Chapter 24

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< Eleven years later , which is basically ten years after the present >

Lucy asked ," Happy, could you send Nashi to the guild today ? " Nashi folded her arms and said ," Why ? I can go myself ! " Happy said while pushing her ," Aye! " After a while , Lucy had suddenly felt insecure . What's this insecure feeling ..? Nashi ..!! , Lucy thought . Lucy abandoned what she was doing and ran out of the house . She called ," Gate of the Southern Cross key , Crux !! " Crux appeared beside her and asked ," Yes , Lucy ? What do you need ? " She said ," Find Nashi Now !" He replied ," Okay ," and started to 'sleep' . After a while , He woke up and said ," Three o'clock now . " She turned to her right and ran into the woods . She saw Nashi on the ground , her face filled with fear . She ran as fast and she could to her . Once she got to her , she hugged her and asked ," You okay ? I'm sorry for not accompanying you . "

" You must be Lucy heartfillia , " oozed a voice . She couldn't hear anything as she was too concerned about Nashi's safety . She stood up in front of Nashi . She asked ," What do you want ? " She glared at him . He grinned at her and forced a different voice , " We will meet again . " He mouthed the last word . Lucy opened her eyes wide , she was shocked . The wind blew and Lucy saw a strand of pink hair from his head . Suddenly , the wind blew harder . Lucy , Happy and Nashi closed their eyes . Once they opened their eyes , the man in the cape was gone . Lucy looked blur , yet surprised . She blinked her eyes and looked at the ground . Then , she quickly stood up and stuttered with her words ," H-happy .. T-take care of Nashi for now ... " Happy asked why . She shouted ," JUST DO IT ! " She ran ahead and searched the woods . That was the first time she had shouted in that way . Happy said ," Aye .. "

Nashi was still shocked at what happened . She slowly stood up with trembling legs. Happy grabbed her and flew her home.

Lucy ran in the woods and searched everywhere . Is it you ? Natsu , is it you ..?! Natsu , Lucy thought . She searched for hours , but she couldn't find him . Just then , Happy flew above her . He said ," Lucy .. it's not Natsu .. it can't be .. Let's go home .. " Lucy looked at him said ," .. What about Nashi ?!?! " Happy said ," Lucy , I left her alone at home . So if you don't come home , maybe she'll get kidnapped . " Lucy frowned and was forced to go home . Happy carried her and said ," I also want to search for him ... I also want to believe it's him , but .. " He got silent . After a while , he said ," Let's just go home . " Lucy and Happy got home . Nashi was not there . Lucy's dark and evil aura surrounded her . She glared at Happy . He sweat-dropped and said ," Err ... I kinda lied to you .. ? " Lucy took out her whip and whipped the floor , ready to give Happy a whacking . The wood cracked . He backed off and said ," L-lucy .. relax .. I sent her to the guild .. Do you really think I would leave her home alone ? " She kept her whip and said ," You'd better not . " She frowned at Happy . He sweat-dropped and asked ," W-what ? " She put her hands on her waists and said ," Well , carry me to the guild ..!" He grabbed her shirt and said ," Aye ! " He flew off to the guild .

Nashi was in the centre of a crowd , other kids crowding around her . She was a beauty , Nashi's hair was rose gold , she had sharp eyes like Natsu but eyes like Lucy . She wore a short cute pink dress . Her hair was half tied , each side was braided . Storm Fullbuster grabbed her hair gently and smelled it . Nashi blushed . He looked up at her and said seductively ," You smell nice . " Nashi blushed harder . Then , Ul Fullbuster smacked his head and said ," Stop teasing her ! She's mine , don't try to steal her heart !! " She hugged Nashi . Then , the door was kicked open . It was Lucy .

Lucy sighed and thought ," Well , if she's in the guild , she should be safe ." Mira asked ," What's wrong, Lucy ? Having a bad day ? " Lucy replied , " Kinda , " and went to sit on her usual place . Just then , Nashi ran to her mother and said ," Mom ..!! Can't you change my name ?! It's a boy's name , isn't it ?! Ne , mom .. Mom ~ " Lucy said ," Nashi .. I'm sorry but I can't . Not until .. " Nashi continued her sentence ," Find dad . I get it , so why don't we go find him ? It's not confirmed that he's dead , so we still have hope ! Let's just go and find dad and I get to change my name ! It's a win-win situation , mom ." Nashi grinned at her . Lucy blushed and thought ," Her smile .. it's like Natsu's .. I miss it .. Ah .. it hurts ..." She stood up and said ," To you-- Nevermind . Go and play . " Nashi pouted and walked away . Lucy smiled at that . She's so much like Natsu .. Our luna , Lucy thought . Actually , they had wanted to name Nashi 'Luna' , but Lucy had made a promise .

< Flashback to before Natsu left >

After they kissed , Lucy leaned on Natsu's shoulder .

" Luce , " Natsu said .

" Yeah ? " She replied .

" I jus realised that Nashi was a girl .. and that ' Nashi was a boy name ."

" You just realised ?! "

" Well , she looked like a boy .. "

" Gosh , you are as dense as ever .. "

" If it's like that .. why don't we make a promise ? "

" What kind of promise ? "

" Since it's a boy name , Nashi won't like it when she gets older and she'll want to change it . "

" Okay .. then ? "

" Let's change her name when I come home . "

" To what ? "


" You .. seriously .. Hmm .. how about Luna ? "

" Luna ? Nah , it sounds weird . "

" It's not that weird . I like the name . It represents us . Like Levy used to call us ' Nalu ' , so backwards is Luna . It's an nice name . "

" ... I don't get it . "

" You don't have to , Natsu . "

" So in short , her name is us ..? Well , I'm not really that against the name . Since you like it , then it's fine . "

Lucy blushed and said ," O-okay .. " He then pecked her cheek .

< End of flashback >

Nashi was just starting to learn the spells of a fire dragon . She was practicing with Gajeel , for these years , he taught her as Natsu asked him for the favour . Lucy went to check how Nashi's practice was progressing . Nashi was a slow learner , so Gajeel got fed up with her most of the time . But he'd keep calm and try to suppress his anger . Lucy was grateful to him to for that . She stood at the side and watched Nashi as she succeeded her first powerful ' Fire Dragon's Roar ' . Her roar destroyed some of the trees in the forest , making a path . She was shocked at it herself too . She smiled and laughed at Gajeel as she jumped up and down forming a Fist in her hand . Gajeel had smiled at her warmly , his smile is one of a father's . Gajeel had always wanted a daughter , but he only had boys . Lucy walked over and Nashi noticed Lucy . Nashi grinned at her mother . Lucy stopped and had a faraway look . She thought of her husband , who she hadn't seen for years . Her heart ached and yearned for Natsu . She wanted to see him for one last time even if it was a short time period . Nashi realised her mother's facial expression and she stopped smiling . She knew she was similar to her father , so she often acted in a different manner . She tried not to do things that her father did . Nashi had known that Lucy was crying every night after her dad left , thinking of Natsu . She often heard stories about her father , but she had forgotten his face . Nashi ran to Lucy and said ,"Mom , did you see that ?! It was awesome , right ?? " Lucy patted her head and said ," Yeah , it was . You did a good job , Lu-- *coughs * Nashi . " Nashi smiled at her and returned to Gajeel , hoping to learn more .

*COMPLETED *  NALU fanfic : Rejected ConfessionWhere stories live. Discover now