forty - one

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mom and dad showed up shorty. after a few hours the doctor came into the waiting room calling for grandmas family. we greeted her "hello, i'm Dr.Green Maria isn't doing that well," i feel my heart crack "after two hours into surgery, she was stable enough to get transferred to a ICU room. the only problem is that her organ's are slowly giving up, she is awake, but not for long. i'd say Maria has two hours until she passes." i bit my lip keeping the tears away.

"you can vist her now, only one at a time for a bit so she isn't overwhelmed" we all nod our heads "go Alyssa, i'm sure grandma wants to see you" "okay, thank you" i say following the doctor. "you know, your grandma, once she woke up she kept saying 'alyssa' over and over" i smiled a bit "did she really?" he nodded and i stood infront of a clear door.

"hey grandma" i tapped her shoulder lightly, her eyes flickered open slowly "hi sweetie" her voice low but gentle. i sat on the edge of her bed and held her hand "i love you grandma, so much" i say as a lump in my throat forms. "i love you too Alyssa" her smile could brighten up any dark day, and that's just what she did. "Alyssa, do me a little favor" "anything" she licked her dry lips and spoke "in my room, go to my dresser and open my jewelry box, under all my jewelry theres two letters. one is for you and the other is for your mother. keep them and remember me".

i waa shocked at what grandma just said 'remember me' kept playing over and over. "yes, the doctor's explained everything. i know a only have a few hours" she says sighing. i can't believe this is happening. my grandma, the only best friend i have, is dying in front of my eyes and i can't do anything to help. "i-i wish there was something i could do to help" tears start coming to my eyes.

"just know that me and grandpa will always watch over you" her eyes glossy "i love you honey" "i love you more grandma". there's a knock on the door, then mom and dad walk in, "how my beautiful mother?"


im soooorry for the slow update, i had a mini writers block & school sooo yeah.

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