Chapter 13

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" Lucyyy~" Natsu said as he walked in the guild . Gray said ," She alr went on a job . She left first thing in the morning , flame brain . As compared to somehow like you who wakes up in the afternoon , you can't possibly go on a job with her . " Natsu had the ' I can't believe Lucy went on a job herself' face . He said ," HOW COME SHE WENT HERSELF ?? ISN'T IT DANGEROUS ??" Then , someone standing behind Natsu said ," It isn't that dangerous . " She walked off from behind him . Natsu dropped his jaw and said ," L-l-l-lucy !!?? That- "

Her hair gently brushed off his face . He thought ," Lucy's hair .. smells so nice .." Lucy looked at Natsu and said ," What ? " Natsu was speechless and in love with the smell of her hair . She frowned at him and said ," Don't call someone and then ignore them after . What do you want ?" Natsu shook his head to get into his senses and said ," Lucy .. I THOUGHT YOU LEFT FIRST THING IN THE MORNING ?! AND .. YOU CAME BACK FAST !! Time to leave takes about .. one hour .. and come back takes one hour .. and judging by the time you usually leave .. it's .. 7 .. and now it's .. 12 .. so .. YOU TOOK THREE HOURS ???! and it takes 30 mins to get there .. and 30 mins to come back ... TWO HOURS ?! oh well thats still long anyway . " Lucy scoffed at him and said ," I walked back to the guild . " Natsu said ," WHAT !! okay .. so take away that one hour to come back .. THREE HOURS TO FIGHT THEN COME BACK ?! then ... it takes 2 hours and a half to walk back .. so YOU HAD HALF AN HOUR ?? AND TO GET THE REWARD TOO . " Natsu almost fainted . Lucy said ," That guy wasn't that strong anyway . It took me 5 mins to defeat him . Oh and I took my sweet time going to get the reward . Then , I jogged back here . " Lucy walked to Gray , Gray hugged her and spun around . She laughed and said , "Gray ..! Haha .. put me down .. haha" Gray then put her down with a smile . Lucy asked ," When are we going to buy our house ?" Gray replied," Soon , don't rush ."

Then , a girl ran in the guild with tears . She ran straight to Lucy and hugged her . Gray didn't flinch , but Natsu said ," FIRE DRAGON'S ROAAR !!"and breathed fire to the girl . Lucy hugged her back and said ," Gray ." He stood in front of her and said ," Ice make ! Shield! " A block of ice was made and shielded them from the attack . Lucy said ,"Rie, don't be afraid . You can open your eyes now .. " She slowly opened her eyes and said ," W-w-who is that .. " Lucy replied ," That is a guild mate of mine that I dislike a bit . " Lucy gently pushed Rie aside and Gray got out of her way after dispelling his ice shield . She had devil horns coming out of her head and she was glaring at Natsu like how Erza would glare at people . Natsu shivered in fear as she resembled Erza . Lucy said ," Natsu .. you . HOW DARE YOU ! SHE'S MY FRIEND THATS LIKE A SISTER TO ME . YOU ! " Lucy whipped her whip hard on the ground . The wood flooring broke .

" S-s-s-sorry!!! I ... d-didn't know .." Natsu said and he did many dogezas to her pleading for her forgiveness .

" Sorry !? " Lucy said , still having devil's eyes .

" Lu-nee .. It's okay... " Rie said , still shaking .

" What do you mean by it's okay !? Look, you're still shaking ! NATSU ... " Lucy shouted .

" I'M REALLY SORRY !!!" Natsu pleaded .

" Wow , Lucy . I didn't know you could make Natsu shiver like how Erza does ." Mira said .

" That's right , Mirajane-san . But it's cause he attempted to attack Lucy-san's friend . " Wendy said .

" That's my girl . " Gray proudly said .

" Lu-nee .. It's okay .. I forgive him .." Rie said , pitying the pinkette that was shivering .

" .. Okay , if you forgive him . BUT IF YOU EVER DARE DO THAT AGAIN OR TRY TO DO IT , YOU . ARE . DONE . FOR . GOT IT !?" Lucy said fiercely .

Natsu , still on his knees , nodded his head and said ," Y-YES , MA'AM !"Lucy sighed and walked to Gray and Rie .

< Outside the guild >

Lucy asked ," Rie , what's wrong ? " She wiped her tears and said ," I .. messed up on a job .. I .. couldn't do anything to help .. and my team members called me weak .. " Lucy's eyes were wide open . The word 'weak' echoed in her head . Lucy hugged Rie and said ," You aren't weak . You aren't weak , Rie . Don't let their comments weaken you . You may be weak on the outside , as you are so fragile . But don't let them weaken your inside , you are strong . Just know that . " Gray agreed and hugged Rie . Lucy frowned and hit him on the back . Gray let go and said ," Ow! What was that for ??" Lucy looked away and folded her arms . Then , Gray smiled and said ," Are you jealous , Lucy ? " Lucy didn't reply . Gray smirked and back-hugged her . Lucy said ," Okay , stop it Gray .." Gray laughed and released her . Lucy asked ," So , Rie .. are you going back ?" Rie shook her head and said , "I told sting , and he told me to leave there first , and that he will punish my team mates . So here I am . Oh , Lu-nee , can I join your team ? Just this few times .. until I'm able to go back confidently ." Lucy and Gray looked at each other . Gray said ," But, Rie , Lucy now goes on jobs alone- " Lucy interrupted ," It's okay ! You can join for now . You too Gray . "

< Later in the evening >

Natsu walked over from Lisanna and his table to Lucy and Gray's table . He said," Hey , wanna make a team ? " Lucy stood up and asked ," Why ? So you can kick me out like what you did one year ago ? No . Not kick me out , but indirectly forced me out . " Natsu looked at her weirdly and said ," I didn't do that . " Lucy rolled her eyes and said ," Yeah right , keep lying . " Natsu continued ," So , if we were to make a team .. Happy , me , Lucy , Gray , Erza , Lisanna .. Hmm that might be too much .. Ah ! I know ! " Lucy and Gray looked at him curiously . Natsu grinned and said ," Let's kick Lisanna out ! She's weak anyway-- "

* slaps*

Natsu said ," ...Lu..ce..?"

*COMPLETED *  NALU fanfic : Rejected ConfessionWhere stories live. Discover now