Chapter 6

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As Lucy sat on her seat , she thought about what he said . 

Why are you like this to me ? 

"It's because you told me to get out of your face , you asshole .. ,"she thought . Then the train started moving . Tears fell down her cheeks as she thought ," I'm really gonna miss everyone ..." 

< Half a year later >

Lucy said ," Open Gate of the Archer Key . Sagittarius ! " 

"Moshi-Moshi ! What do need , Lucy-sama ?"

" Oh , get me two of those fish . "

" Yes ,moshimoshi!"

" Yes, hello .."

He held up his arrow and bow , and shot the water . Then he took the fishes that were shot with the arrow . Sagittarius said ," Here you go , Lucy-sama .Moshimoshi !" Lucy took the fishes and said ," Thank you , Sagittarius . You may go back now ." He replied ," Glad to be of service . Moshi-moshi !" He disappeared . Lucy then set up a fire and grilled one of the fishes . After grilling , she ate it . By the time she finished , it was late at night . She thought ," Happy must be sleeping now .. I'll go to his house now then ."

 Occasionally , she would travel all the way back and put a fish in natsu and happy's house for happy to eat . But she would only put it at night so she wouldn't get found out . She stood in front of their house and smiled at the 'Natsu and Happy ' sign . Seeing that they slept together , she figured that they already made up . She went in the house after spraying a lot of perfume on her . She figured that natsu could smell her scent so she put a different scent on herself . She quiet walked in and put the fish on the table gently . As she was going to walk out , she saw Natsu , Lisanna and Happy sleeping together . Happy slept on the extreme right , Natsu slept on the extreme left so Lisanna slept in the middle . Lucy thought ," It hurts seeing them sleep together .. I need to get out of here ..! " Just then , Natsu grabbed her wrist . She turned around to see if he was awake , but he was sleeping . He mumbled in his sleep ," Where .. do you .. think you're going... ... must .. you .. leave ... I should have .. held you back ...." Then Lucy gently removed his hand off hers . She whispered ," Dream of Lisanna , not me . " Then she turned and went for the door . She then went on her journey to get even stronger . 

 < Next morning>

*Yawns* Lisanna said ," Natsu , you're finally awake . Come on , breakfast's ready . Oh , and the fish for Happy came ." As Natsu yawned again , he put in hand on his mouth . Then he smelled a familiar scent on his hand . " ..? I .. smell Lucy's scent on my .. hand ..No way .. must be my imagination..." He stared at his hand , so Lisanna asked ," What's wrong ? Something wrong with your hand ? Let me see ." She grabbed his hand and checked it . Still holding it , she said ," Nothing's wrong , so why ..?" Natsu then hugged her and she blushed . 

" W-what's wrong ...?"

" I.. had that dream again .. "

" That dream ? ... The dream about what Lucy said to you before she left ..?!"

" Yeah .. It's like .. even though I did nothing to her .. I .. feel guilty .."

" ... J-Just forget about it . Don't think about any other girl other than me okay ?"

" ... But - Okay ..." Lisanna smiled and said ," Come on , eat your breakfast . Happy's already started ." As Happy nibbled on his fish ,  he thought ," I know for sure who brought this . It's Lucy . She's the one who would do this ." 

Lucy walked deep into the woods to find a nice and peaceful place to meditate to increase her magic power . Then she found a waterfall . She thought ," It's nice and peaceful here .. I guess here'll do . " She put her things down , sat on a rock and started  meditating . After 5 hours of meditating , she stopped . It was around evening , so she thought she'd better go find some food . As she picked up her belt that held her whip and key pouch , she heard a noise coming from a bush . 

" Who's there ?! " Lucy said as she whipped her whip.

" .. He..lp .."    "Gray ..? That voice is strangely familiar to his ..," Lucy thought . 

" G-Gray ..? Is that .. you ..?"

" .. He ..lp .. me .. please .." The voice said as it went fainter . Lucy walked over to the bush where the voice came from . She kneeled down and looked around . Then , she saw a bruised , dirty hand and so she held the hand and pulled the hand . She managed to pull the whole body out . She said ," Gray ..!? Gray .. what are you doing .." --Lucy got a shock as gray's body had bruises , scratches and blood on the stomach-- " Oh my god ! Gray ..!! What happened .. ?! This can't do .. for now , I'm bringing you with me ." 

*COMPLETED *  NALU fanfic : Rejected ConfessionWhere stories live. Discover now