Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)

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I have another mission today. It's with Sasori and Deidara. But this might be a tricky one. Pein said that the Leaf Village found out about this mission a d they're sending a team of anbus to go find us. But he's not sure if it's true. So we're doing this mission anyways.

We have to go to the Mist Village. Where Kisame originated. We get there in no time.

But the problem is that the Anbus got there first. So we have to stay hidden. But the Anbus we saw weren't the only ones here. There was also ex-Anbus here too. I know this because I had to heal them for practice. It seems they are in real need of the Akatsuki.

"Sakura! Over here!" Sasori whispers. I go towards him. He points to one of the Anbus. "He's talking to our target. And he's talking about you. It seems he knows a lot about you. Do you know him?"

I look at the Anbu. I can't really tell but his hair looks familiar. I can't tell though. "I don't know. I can't tell but the hair is familiar...."

We plan on hiding me and Sasori and Deidara will attack both the anbu and the target. We also planned on getting the mask off the Anbu so I could see if I knew them. I also wanted to see how it would turn out. In case of emergency.

Sasori fought the Anbu and Deidara ran after the target who ran away with his tail in between his legs.

So I watched Sasori and the Anbu. The Anbu used a Summoned Sword. Soon enough, the Anbus mask was off. And it horrified me because of who it was. But at the same time Sasori was about to die. I had to go down and stop him before he killed Sasori.

I teleported down right in front of the Anbu. I grab the Anbus arm before he could even try to strike Sasori.

His eyes widen and the Anbu froze at the sight of me. "Stop. Don't kill him. Don't do this...Kakashi-Sensei," I say with a serious tone and facial expression. His arm I'm holding starts to shake and tears start to flow out of his eyes like a river.

"S-Sak-ur-a. I-is that. Really. Y-you??" my ex-sensei says with a quivering voice of sadness.

"We have to be going now. Deidara is after our target and we need to catch up. That's the only reason I'm here," I reply. I then let go of his arm.

I pick up Sasori and carry him on my back. As I walk past my ex-sensei I can feel the sadness and pain he's going through. Thinking what pain he's going through is hard enough as it is. But feeling it is much worse. I held in the tears so he wouldn't know. I'm a bit aways from Kakashi when I hear him turn around and yell out to me.

"S-Sakura...SAKURA WAIT!!!" he says as he tries to run towards me. I turn my head.

"I'm sorry, Kakashi," I whisper as the one and only tear escapes my eye. And we teleport out of the area onto Deidara's bird. Luckily, he had already killed the guy and the corpse was in the birds tail. "Oh hey! You're back, un!" Deidara says. He then notices Sasoris' condition. "Damn danna, you really let yourself go, un," he says jokingly. In return, he receives the finger from Sasori.

I told Deidara to land somewhere safe so I could heal Sasori. He lands in a forest far away from the Anbus area. I gently lay Sasori on the ground. I ask Deidara to go fetch some water. "We should stay here for the night. I think it'd be best for him," I say. They both agree with that.

I start to heal Sasori immediately but he interrupts me. "Hey. I'm sorry," he says.

"'Bout what?" I reply. "About putting you on the mission with us. I requested that you were put on our next mission and Leader-Sama said yes. I thought we'd have fun. But I should've known this would happen...." he trails off.

"No," I smile, "I had a lot of fun! It didn't turn out bad for me! It's alright! You really shouldn't be saying sorry!" He looks at me with seriousness. I smile to reassure him. But that seriousness immediately turns to worry and concern. He turns his head to look away from me.

Deidara comes back to a sleeping Sasori and an awake me who is keeping guard. "Wow sorry I took so long, un!" he says. "Oh no it's alright! Here, give me the water," I say. I take off my cloak and I lift up my shirt to an undershirt. I rip off a piece if that shirt and roll it up. I soak it in the water and squeeze out the extra water. I then out it in his head.

"He'll be sleeping a little late so don't wake him up," I tell Deidara. He nods. "Let me take guard for you, un," he says. I, at first, say no, but he tells me that I need sleep after healing him. Of course after realizing how much chakra I used, I realize how tired I am. So then I nod and fall asleep.

I wake up from Sasoris' groaning. I notice Deidara took guard behind a tree from us. I go over to Sasori to help him. His head is burning up. I think he might have a high fever. "Sa-ku-ra. Please. Stay," he whispers. Oh. He wants me near him. "Don't worry. I will," I reply. "Lay. Down," he whispers. I don't know if I should. But I do anyways. I soon fall asleep.

The next morning, I wake up to a sleeping Sasori holding onto me. I get ready and it takes longer than I thought. Sasori still sleeps though. And it's a little past 11:30. So he might sleep past noon. But his fever is gone.

But soon enough he wakes up. Around 12ish. But we get back to the hideout soon enough. And it's pretty normal when we get there.....well....Akatsuki normal. Which means Hidan is pissed of for some reason and is cussing his mouth off. Tobi glomped me and Deidara threatens to kill him. Zetsu is off in his garden. Kakuzu is counting his money. And all these other weird stuff. But that's normal here.


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