Chapter 8

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Gray woke up from his sleep . He saw a girl whose eyes were brown , waist length blonde hair wearing a red t-shirt that says ' New York ' on it and shorts . She was cooking , as Gray kept staring at her , she could feel someone staring . Then , she looked at Gray . She stopped cutting the vegetables and ran to Gray  smiling . She hugged him and said ," Gray ! You've awaken ! I'm so glad ! " Gray said ," W-who are you .. miss ..? " Lucy pulled herself away from Gray with a shocked expression . She asked ," Gray , you .. don't remember me ? Oh my .. I'm Lucy ! Lucy Heartfillia ! " Then , Gray hugged her . Lucy blushed . 

" G-gray ..? W-what's wrong ...?"

" I .. don't know .. But , Lucy is the name that I can only remember ..! So you must be an important person to me ! " 

" G-gray .. This really isn't like the 'old ' you .." Gray pulled away .

" The 'old ' me ? "

" Yeah , you were quite the laid-back person , but you'll get serious when needed ." 

" I see .. "

" And you'd always take your clothes off without knowing . Like now . " 

Lucy smiled and went back to cook . Lucy giggled as Gray got flustered . He asked ," But what's this mark on my chest ?" Lucy looked at it and answered ," That's called an insignia . It's a mark that proves you're in a guild . " Gray nodded his head and asked ," What's a guild ? And .. what is this one called ?" Lucy sighed and sighed,"Do I really have to - haha . Oh well.  A guild is ...a medieval association of mages . There are job requests for us so that we can earn money  . Well , in a simpler way , it's your family . That insignia is Fairy Tail's insignia ." Gray nodded his head and sat down on the chair beside the table . He said ," Oh ! Lucy , you have the same insignia as me ! Does it mean we were in the same guild ..?? " Lucy paused for a moment , then answered ," Yeah . " Gray asked ," Then why don't we go back to the guild ..?" Lucy stood still , her face darkened . She thought ," I do .. I want to but .. I need to get more stronger than this ... " She said," Well , if you want . But go yourself ." 

" What ? Why ? You're not coming ?"

" .... I left the guild .."

" Oh .. I see .. Don't you miss them ?"

" .. Yeah , I do . I really miss them . A lot . " Her face darkened , she was going to cry sooner or later . 




Lucy glared at him for a while before going back to cook . She smiled to herself and thought," Stupid Gray .. Trying to cheer me up .. " She quickly cooked it and served it . She said ," Eat by yourself . I already ate . " Then , she went to wash the  dishes . She said ," Wash the dishes yourself after you've eaten . " Gray said," Mmmokay." Then Lucy sat opposite him and watched him eat . 

" Mmm! Lucy , how did you get this house ? How much did you buy it for ? It's really nice ."

" Well , I built it myself . Each and every spot with wood that I cut everyday . But for the furniture , I went to buy it . "

" Seriously ? Amazing ! But if you didn't go to a guild , how did you earn money ? Wait , don't tell me.. "

" What ?"

" Did you steal ? "

" Wha- I DID NOT ! Do you really see me as that kind of person !? "

" Well , how would i know ."

" You see , every morning , I would have a friend that would bring me job requests from her guild for me to do . She's really nice , by the way ."

" Hmm .. really ? Who is it ? "

" You'll see her in 3 , 2 , 1 ." The door was kicked open by a girl . Lucy gave the girl a big hug with a smile . She said ," Rie ! " Rie hugged back and said ," Lucy , sorry i'm a bit late today . I got delayed by my master ." Rie was girl who had similar hair length as Lucy but her hair was peach colored . She had curves like Lucy but less obvious . Her hair was tied in a ponytail . Rie said ," Who's this .. " Lucy answered ," Don't be scared . He's a guild mate . Harmless . Gray , wanna be friends with her ? " RIe said ," No thanks . He looks perverted cause his shirt's not worn . " Lucy giggled and said ," It's his habit to take off his clothes . Anyways , are you okay ? I haven't seen you in days . " Rie replied ," I'm fine . The walk back home was just too long . I didn't have enough money to buy tickets home . " Lucy said ," You spent it all on food , right ? Seriously .. I'll lend you some money . Wait here . " Rie held her hand and said ," L-Lu .. You really don't have to .. " Lucy gently pushed her hand off hers and smiled . She went to one of her drawers and opened it . In there , Gray could see a bunch of money . He said ," Woah , Lucy . You're really rich . "      

Lucy looked at him staring at the drawer and said ," Don't you even think of stealing them . And your clothes Gray . " He got flustered and put his clothes on . Lucy gave the money to Rie after putting them in an envelope . Rie sat down on the seat opposite Gray and asked ," But , Lu . He's your guild mate . You don't mind ? " Lucy replied ," Yeah , he lost his memories . So he won't be able to tell others . " Then Rie handed Lucy a job request . Rie said ," Here , your job request . " Lucy took it and said ," Thanks Rie . But you guild master is really fine with this ? " Rie smiled and nodded her head . Gray got up , took his plate and went to the sink to wash his dish . 

" Lucy , where do you get this water anyway ? You got someone to do it ? " Gray asked .

" Oh . It's the water from the nearby river . I somehow did it ."

" I see .. Is it clean ? " Gray cupped his hand and drank the water in his hand . 

" Y-you don't really want to do that .." Rie said .

" No , I can guarantee that it's clean . I bath in that water you see . " Gray then spit the water out of his mouth . 

" You should've said that earlier ! I almost dies." Gray said . 

" Well , you put the water in your mouth before she even replied . " Rie said . 

" Then , where do you get fresh water ? " Gray asked .

" I get it from the waterfall . The water is really fresh there . " Lucy answered . 

Rie said ," Lu , I've gotta go on my job now . See'ya ! " Then , she left the house . Gray asked ," How did you guys meet ? " Lucy replied ," I was exploring the woods , searching for creatures to defeat , when I heard screams . I followed the screams and saw Rie getting beaten up by some guy . He was really big-sized . I wanted to ignore it because I would get injured real bad if I interrupted . But .. I just couldn't ignore her screams of pain . I put in myself in her shoes and I would be happy if someone helped me even though they would lose anyway . So I helped her and barely won the fight . That's how we met . I told her about me and she decided to help me . " Lucy took a look at her job request . She said ," Gray, get out of the room ." Gray asked," W-what ? Why ? " Lucy looked at him then sighed . She took out a key and said ," Open Gate of the Maidens , Virgo !" 

" Hime , time for punishment? "

" No , not that .. Could you get Gray some clothes ? His clothes are dirty and stained with blood . "

" Yes, hime . " Then , she vanished into thin air .

" 5 , 4 ,3 ,2 ,1 and now !" Virgo appeared again . 

" Hime , I got one for you too . " 

" Oh really ? Thanks . "

Virgo handed the clothing to both Lucy and Gray . Virgo said ," Anything else , hime ? " Lucy shook her head and said ," Thanks . You may go back now ." Virgo bowed to Lucy and vanished . Then , Lucy looked at Gray . He asked," What ? " Lucy said ," Get out . I need to change ," and kicked him out of the room . Gray changed outside and Lucy changed inside . She put on her belt that held her whip and keys . Lucy got out and said ," Let's go . "   

*COMPLETED *  NALU fanfic : Rejected ConfessionWhere stories live. Discover now