Sakura of the Akatsuki? (Akatsuki X Sakura)

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Tomorrow is Christmas. So that means it's Christmas Eve today.

We got ready for the party. It took all day but it was all worth it. The place was beautiful in the end.

We partied at night. They brought out Champagne but it was alcohol - free. I can't stand the taste of alcohol.

Hidan didn't approve of it at first but we got him to agree.

We stayed up till midnight and I fell right into a beautiful sleep. But I was awoken by Tobi yelling like a five year old, "IT'S CHRISTMAS!! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!"

I was Mrs. Clause because I was the one to give out presents. I changed into the dress Konan made me. It was a tight red dress with fluff on the top and bottom. It was also had spaghetti straps.

I walked out to see everyone in pajamas with bed head. "Merry Christmas Everyone!" I say enthusiastically.

I walk straight to the chair that was next to the presents and the tree. "I guess I'll pass out the presents," I say as I grab one of the presents from me, "Konan!"

She grabs the present and opens it exitedly. She them opened the box and saw a shirt saying "Akatsukis' Favorite Bluenette".

"Aw thankies sweety!" she says as she hugs me. "there's two presents for each if you guys. You have another gift in there," I reply.

"Oh! let me.....What. The. FUCK!! SAKURA THIS ISN'T EVEN REMOTELY FUNNY!!!" she says as she takes out the second gift. "A CONDOM?!?! SERIOUSLY?!?!"

I laugh so hard and I was clapping. I couldn't make noises and I probably looked like a retarded seal.

I take another random gift from me and it was Kakuzus' present. "Kakuzu!" I toss him his present. He opens it and gives a good hearty laugh. "YOU BITCH!" he says while laughing. He takes out a doll that looks like him with a posted note around the neck saying, "the most realistic figure of Kakuzu".

He looks down again and sees a pile of hundred dollar bills. "You're so sweet. Just like always," he says while taking out the money.

Next present was Kisames. Oh this is going ti be great.

"Pinky I'm going to kill you!" he says with a big smile on his face. He took out the movie Jaws. Everyone got a kick out of that. He looked down and made a hearty laugh. "Oh you're so going to die. But thanks I needed new ones," he said while taking out a new pair of pajamas. They said, "Just keep swimming," from Nemo in orange on the shirt. The bottoms had fish all over it. It was light blue shirt and pajama pants.

"HIDAN!!" I screamed for him. He's next. "WHAT?!?!"

"YOU'RE PRESENTS' NEXT!!!" I reply. He came running in and I threw his gift from me at him. He caught it. "Ooo what did ya get me bi-YOU!!! YOU BITCH!!!" He said trying to hold his laughter back. It was impossible though. He laughed so hard.

He took out a shirt saying, "I'm Your Bitch" on it. Everyone had a 'I see what you did there' moment. He then took out something special out. "Oh mY Jashin. You bitch," he said smiling. He took another shirt out but it had a Jashin symbol on it. The symbol looked like it was made in blood and the blood was dripping. Hidan then hugged me for making him the shirt. Everyone awed. Thing is Hidan doesn't hug. So it's rare to see him hug. But he hugged me.

"Next up.....PEIN-SAMA!!" He walks up because he didn't want a present thrown at him, especially thrown by me. Good thinking. His is the smallest present there is.

He opens the present to see...."I like it. I'll wear it on my days off," he takes out piercings for his ear that had a chain. It would go into two piercing holes. I thought he might think it's girly. Damn.

"Really?!" he says as he takes out a nose ring. "Yep," I reply with a big smile on my face.

"Nagato-Sama! Here you go. I made the first gift you'll see by myself!" I say as I pass him his gift.

He sees the gift and he might be a little....sad.....

"Thanks. Cherry blossom. I like it," he takes out a painting I did for him of him, Konan, Nagato, and I as kids together. Yes I know what they look like as kids. I had a dream with them all as kids. Let's remember that.

He takes the next one and he's laughing so hard. "You! YOU!!!! GET OVER HERE, YOUNG LADY!!!" He says like an old man. He took out a retirement plan box. Everyone was dying of laughter now.

"Itachi!" I say as I pass him his gift, "it's heavy."

He takes the gift and opens it. He sees the first gift and he likes it a lot. I can tell. "Thanks," he says as he takes out a book.

It's a old theatrical book. He likes reading those kinds of books.

He takes out the second and he looks at me with a 'are you kidding me' look. "Seriously?" He takes out a retractable blind stick. You know, one that you can make small. Kisame got a kick out of it. He knew why it was funny.

Deidara and Sasori was next. We needed to hurry with my gifts. "Should I even open this gift? After what I saw with all these guys," Deidara said. He got hit behind the head by Sasori. "She gave us a gift, Baka! Of course you should open it!"

They open it and Sasori is pleased. Deidara's not. "Whatcha get, blondy?" Kisame asks. "I hate you, Cherry Blossom," Deidara says taking out three tooth brushes in one package. Sasori smirked at that and took out his pleasing gift. It was the puppet set he wanted. They were miniature puppets but they are easy to use and quick too.

"Thanks, Cherry Blossom," Sasori said. He took out his second gift and laughed. "Aw it's a miniature me!" He says as he takes it out. Yes it was, in fact, a mini Sasori. Deidara took out his second one and was quite content about it. "Not bad. I like it a lot, Cherry Blossom," and he takes out a clay figure of him. It was hard to make but it worked out fine.

"And last but certainly not least, Tobi and Zetsu!" Tobi quickly grabbed his and Zetsu came over to get his. They opened it and they all of them had a good laugh. "THANKS Cherry Blossom," Zetsu said. He took out a flowery Venous Fly Trap. Tobi took out a lollipop that looked like his mask. "Thanks Saku-Chan!" Tobi said like a little child.

They took out their next one and they were happy. "DID YOU draw this?" Zetsu asked. I nodded. Both Zetsu and Tobi had the same second gift. It was a drawing of the three of us together with big smiles on our faces. "WE'LL HANG THIS UP in our room," Zetsu said. "TOBI WILL TOO!!" Tobi said happily.

I had gotten a few gifts that were pranks too but we had a good first Christmas together. It was a lot of fun and we had a lot of good hearty laughs but all in all we are together as a family.


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