Chapter 11

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Natsu walked to sit down beside Happy while Lisanna kept grabbing his arm . She said seductively, "Ne , Natsu .. Let's do something while waiting for the fishes . " Natsu blushed at the thought of making out with Lisanna . Happy sat there and thought ," Gross . Since when did Lisanna become so seductive ? I know that she has insecurities about Natsu leaving her and going to Lucy when she comes back . But she doesn't need to be that .. tsk tsk ." Happy looked at them , sighed and awaited the arrival of his fish . 

" Oh ? Wait .. this smell .." Natsu kept sniffing the air . 

" What is it ? " Lisanna asked .

" .. Lu.. cy .." Natsu said .

Lisanna stood still , her eyes wide open , she said ," H-how could that be .. ??? Ayy , that can't be . Remember ? She went far away . She can't possibly be here . " She tried to smiled but failed at it . Then , Natsu sniffed more . Happy said ," LUCY.. ?! No .. she could be here . She -" Happy thought ," Ah .. that's right I can't reveal any info about Lucy .. If I remember .. I burnt that note that she put under my pillow that says 'Hello , Happy . It's me Lucy . I hope you're doing well . I miss you so much .. I .. now live at Shirotsume Town . Well , not in town , but in the mountain area . I built a house there and have a friend that occasionally comes over to give me job requests . She's really nice . She's in Sabertooth . Sting allows me to do their jobs .. i'm grateful for it . I'm doing well .. I really miss all of you ..!! Ah ! and please burn this note so that no one finds out about me .' After that  , I've never heard from her again . And we are in Shirotsume deep in the woods . " Happy said ," Erm .. excuse me . I need to take the piss ." Then , Happy went into the woods Looking for Lucy .

Lucy pulled Gray into a hiding spot . Gray resisted and asked ," Why ..?? " Lucy pushed him in and whispered ," Keep your voice down ..!! " Happy walked in the woods and said ," .. Lucy ..? It's me , Happy .. You don't have to hide from me ..! I -" Happy was pulled into some hole . Lucy put her palm on his mouth and said ," Shh .. It's me , Happy . " Happy pushed her hand away and hugged her back .

" Lucy !!! I missed you !!! Have you been eating well ? Are- WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU ?! SO MANY-" Happy said .

" Shh !! We can't let them find Lucy . Right ?" Gray put his index finger on Happy's mouth .

" Un . " Lucy smiled at Gray .

" Gray ?!?! You were with Lucy ??" Happy asked . 

" Happy , Gray lost his memories while fighting some guy ." Lucy said . Happy had a sad look on his face .

"Gray , i'm sure you'll get them back soon ." Happy said .

< After a loooong time of talking >

" Happy ! Where are you ??"Natsu searched . Lucy said ," Happy, you have to go now .. If Natsu comes any closer , I'll be found out ...! I'll miss you ! " Lucy gave Happy a hug . Then , Happy asked ," Gray , are you coming ?" Gray shook his head and said ," I'll stay with this clumsy girl. Take care ." Happy smiled and waved goodbye to them . Lucy forced a smile and waved goodbye .
"Happy!!! Oh ?  Happy , where did you go ???" Natsu asked after Happy appeared .
" I had a really big business . " Happy replied .
" Ohhh , I see . Natsu , let's go back home already~ I'm tired , let's go back to the guild and find a job request , shall we ?" Lisanna said , grabbing Natsu's arms and leaning towards him . Her breasts were touching his arm and she leaned in more , making him blush .

Natsu blushed and nodded his head . Tears fell down Lucy's face , she broke down into tears , but she covered her mouth so that she wouldn't make any sound . She thought," It .. hurts so much .. Missing them ... missing natsu ... happy .. fairy tail .. and seeing natsu and lisanna so happy together .. It hurts ... so much .." Gray saw her resisting to cry out , so he pulled her into a hug . He whispered ," It's gonna be okay .. Shh , don't cry . I'm here ." When Lucy seemed to cry more , Gray hugged her closer .
Natsu said ," Geez , Happy .. wait . " He sniffed the air and said ,"Why does Lucy's scent .. it's .. stronger.. " Lisanna said ," N-natsu , it's impossible .. she can't be here . Let's go home instead ... please ..?" Happy agreed ," Yeah , Natsu . Let's just go home . It's probably your imagination ." Then , Natsu shook his head and said ," I'm sure . It's Lucy . " Then , he ran in the woods . Lisanna ran after him and held his hand once she caught up . She said ," Natsu .. let's just .. go home .. please ,"and started crying . Natsu was shocked by her tears and said ," O-okay .. I must be insane to do this . " They went home after .
<After Lucy's crying session>
Gray said ," Gosh , your face looks terrible . " Then , he took his sleeve and wiped off her tears . He said ," Get on my back . I'll carry you . You must be tired after all that crying ." Lucy nodded her head and got on his back . On the way back , Lucy was asleep . He said ," Lucy .. *sighs* I know you love natsu .. Look at me too .. " 

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