thirty - five

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i would just skip school today, but i've already missed a lot of days. im glad this school year is coming to an end. it's march now. so i have until June, wow that is not far away.

i slowly make my way to my bathroom and get ready for the day. after i quickly shower and change into blue jeans, a light baby pink shirt, with my brown and pink sperry shoes. i grab my school purse for my books, my phone and keys.

i make my way downstairs and to my car. as i'm about to bring the car to life, i hear my stomach growl. i forgot to eat, i guess i'll pick up some food. then i'm on my way to Mcdonals and to school.

school goes by slowly, but finally it's lunch. as i go to sit down at a table by myself, i see the projector out and its about to start. 'what's going on?' then i see that girl that sammy was kissing trying to get everyone's attention.

"PEOPLE PLEASE LOOK UP AT THE SCREEN!" she finally says getting our attention. "so as you all know that our heartbreaker Samuel had a 'thing' with a nobody girl Alyssa Green" she put quotation marks around thing.

then the screen starts going. it started showing when after she ran away. that little bîtch! then it went black, then it came back on. it started showing that they spied on me when i was in my room cutting. i stood up and left the cafeteria.

i run up to the roof top, and i hid at my little place again. but this time i put a piece of wood where the handle is, making sure no one could come after me. 'i hate them. i hate them. i hate them! how could sammy do this to me?!'

i hated crying, but it was my only choice. this is way to much going on all at once.


wtf just happened??


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