Chapter 21 : Lucy's comeback

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After saying their goodbyes which was really hard for the both of them , they parted . Lucy followed Natsu , Gray , Cana , Erza , Wendy , Happy and Charle back .

< In the train >

Happy sat on Lucy's lap , sleeping.  He had cried just now , so he got sleepy. Lucy stroked Happy naturally . Lucy said ," Err... I'm still a bit unfamiliar .. what were your names again ..? " Erza said ," I'm Erza , he's Gray and that one over there is Natsu . Wendy is the one sleeping and Charle is the cat on her lap . Happy is the one on your lap and the one drinking sake is Cana . " Lucy smiled and said ," Thank you , Erza ." Erza smiled back and said ," Welcome back , Lucy . Everyone in the guild--" Lucy interrupted ," Erza .. I don't think I deserved to be welcomed .. I don't remember afterall .." Gray , who was sitting beside her , looked at her and put his hand on hers . She looked at him . He said ," I'm sure you'll be able to remember somehow . I promise I'll help you remember . " Lucy looked at his hand , and then looked at Natsu . She thought , " I remember his name .. but ... have no other feel to him , like he wasn't familiar . Maybe the me who had memories wanted to erase him .. And Gray .. Why do I feel so sorry towards him .. Like I'd did something wrong to him ... ? "  After an hour , Gray was dozing off , and he unknowingly leaned on Lucy .

At first , she got really surprised , but she suddenly thought of his words .

Can't you stay by my side ..?

Lucy put her hand on his head and stroked it . She thought ," Sorry , Gray .. I .. don't know if I can stay by your side .. " She looked at Natsu  , who was about to vomit . She sighed and thought ," He's so pathetic , but there's something about him ... I just can't look away . "

< Back at the Guild >

All the guild members went and hugged Lucy . After chatting for awhile , Lucy settled down with Levy . Levy said ," Hey , Lucy . I don't know if you remember , but Natsu has this BIGGG crush on you for a long time now . Would you accept him ?  " Lucy blushed at the sudden question and looked at Natsu . He was eating loads of food and stuffing them into his mouth like a beggar that hasn't been hungry for years . Lucy cringed her face and Looked back . She said ," No , he .. just can't make it .. " She looked at Natsu again , now , he noticed her and gave her a big grin with food stuffed in his mouth . Lucy blushed , but wanted to laugh at the same time . Happy teased ," Lucy liiiiiiiiiikes you , Natsu ." Lucy said ," NO , I DON'T ! SO SHUT UP , YOU CAT ! " Levy said ," Lu-chan , your way of talking really hasn't changed . Oh and yeah , I got together with gajeel . " 

" Gajeel ? "

" Yeah . That guy over there . " She pointed at Gajeel . Just nice , he looked at her and smiled .

" Oooh , scary . "

" He's actually quite loving and caring you know .. When I got injured , he carried me back to my place and sometimes just hold my hands or you know , ... kiss my cheek without giving a signal ."

" What a loving boyfriend you've got , Levy-chan . "

" Nah , you and Gray were more loving than us ! "

" We .. were ..? "

" Yeah , you guys would touch each other's noses with your noses and forehead and hold hands together all day and kiss- " Gray ran over and put his hand on Levy' mouth , blushing .

" Oh .. really ... " Lucy blushed at the thought of doing it all with Gray .

" Don't .. listen to her .. we didn't do ... all those ..k-kissing a-and s-s-stuff .." Gray said , still blushing . Levy pushed his hand away .

" What do you mean you didn't  !? I saw you guys being lovey dovey everyday ..! AND YOU'RE STTUTTERING WITH YOUR WORDS ! IT'S SO OBVIOUS YOU DID ALL THOSE STUFF !!" Levy said .

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