Chapter 22 : Lucy's feelings

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Natsu fell on the ground . Lucy's eyes teared up , her legs gave out and she shook Natsu . She said ," Ne .. Natsu .. Wake up .. " He didn't move . Saggitarius shot his arrow at the guy in the bushes . Flora laughed and said ," Lucy , how does it feel to lose your loved one ..? " Lucy ignored her and kept shaking Natsu for quite awhile . Her tears fell out continuously . Just then , Natsu's hand slowly reached out for her hand , he grabbed it .

" Nat .. su ..?"

" Luce .. were you crying ..?"

" Of course ! I .. I thought .. "

" I'm sorry to worry you , Luce ." He sat up and hugged Lucy .

" Natsu .. " She blushed .

Natsu stood up and stared right in Flora's eyes . Flora said ," I-Impossible !! His magic sphere could melt anything !! " Natsu said ," Sorry for not dying . I intend to live , for Lucy and everyone else ! And only when I can see Igneel .. I won't die ! " He used all his attack moves on her and ended her with a secret art . She fell back , defeated . Just then , Natsu also fell down . Lucy managed to grab him . He said ,"Damn , I'm exhausted . " Lucy blushed and smiled at him warmly . She said ," Good job .. Natsu .." He then fell asleep .

< Back at Natsu's home >

Natsu lay in bed , sleeping . Happy was sleeping with him . Lucy was cooking . Just then , Natsu woke up . He said ," Oh hey , Luce .. I smell food .. I'm hungry .." He got up . Lucy said ," I know , your stomach was growling when you were sleeping . Just wait a while more-" Natsu put his hands around her waists and hugged her . Lucy blushed , her heart was pounding so hard , she could hear it . She said ," N-natsu ..?" He was silent .

" Natsu ..? What are you doing ..? "

" Just for a while , Luce . Let me hug you like this . "

" .. Alright ."

" ..."


" .. Ne , natsu .. "

" Hm ?"

" I .. feel strange when I'm with you .."

" What ..? What do you mean ?"

" Listen ," she shut her eyes and turned around .

Lucy started ," Whenever you touch me , the sensation , I can't forget about it ..! And when you smile , my heart goes crazy and I blush like hell . I just can't stop thinking about you all day .. I miss you even when I just saw you .. Every moment I'm with you heart just goes crazy and .. whenever you talk so happily with Lis , my heart's burning with jealously .. and it hurts .. I just don't get this feeling ..I .. love you .. Natsu .." Natsu now put one of his hands on her head and the other on her lower back . He pushed her towards him and hugged her . He replied ," I love you too , Luce ." 

(This is her imagination ^ )

Lucy blushed and said ," Nothing .." She turned around and went back to cooking . Natsu put his hands on the counter and said ," What is it ? Tell me ." Lucy shook her head and said ," Nothing .." Her hair hit his face . He said ," Lucy .. your hair smells amazing ..! " He sniffed her hair . She looked back and said ," It's not-" Their faces were really close , both of them blushed . Natsu intended to take advantage of the situation , he leaned in , wanting to kiss her . Lucy turned back right when they were about to kiss . Natsu said ," Why'd you do that ? Such a mood spoiler .." He pouted . Lucy stopped stirring , she turned around and kissed him on the cheek . She said ," This .. is enough .. right?" She went back to cooking . Natsu walked back and sat on the floor , his face red as a tomato . Now , he really wanted to kiss her , but since she wasn't his , he held back . Lucy was done cooking , she woke Happy up and watched Natsu and Happy enjoy the meal .

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