Chapter 9

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Gray and Lucy walked in the woods . Gray asked ," Lucy , can't we take the train ?" Lucy stopped and looked at Gray . She said ," I told you we can't ! I might get noticed by the other guild members ..And ! This is also training ! " Gray said ," Tsk , fine . " Lucy said ," Oh ! You weren't like this last time ..! " Lucy scoffed at him and smiled after . Gray blushed and looked away . He thought ," Wha- .. Why do I feel so nervous all of a sudden .. My heart's beating like crazy ..!! " Lucy said ," Come on , don't take your own sweet time and be a slowpoke ..! I'm leaving you behind ! " Gray said ," Alright alright !" and caught up with Lucy . 

< After arriving at the battle scene >

 Lucy and Gray were shocked as they saw numerous people on the ground , bleeding profusely . Among the injured , there stood a man who had eyes that were deadly . He looked at them and smirked . Then , without hesitation , he left off and ran towards them . He raised a hand , getting ready to strike them down . Lucy  stood in here battle pose and took out two keys . She said ," Open gate of the Lion , Leo ! Open gate of the Golden Bull , Taurus ! " Then , both appeared . Lucy took out her whip and got ready to assist them in the fight . Gray just stood there and looked at them . The man punch Taurus , who defended himself by using his hands making an 'X' sign . Then , Leo used 'Regulus' against the man . Leo went in for a punch , but the man held his hand and said ," Weak . Lady , can't you give me some more powerful opponents ..?"  

Lucy said ," Who exactly are you !? Why did you kill all the people ?!?! " He stared into her eyes and she shivered in fear . She said ," Fleuve d'étoiles ! " as she whipped her whip . Together , Leo , Taurus and Lucy went forward and attacked him . He used both hands to defeat Leo and Taurus . Each for one hand , and he avoided Lucy's whip . Leo said ," Sorry , Lucy .. " Taurus said ," Sorry , Lucy .. I'll save your wonderful body next time .." Then , Lucy used her whip and attacked him . He grabbed her whip and pulled her toward him . Gray stood there , shocked at all the events happening all at the same time . Lucy resisted back and shouted ," Gray- .. Do you remember your Ice-Make ? " Gray shook his head . Lucy then looked  back at the man and resisted more . He pulled her with more strength and when Lucy was three foot away from him , he punched her in the stomach . 

She fell on the ground . He put his hand on her waist and said ," Impact . " That attack sent her flying away and screaming in pain. Gray wanted to help her , but when he tried to run to her , there was this pain in his stomach . He fell down , his hand on his injury . Lucy saw him and said ," Gray ..!! Are you okay ?! Are you injuries acting up again-" The man put his leg on her head and said ," Wanna get killed? How about you over there , boy ? Are you powerful ? " Then , he put his hand in the direction of Gray and said ,"Cyclone . " -- Gray was in the tornado that the man made-- " Sink . " -- Gray was thrown on the ground the ground. The man raised his arm in an almost throwing-like motion-- "Thunderbolt"  The man engulfed Gray in a sphere and then blast him with a bolt of lightning. Lucy's face darkened . She put his shivering hands on his leg .

 He looked at her and said ," Oh ? Now , you're talking . Got enough power to push me off ? I bet not . Guess you need a little more motivation ." Then he landed an avalanche of attacks on Gray and pushed her head down into the ground harder . Tears fell down her face , she thought ," I'm .. still so weak .. " Then , he said ," No more ? Come on , show me more power . Or else i'm going to kill him . " Lucy then widened her eyes as she saw and heard Gray's blood and shouting . Her face darkened and there was an evil aura around her . She put her hands on his leg and gripped it . She pushed him off her . He said ," No .. way . Ahahah ! So finally you were able to get up . Fight me ! I'm waiting for your attack !! " She stood up , but her legs were weak . She stared into his eyes and said ," I .. Lucy Heartfillia .. will not .. let you hurt my friends ... as long as i'm around .. " --she had deadly eyes-- "I will not let you hurt them .. " --She wobbled and walked towards him slowly-- " I finally saw a guild mate again ..!! I will not let you kill Gray ..!!" She said ," Fleuve d'étoiles ! " And whipped him hard . He was sent flying and banged into a wall . 

He gave her a crooked smile and said ," That's it . Shall we play ..? "

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