Chapter 23.5

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< 1 year ago >

Natsu came in the house with a dark expression . Lucy stopped playing with Nashi and  called Happy to play with her . Lucy walked up to Natsu and asked ," Natsu , what's wrong ? Did something happen?  Why is your expression .. " Natsu hugged Lucy tightly . Lucy blushed and asked, " N-natsu .. ?? " He didn't say anything and just hugged her tighter every minute . Lucy hugged him back and smiled . She patted his back gently and said ," What's wrong , Natsu ..? Hm ? "

Natsu hugged her tighter and said ," Luce .. I .. need to go to .. war.  " Lucy froze . Her patting stopped , she just froze on the spot . Natsu whispered ," Luce .. I'm sorry .. Really sorry ... to both you and Nashi .. " She was too shocked to move , Natsu slowly pushed Lucy away . He asked ," Luce ..? You okay-- "


Lucy punched Natsu on his left cheek . He flew away . She shouted ," IF YOU'RE SORRY THEN DON'T GO ! BAKA! " She ran out of the house . Nashi asked Happy ,"Ne , Happy . Is mummy angry with daddy ? She punched him and he flew like really far away from the house . Did daddy do something wrong ? " Happy patted her and said ," No no no , he didn't . Lucy's just in a bad mood today . Your dad told her something that made her more angrier that's why she punched him . " Nashi asked ," I don't understand .. " Happy sweat-dropped and said ," You'll understand later . You're only one and a month old .. " Natsu flew back in the house . He said , " Hey , Nashi . Where did mummy go ? " Nashi asked ," Why ? You made  her angry after all ! I'm not telling you ! " She folded her arms and acted like she was angry . Natsu looked away and thought ," Oh my god ..! She's just like Lucy and it's soooooo cute !! " Natsu ran out of the house to look for Lucy .

< At night >

Natsu finally found Lucy , she was sitting at her previous house in Hirotsume town . She sat there looking at the moon . Natsu sat beside her and put his arm over her shoulder . " Hey , " Natsu murmured . Lucy had teary-eyes . 

" What , " Lucy replied .

" Remember when I told everyone that I liked you ? "

" ..un. "

" I don't anymore . Because I love you ."  

" .. "

" Remember how we met ? "

" Yeah  ," Lucy giggled as she answered .

" Gramps said that only an intervention of the soul mate and dissipate a charm of love . So basically I'm your soul mate , cuz I broke the spell . "

" Don't get cocky .. "

" Luce  ... you will always be in my heart , no matter where I go . So can you trust me to come back home after the war ? "

" ... I .. I'm sorry for being so selfish and all , those people need you guys and .. here I am .. being so selfish .. asking you not to go . I .. I trust you . So you better come back ! "

Natsu smiled and then pushed her to face him . She was trying not to cry , but she cried in the end . Tears rolled down her face endlessly. Natsu grinned and wiped her tears . He said ," I love you , " and inched forward , towards her . Their lips came in contact , and it was a long , sweet 'kiss' . It was just an ordinary kiss , no involvement of whatsoever , only their lips . Natsu broke off the kiss after a while . Lucy said ," I love you too . Natsu held her hands , neither of them wanted to let go . She leaned on him , her head on his shoulder . That night , they looked at the moon together .

The next day , Natsu packed his bag early in the morning . He had one last meal of Lucy's delicious breakfast . Nashi woke up and asked ," Daddy ..? Where are you going ..?? " Natsu squatted and patted her head . " I'm going to save people . There are people out there that needs my help . Nashi , be a good girl and listen to your mom , okay ? " Nashi asked ," Are you going far away ? When are you coming back ? " Nashi held her father's hand , not wanting to let go . Natsu put his other hand on hers and said ," I don't know when I'll come back . But I'll definitely come back to see you . Definitely . Come here . " He hugged her tightly , she did too . He pushed her away gently and said ," I have to go , darling . Come here , Happy . " He opened his arms wide and Happy flew into his arms in tears . Natsu hugged him . Lucy stood there and smiled . Natsu said ," I'll miss you , Happy . Take care of Nashi and Luce for me , okay ? And yourself too , of course . " Happy murmured , " Okay ..! I'll take care of them , so you make sure you come back ! " The pinkette replied ," Of course . " Just before he left the house , he hugged Lucy tightly . He whispered ," I'll miss you , Luce . " She whispered back ," Me too . " She pushed him away and said ," You should get going . You're gonna be late . " She kicked his butt for him to start . He laughed and walked . He turned around one last time and said ," I love you !! " Nashi replied ," Me too , daddy !! " He waved goodbye .

That was the last time they'd ever seen Natsu dragneel .    

*COMPLETED *  NALU fanfic : Rejected ConfessionWhere stories live. Discover now