twenty - eight

13 1 0



this is so so so bad. i think they don't like me. like i'm not even his girlfriend and im worried as fück.

i just want to run and hide. after what feels like hours in the awkward situation, sammy finally speaks up "alright well me and alyssa will get going."

i was so nervous my legs were shaking, so when i stood up i fell straight on my butt. my cheeks heated up, but i still shook their hands and walked away quickly.

"hey" sammy said "hey!" i kept walking "alyssa wait" he grabbed my wrist softly. i turned to look at him and i met his soft brown eyes. "what's wrong?" i looked away "i'll tell you at your car."

i walked to the car while sammy went to say bye to his parents. i watched him talk to his parents, he looked disappointed but i dont think his parents cared.

as he started his way back to the car, i took a deep breath and looked at myself in the window. today's going down hill and it's barely 1pm. i can't believe that just happened.

i hear the door unlock and i get in. i quickly put on my seatbelt and stare down at the floor of the car. the car starts and i stay like this for what seems like a long time. it's like if i say anything, i'll let the tears fall.

"hey alyssa, are you okay?" sammy says, he sounds so concerned. i feel my eyes getting watery. thats when i let it out. just him asking me if i'm alright, that's all it took for me to start the tears.

my eyes look up and straight at the road. i feel a wet drip down my cheek, slowly falling like my heart. one after another. non stop. the salty water coming from my eyes.

i'm crying because i feel so embarrassed, and i'm just making it worse. just like everything i do, make it worse.


aww poor alyssa😭💙

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