ife. But she *hic*hic* was kill-led but that god *hic* damn *hic* Hatake, Kakashi! He killed her *hic* for more pow-wer. *hic*hic* He was *hic* our best team-*hic*-mate! And he-e killed her! His own *hic* teammate!" he said. Ka-Kakashi-Sensei! He. He killed. His....teammate...For....Power? But....why?!?!

"If you want to know more, you gotta make love to me!" He said. Okay that's enough info. But I want to know so much more! Oh gawd! No! Wait! I have an idea!

"Not saying I want to or anything, but how am I going to make love to you with that mask on! You never take i- WHAAAAATTTT?!?!" HE TOOK OF HIS MOTHER FRIGGIN' MASK!! WHAAATTT?!?!

"How. about. now?!" And he leans into my face. Oh gawd I can smell of drunk he is! Oh gawd that reeks!

But he kissed me! AH MA GAWD! NO!! STOP!!

(Sakura tries to push Tobi off of her. But he is forcing her to stay. She can do nothing except go along with it. He then pushes her down on top of the bed. He starts to take off his clothes while still forcing the kiss. All he has on now is his boxers which have ready bears on them. Yes he somehow took off his shirt. Who knows how. He starts to untie the little strings on her dress. But she doesn't want him to. She starts to clench onto to him tight, trying to tell him to stop. But he doesn't.

(He ends up taking her clothes off to the point where she's only on her underwear. She clearly does NOT like this at all! But she starts to get used to it. Because he is not trying to have sex with her. He is not trying to stick his penis up her vagina. THANK GOD FOR THAT!

(He starts to get rough, though. He won't stop anytime soon. And Sakura has, in fact, tried to knock him out. But he caught her every time. So yes that is why she has to get used to it. He starts to go down her face to her neck. She then starts to get a little numb. It's sort of her weakness spot. And he could tell right when she got a little weak from it. But he kept on going on with what he was doing.

(Soon enough he passes out from how drunk he was. Problem was he wasn't going to wake up anytime soon either. And he was on top of her. And, boy, he was heavy. But soon she fell asleep, knowing this won't end very well.

(Sakura wakes up to the sound of Hidan yelling at everyone for talking since he drank so much that a mortal would be dead and over killed by now. And she also notices that the once heavy body was gone).


(She opens her eyes to see Tobi being a little creeper. He's in the chair to the desk, and was watching her sleep. She then realizes she has his cloak on. 'But why?' She thought to herself. And also he was not hugging her to death. She had a confuzzuled look on her face. Tobi immediately noticed).

"Tobi thought you should be in better clothes when you leave! And Tobi feels bad for doing what he did to you last night.......sorry.......anyways, Tobi will leave now!" And he teleported out of the room.

O-kay......well I should get out of here too...but they will wonder whose cloak this is.....I could just say it's mine.....but Tobi might be out what do I do.....

(Sakura decided to just run across the living room to Konan's room, and try to go undetected. And it worked since everyone was fighting with Hidan at the moment. Even Konan was. She got back into the room, with Konan's clothes, she quickly took of Tobi's cloak and put on her regular clothes she wore. She then went out in a rush to the laundry room, undetected again. She put both Tobi's cloak and Konan's clothes in the laundry basket. She then walked out casually to enjoy the fighting going on. She laughed a lot actually. But it immediately stopped when everyone heard her laughter and looked at her pissed).

"I'm-I'm sorry! HA! I-I just can't hold it in!" She says laughing.


"Because I didn't drink any alcohol last night, unlike you dumbasses! Except Konan. You're not a dumbass. But it was dumb to drink as much as you did. That goes for all of you! Especially you, Hidan!" I reply.

They all nodded in agreement. I ended up nursing them back to health, since they were way to drunk to do shit today. I mean they were in bad shape!

I headed to Pein's room because he was to be healed next. But he was asleep. They all ended up going to bed around 3:00 in the afternoon. And so did I since it was a lot of work nursing them back to health! I fell asleep, into a deep slumber, next to Pein.


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